The IBPS PO Prelims exam is falling on December 4 & 11, 2021. With only 3 days left for the Exam, we have brought for you some proven last-minute revision tips used by toppers to beat the reasoning section. You need to keep in mind that the last-minute preparation means you should only focus on revision. The IBPS RRB PO Prelims exam consists of 2 sections, Reasoning, and Quantitative Aptitude.
By now, you may well be aware of the fact that you can become an IBPS PO after clearing the three stages of the IBPS PO Exam 2021. These three stages are:
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But before heading towards those last-minute revision tips, let’s revisit the IBPS PO 2021 exam pattern and important topics for Quick Revision:
The IBPS PO Prelims exam tests a candidate with 100 questions of Objective type (MCQ). In the second stage, you will have to face Objective questions (MCQ) of 200 + 25 marls of Objective (MCQ) nature, except for the English Descriptive Paper. The last stage, the interview, will test you with Verbal questions of 100 Marks.
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The prelims exam of IBPS PO consists of a total of 100 questions with a time duration of 60 minutes.
This round of IBPS PO exams is only qualifying in nature.
S. No. | Name of Test | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
1 | English Language | 30 | 30 | 20 minutes |
2 | Quantitative Aptitude | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
3 | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
Total | 100 | 100 | 60 minutes |
Note: As per the official IBPS website, Candidates have to qualify in each of the three tests by securing minimum cut-off marks to be decided by IBPS. An adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by IBPS depending upon requirements will be shortlisted for Online Main Examination.
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IBPS PO Mains exam also entertains Multiple Choice type questions with a slightly higher difficulty level. The Number of questions and the duration of the exam is higher as compared to the Prelims Exam. In addition, there is also a negative marking of 0.25 in the IBPS PO main exam for every incorrect answer you will give. Take a look at the table given below to know the No. of Questions asked and the time duration allowed to answer each section of the IBPS PO Mains Exam.
S. No. | Section Name | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Duration |
1 | Reasoning & Computer Aptitude | 45 | 60 | 60 minutes |
2 | English Language | 35 | 40 | 40 minutes |
3 | Data Analysis & Interpretation | 35 | 60 | 45 minutes |
4 | General Economy & Banking Awareness | 40 | 40 | 35 minutes |
Total | 155 | 200 | 3 Hours | |
5 | English Language (Letter Writing & Essay) | 2 | 25 | 30 minutes |
Note: As per the official IBPS website, IBPS reserves the right to modify the structure of the examination which will be intimated through its authorized website. Other detailed information regarding the examination will be given in an Information Handout, which will be made available for the candidates to download along with the call letters from the authorized IBPS website.
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Here are a few last-minute IBPS PO preparation tips to maximize your Marks in the Reasoning section:
The reasoning section will comprise 35 questions. Don’t try to exhaust yourself with new topics. Revise all important topics and the ones you have already prepared.
It is essential to revise all the formulas and tricks to apply them by solving different types of questions. Revising formulas will help you keep them in mind.
This is the most important factor in getting good marks. To improve accuracy, you need to solve previous years’ question papers and mock tests.
The trick to attempt the maximum number of questions in the reasoning section in minimum time is to attempt the difficult puzzles in the end.
Attempt IBPS PO Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam!
Practice more and more puzzles because the weightage of puzzles is more. Almost every time a puzzle and sitting arrangement comes with 4-5 questions and there are four sets. About 50-60 percent of the paper comprises questions on puzzle and sitting arrangement.
Puzzle, sitting arrangement, coding-decoding, Inequality, syllogism, and alphanumeric symbol series.
Speed, accuracy, and knowledge are needed in clearing any banking exam. Hence, It is important to improve your speed if you want to attempt the maximum number of questions in the actual exam.
Analyze your performance through PracticeMock’s exam like Mock Test to identify your weakness. After analyzing yourself, work on it and make possible improvements. Mock Tests help you to clear the concepts and improve your skills. Revise all the important Reasoning topics.
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Reasoning Ability Section invites 35 questions in the IBPS PO prelims carrying 35 marks. Focus more on the topics given below:
You can expect 2-3 sets of puzzles and seating arrangements or 10-15 questions. Practice questions like:
Apart from floor puzzles, try to cover tabulation and box-based puzzles as well.
Attempt IBPS PO Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam!
You can expect 4-5 questions from this part. Practice different types of questions and new pattern-based syllogism problems as well.
Attempt IBPS PO Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam!
Expect 5-10 questions from Blood Relations and Direction. These topics are very easy to cover and scoring.
Attempt IBPS PO Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam!
You can expect complex questions of Input-output. Don’t forget that in the new pattern of questions, there is some coding-decoding also involved in Input-output questions now.
Attempt IBPS PO Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam!
You can expect 5 questions from the data sufficiency part. Data sufficiency is the amalgamation or combination of all the reasoning topics. It is essential to know all the concepts of each topic properly to answer Data Sufficiency questions. This includes questions from blood relation, direction, ranking, coding-decoding, etc.
Attempt IBPS PO Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam!
We recommend you to attempt at least 3-4 Best IBPS PO Prelims Mock Tests two days before the exam if you really want to clear this year’s IBPS PO Prelims exam 2021. PracticeMock’s Mock Tests cover all the topics from the syllabus, including all the important topics and this helps you in understanding the exact exam pattern and the patterns of questions that the actual exams will test you with. Therefore, you must prepare yourself in a way that you can answer all sorts of questions of every level that the actual exam will entertain. Mock Tests have been the best tools to help candidates to clear the exam on the very first attempt.
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