IBPS Clerk Prelims Preparation Strategy
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IBPS Clerk Prelims Preparation Strategy: The IBPS clerk exam would have been possibly over by now but due to the Finance Ministry’s intervention regarding the non-inclusion of reginal languages for writing exams has led to a long delay. But now that the fresh notification is expected it’s better to get on track with the preparation for prelims phase.  

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IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern  

Sections  No. of Questions  Maximum Marks  Duration (in minutes)  
English Language  30  30  20  
Numerical Ability  35  35  20  
Reasoning Ability  35  35  20  
Total  100  100  60 

IBPS Clerk Syllabus 2021  

English Language  Reasoning Ability  Numerical Ability  
Reading Comprehension Tenses Rules Cloze Test (Fill in the Blanks) Jumbled Paragraphs Idioms and Phrases Multiple Meaning Error Spotting Correction Reading Comprehension Preposition Rules  Logical Reasoning Alphanumeric Series Alphabetic Series Ranking Data Sufficiency Tests Coded Inequalities Direction Test Seating Arrangements Puzzles Tabulation Syllogism Input/Output Coding and Decoding Blood Relations  Profit, Loss and Discounts Quadratic Equations Approximation and Simplification Mixtures and Alligations Simple and Compound Interest Surds and Indices Work and Time & Speed, Time and Distance Mensuration: Cone, Sphere, Cylinder Data Interpretation Ratio, Proportion and Percentage Number Systems Sequences and Series Permutation, Combination and Probability 

Now, if you look closely at the syllabus and exam pattern it tells you that it’s a conventional banking exam structure for clerk exams. The good thing is most of you have experienced the SBI clerk prelims, RRB clerk prelims already this year. Some have even appeared for IDBI exams. Such an exposure must have kept you in touch with the syllabus and with the mindset of rigorous preparation.  

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IBPS Clerk Prelims Preparation Strategy 

This strategy plain is based on the assumption that you have already appeared for clerk exams which happened in the last 2-3 months.  

Try to fill the gaps present in the syllabus based on your prep for recent exams 

Many of you appeared recently for the same examination but the only difference is the examiner. You are well aware than anybody how well you must have performed in these recent exams. Now, that another is coming you should eb ready with your preparation strategy. You know which areas are to be focused on and the ones you are comfortable with. The ball is in your court, all you have to do is to pull the trigger of your preparation.  

Focus more on Mock Test Series if you are somebody who has already covered the syllabus well 

It’s wise to jump onto mock test series if you are someone who is confident about the preparation. You can keep referring to the notes, and books, or classes. But become a cricketer who is habitual to playing shots in the nets. You can always talk to the coach for tips and tricks but keep giving your best shots at the mocks.  

Key benefits of PracticeMock’s Mock Tests 

1. Mock tests give you a real-life and a real-time experience  

2. Research and Evidence-based data suggests Mock Tests Make a Huge Difference  

3. PracticeMock’s Authenticity  

4. PM’s Mocks are very close to the actual exam  

5. You get an all-India rank 

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Cover the problematic topics which you weren’t able to master during SBI Clerk or RRB PO, Clerk   

Now, is not the time to procrastinate on the topics which have made you struggle in the past months. If you don’t how to play a short ball then you will have to first get hit on shoulders, and on helmet till the moment you know how to adjust yourself for playing the necessary shot. It’s time you start facing these topics and it’s okay when you feel demoralised while learning the concepts or solving questions. But gradually you will get confident about them and you will see the positive change in your attitude towards these topics.  

Focus on Challenging Questions   

Don’t skip questions which challenge you because these are questions which eventually turn out to be as deciders on the final day.  

IBPS Clerk 2021 Books for Preparation 

Subject  Preferred Books by toppers  
Quantitative Aptitude   Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by RS Agarwal  Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma  Magical Book on Quicker Mathematics by M Tyra    
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude   A Modern Approach to Verbal and non-verbal Reasoning by RS Agarwal.  New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Non-Verbal by BS Sijwali, Indu Sijwali  Analytical Reasoning by MK Pandey    
English Language   High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren & Martin  Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis  
General Banking Awareness  Manorama Year BookLucent General Knowledge 

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Still, have some doubts about what we discussed in this blog? Then, leave your queries in the comment section below. We will surely respond to them. 

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