IBPS Clerk Reasoning Attempt Strategy
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IBPS Clerk Reasoning Attempt Strategy: The reasoning section is going to be a major decider for any individual to make it through the high cut-offs of IBPS Clerk Prelims. It is going to be the most scoring section and you will ideally need 30+ to make it through.


IBPS Clerk Reasoning Attempt Strategy

You will have to score 30 or 30+ in Reasoning

The reasoning section is where you can score high if compared with quant. For most people reasoning is easy if compared with quants. But this doesn’t mean you have to neglect quants but the reasoning is where you should make your attempts at first so that you can assure maximum marks in at least one of the three sections. And the ones who are good at quants can take dual advantage by maximizing their attempts with accuracy.

Accuracy vs Negative Marking vs Speed 

Other than this you also have the challenge of managing the speed. Attempting 35 questions in mere 20 minutes is something that needs to be mastered with accuracy. Well, there is nothing much you can do about it. But you can do it all by regular practice and daily mocks. You can give mini mocks for the reasoning section. Such methodologies help immensely in doing justice with both speed and accuracy.  

Take Regular Mock Tests 

All your worries about the reasoning section can be really overturned by taking regular mock exams. Be it speed, accuracy, or any other issue it can be resolved by being consistent with mock exams. PracticeMock’s IBPS Clerk mock test series offers sectional mocks as well as helps aspirants in individual sectional preparations.


The reasoning section can be a high-scoring affair only if you want it to be. You can’t score 30+ by ducking questions. It’s a negative approach that will only serve you poorly.  

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