IBPS Clerk Prelims & Mains 2022-Topic-wise Strategies for Success
Do you want to crack the IBPS Clerk 2022 exam in first attempt? But for that, you’ll have to stay ahead of all the other candidates and score maximum marks by scoring maximum marks in all the sections. Then you must first practice and prepare all the topics of all the sections that make up the IBPS Clerk syllabus. And you must also keep checking your speed and accuracy simultaneously by taking thebest IBPS Clerk 2022 Mock Tests. As simple as that!
This blog will reflect upon the best strategies to clear the upcoming IBPS Clerk Prelims & Mains 2022 exam in first attempt!
The prelims exam has 3 sections with a total of 100 marks. The exam is an objective-based online paper of 1 hour (60 Minutes). Those who qualify for Prelims after clearing the cut-off prescribed by IBPS will be eligible to appear for the Mains exam. The details are given below:
No. of Questions
Marks Allocated
English Language
20 Minutes
Numerical Ability
20 Minutes
Reasoning Ability
20 Minutes
1 Hour
IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Pattern
IBPS Clerk Mains exam will test the aspirants’ skills with a total of 190 questions. They will be given a total of 160 minutes to finish the objective-based online test. The details are given below:
No. of Questions
Marks Allocated
General English
35 Minutes
General/Financial Awareness
35 Minutes
Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude
45 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude
45 Minutes
160 Minutes
Candidates will be penalized with 0.25 marks of the assigned marks For each wrong answer marked.
There will be no allotment of marks for unanswered questions.
Here are the most important tips to follow to clear the upcoming IBPS Clerk 2022 exam with full confidence:
IBPS Clerk Prelims & Mains 2022-English Language Section
The English section consists of vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms, grammar, error-detection, cloze test, para-jumbles, idioms, phrases, reading comprehension, fill-in-the-blanks, sentence reconstruction, etc. To master all these topics, you need to be an avid reader who is always ready to consult the dictionary and note down all the difficult words, especially Newspaper Vocabulary and the Vocabulary which is recommended for IBPS Clerk 2022 exam.
For this section, the students need to develop a habit of reading and writing every day. This helps with vocabulary as well as grammar and syntax.
Go through all the basic grammar rules and practice them in everyday conversation and writing.
Quantitative Aptitude is all about calculations. Therefore, students who are good at numbers and real calculations can make the most of this section.
This Section is the toughest yet very scoring section of the Prelims exam. If you want to maximize your overall score you’ll have to master topics like Ratio and Proportion, Speed and Distance, Average, Time and Work, Data Interpretation, Number Series, Simplification, and Quadratic Equation.
The best strategy is to by heart all the basic theories and formulas, and practice as much as possible.
You need to showcase your logical skills to score maximum marks in this section. This section is easy and scoring too if you have regularly solved previous year’s papers and attempted the latestMock Tests. However, the candidates need to be very analytical in this section.
Input your energies in mastering topics like Coding-Decoding, Puzzles, Syllogism, Seating Arrangement, Ranking and Order, etc. So, you’ll have to practice questions on Reasoning every day and take mock tests to achieve your short-term and long-term aims.
This section is easy and scoring if you’ve covered the last 6 months’ Current Affairs thoroughly. You need to be well aware of all the general, banking, and economic events of the country as well as of the world.
Master banking and insurance-related information and abbreviations.
This section can prove to be the easiest and most scoring for those candidates who have a good knowledge of Computer Hardware and Software.
Prepare topics like Computer Basic, Basic Internet Knowledge and Protocols, Operating System Functions, Network Basics, and MS Office Basics, and learn all the computer shortcuts and abbreviations.
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Important Topics for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Exam
The topics we are about to discuss will help you in understanding the emphasis you should give to different topics from the exam syllabus while preparing or revising the upcoming IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2022. The section-wise important topics will also help you in deciding the order in which you should attempt the questions in the upcoming IBPS Clerk 2022 exam. It is also important to ensure you understand the concepts properly before practicing the topics given below to score maximum marks in the prelims exam.
1. IBPS Clerk 2022-Important topics for the English Language
Important topics for the English Language
S. No.
Important Topics
Reading Comprehension
Cloze Test
Spotting the errors/Sentence Improvement
Parajumbles/Sentence Rearragement
Odd one out
Match the column
Phrase Replacement
Prepare & revise all the important English Language topics via the best IBPS clerk 2022 Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam with ease!
2. IBPS Clerk 2022-Important topics for Reasoning Ability
Important topics for Reasoning Ability
S. No.
Important Topics
Seating Arrangement
Alphanumeric Series/Number Series/Alphabet Series
Direction Sense
Blood Relations
Prepare & revise all the important Reasoning Ability topics via the best IBPS Clerk 2022 Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam with ease!
3. IBPS Clerk 2022-Important topics for Numerical Ability
Important topics for Numerical Ability
S. No.
Important Topics
Number Series
Arithmetic Problems
Quadratic Equation
Data Interpretation
Prepare & revise all the important Numerical Ability topics via the best IBPS Clerk 2022 Mock Tests & clear the upcoming exam with ease!
Hurry up & take the best IBPS Clerk Prelims Mock Tests to the revise upcoming exam with ease & clear it!
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Major benefits of PracticeMock’s IBPS Clerk 2022 Prelims Mock Tests
PracticeMock’s IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Test will:
Test you with questions similar to the actual exam.
Get an accurate and fair evaluation as the Tests are marked automatically.
Give you a quick reality check on how effective your preparation is with instant answer evaluations.
Help you to try and test different strategies in each of theMock Testsyou will take with easy-to-understand Tests analysis after everyIBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Test.
Give you an idea of how fast or slow you are in implementing your approach
Quickly teach you how much time to devote to thinking about a certain question while solving questions.
Help you in knowing quickly whether a particular topic in a particular section is easier or difficult for you.
Help you in easy & quick self-study and self-assessment.
Help you in marking questions in which you have doubts.
Help you in practicing the questions online easily from the comfort of your home at your own convenient time.
👉🏆Hurry up & take the best IBPS Clerk Prelims Mock Tests & Crack the upcoming exam with ease like Poojashree, Sumonjit, Neha, Shubham & Purnima! Just click here & Sign up quickly! Your success is waiting for you!🏆👈
तैयारी हो पूरी न की अधूरी ! जल्दी क्लिक करो , FREE का Mock Test लो और घमासान तय्यारी शुरू करो !
FAQs- IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022
Q 1. Is the IBPS Clerk syllabus tough?
Ans. The IBPS Clerk syllabus is comprehensive and if a candidate is well aware of the topics included in the syllabus and the latest exam pattern, they may not consider the syllabus to be tough.
Q 2. Where can I find the direct link to the best IBPS Clerk Mock Tests?
Ans. PracticeMock’s well-researched IBPS clerk Mock Tests will help you to quickly Prepare & revise all the important Numerical Ability topics via the best & clear the upcoming exam with ease!
Asad Yar Khan
Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.