IBPS Clerk Revision
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IBPS Clerk is very close to you only 5 days are left, and still aspirants do not have the revision strategy for their completed preparation. Revision is the most important part of your preparation, it helps memorize all topics and questions known as shortcut preparation. so we are providing you best section-wise revision for IBPS Clerk, + don’t miss the Mock test and previous year’s question papers ( This revision follow by toppers as well) Firstly have a short look at the exam pattern

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IBPS Clerk Exam pattern 2022

SectionsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksTime Duration
English Language303020 minutes
Numerical Ability353520 minutes
Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes/ 1 hour

IBPS Clerk Section-wise Revision

Revision for the English Language

Important Topics For the English Language
Vocabulary & Basic English grammar
Spotting errors
Cloze test
Fill in the gaps

As you study for the English Language portion of the IBPS Clerk Prelims test or any other bank exam, keep the following points in mind.

  • To learn new words, you should regularly read newspapers and magazines. Additionally, it will help you read faster.
  • You ought to understand the fundamental grammatical principles.
  • To gain an in-depth understanding, you should solve practice questions on a daily basis.

Revision For Numerical Ability

It is the IBPS Clerk Preliminary exam’s most challenging portion. It incorporates the use of numerous formulas. However, regular practice will help you do better in the portions.

  • You should keep in mind the formulas for each subject.
  • To master the formulas, you must regularly practice them.
  • To solve difficulties, you should master as many shortcuts and tricks as you can.
  • You should periodically review the formulas and attempt to answer as many questions as you can from challenging subjects.
Important Topics For the Numerical Ability
Simplification & Percentage
Ratio and proportion
Simple and compound interest
Profit and loss
Time, speed, and distance\
Time and work
Number series
Number system
Data interpretation

Revision For Reasoning Ability

You can easily score high in this section if you have understood the logic behind every topic and practiced.

  • Each topic’s underlying theory should be understood.
  • Every day, you must respond to 20 questions on any three subjects.
Important Topics For the Reasoning Ability
Syllogisms & Blood relations
Linear and circular seating arrangements
Coded and mathematical inequalities
Distance and directions

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You will be able to pass the IBPS Clerk Preliminary exam with a strong performance if you prepare by keeping in mind the above factors. Only one hour is given to you to answer 100 questions. So, if you’re trying to find an answer, concentrate on time management.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

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