IBPS Clerk Revision Plan 2024
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IBPS Clerk Exam 2024: The IBPS Clerk Prelims exam 2024 will be conducted on 24th, 25th, and 31st August 2024, while IBPS Clerk Mains exam 2024 will be held on 13th October 2024. As the exams are around the corner, candidates require good time management and an effective study plan to revise the entire IBPS Clerk 2024 syllabus. In this blog, we’ll present you an effective revision plan coupled with best revision tips to ensure that you go through and revise all the important areas of coverage and improve on your performance in the upcoming exam.


IBPS Clerk Revision Plan 2024

 With the help of suitable planning, you can be assured to cover the entire syllabus of IBPS Clerk 2024 exam with ease. This plan assists you to organize your time properly as per your strengths and areas of difficulty. By following this plan, candidates fearing the exam can surely get rid of exam phobia, use more time for practice related to weak areas and develop confidence. The following 18-day revision plan is designed to balance the revision of all three sections like English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Quantitative aptitude. In addition, the revision is complimented with practice through latest IBPS Clerk 2024 mock tests.

English LanguageReasoning AbilityQuantitative AptitudeAdditional Task
Reading ComprehensionLogical ReasoningProfit, Loss, and DiscountsMock Test 1
Tenses RulesAlphanumeric SeriesQuadratic EquationsRevise August 6 topics
Cloze Test (Fill in the Blanks)Alphabetic SeriesApproximation and SimplificationMock Test 2
Jumbled ParagraphsRankingMixtures and AllegationsRevise August 7 topics
Idioms and PhrasesData Sufficiency TestsSimple and Compound InterestMock Test 3
Multiple MeaningCoded InequalitiesSurds and IndicesRevise August 8 topics
Error Spotting and CorrectionDirection TestWork and TimeMock Test 4
Reading ComprehensionSeating ArrangementsSpeed, Time, and DistanceRevise August 9 topics
Preposition RulesPuzzlesMensuration: Cone, Sphere, CylinderMock Test 5
Reading ComprehensionTabulationData InterpretationRevise August 10 topics
Tenses RulesSyllogismRatio, Proportion, and PercentageMock Test 6
Cloze Test (Fill in the Blanks)Input/OutputNumber SystemsRevise August 11 topics
Jumbled ParagraphsCoding and DecodingSequences and SeriesMock Test 7
Idioms and PhrasesBlood RelationsPermutation, Combination, and ProbabilityRevise August 12 topics
Multiple MeaningLogical ReasoningProfit, Loss, and DiscountsMock Test 8
Error Spotting and CorrectionAlphanumeric SeriesQuadratic EquationsRevise August 13 topics
Reading ComprehensionAlphabetic SeriesApproximation and SimplificationMock Test 9
Preposition RulesRankingMixtures and AllegationsFinal Revision

5 Best Revision Tips to Speed Up Revision

The time is to refresh the knowledge and prepare for the IBPS Clerk exams, so it is crucial to know how to do it to maximize the use of the time. Let’s go through five simple yet effective strategies to revise briskly and comprehensively all significant topics and increase your confidence in the exams.

1.     Prioritize Weak Areas First

Develop a plan of how to approach the revision process. Give priority to the topics you are weak in during the first phase of revision. In this way, you will be able invest more time in mastering tough topics before beginning with ones you enjoy. This strategy will make your performance go up where it is required most. Thus, it will ensure that you are ready to tackle different topics.

2. Use Active Learning Techniques

Use different study techniques which include summarizing the content, using flashcards or trying to what you have learned to somebody else. It is much more effective to actively engage in learning by revising the topics properly rather than just going through them. In other words, include an outline of a topic in your own words. Make full use of diagrams, such as mind maps, to depict how concepts relate to one another. This will make learning easy and effective while doing revision.

 3. Incorporate the use of IBPS Clerk 2024 Mock Tests and Timed quizzes

Another advantage of the IBPS Clerk 2024 mock tests is that it helps the students to simulate the actual examination conditions. For instance, by taking some of the mock tests under time pressure. It also points to areas that require further attention. After every mock test, review your performance very carefully. Focus on some areas that might need more attention. Hence, taking them to the next revision sessions.

 4. Review and Revise Regularly

It is important to revise each topic for a short period within a day or in a few days at most. Spaced repetition is also useful to refresh memory. It will also ensure that you remember what you have learned for a longer time. For instance, you should review the topics learned yesterday and then proceed to the next day. In short, it will make sure the material being learned is often revised from previous lessons.

5. Break Down Revision Sessions

Divide revision sessions into smaller and focused intervals with short breaks in between. For example, use the famous and effective Pomodoro Technique. For example, 25 minutes of revision should be followed by 5 minutes of rest. It will also help you focus and avoid getting stressed and drained by the end of the day or week. This way, you will be able to take a break and be refreshed. As an effect, you will come back to the revision sessions much more focused.


It is necessary to develop a sound revision plan for the proper revision for the IBPS Clerk 2024 exam. Devote more time to the weaker topics, employ active learning strategies, take IBPS Clerk 2024 mock tests, and revisit the material often before the exam. Divide study sessions into manageable segments. If you follow this revision plan rigorously you will be confident to face the exam and have adequate practice to handle all type of questions.

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IBPS Clerk Revision Plan 2024 FAQs

When is the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2024 scheduled?

The IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2024 is scheduled for 24th, 25th, and 31st August 2024.

Why is having a revision plan important for the IBPS Clerk Exam?

A revision plan ensures you cover the entire syllabus, focus on weak areas, and manage your time effectively.

What are the three main sections of the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam?

The three main sections are English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Quantitative Aptitude.

How can IBPS Clerk mock tests help in IBPS Clerk exam preparation?

Mock tests simulate exam conditions, highlight areas needing improvement, and build exam-taking stamina.

What is the benefit of using active learning techniques during revision?

Active learning techniques improve understanding and retention of material by engaging with the content more deeply.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleep lover, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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