IBPS Clerk 50 Days Study Plan
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The IBPS Clerk 2023 recruitment notification is now released featuring  4,545 vacancies this year of the Clerical cadre. The online registration is currently going on and the lasrt day for online registration is 21st July, 2023, thus those who are seriously wanting to clear the exam must start their exam preparation right away with a free mock test. In this article we are here to guide the aspirants with the IBPS Clerk Prelims most effective 50 day study plan. This IBPS Clerk 2023 study plan will help you guide in a better way as what your preparation strategy should be. Before moving ahead let’s first catch a glimpse of the IBPS Clerk important dates and other not to be missed details related to the exam.

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IBPS Clerk Prelims Free Mock Test 2023

IBPS Clerk 2023 Important Dates

On-line registration including Edit/Modification of
Application by candidates
01.07.2023 to 21.07.2023
Payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges
01.07.2023 to 21.07.2023
Download of call letters for Pre- Exam TraininglAugust 2023
Conduct of Pre-Exam Training lAugust 2023
Download of call letters for Online examination –
August 2023
OnlineExaminationPreliminaryAugust/ September 2023
Result of Online exam – PreliminarySeptember/ October 2023
Download of Call letter for Online exam – MainSeptember/ October 2023
OnlineExaminationMainOctober 2023
Provisional AllotmentApril 2024

IBPS Clerk 2023 Hand Written Declaration

Here, we are sharing the IBPS Clerk 2023 Handwritten Declaration format so that you don’t miss this part. It is mandatory to upload the hand-written declaration in the prescribed format as mentioned above. The candidates have to write the following declaration on their own, scan it and upload it along with the IBPS Clerk Online Application.

“I, (Name of the candidate), hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true, and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required.”

IBPS Clerk Prelims Free Mock Test 2023

IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023 Exam Pattern 

Sr. No. Name of Test No. of Questions Maximum marks Time allotted for each test 
English Language 30 30 20 minutes 
Numerical Ability 35 35 20 minutes 
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes 
  Total 100 100 60 minutes 

As candidates must be knowing that the IBPS Clerk Prelims examination will be held sometime in the month of August/September 2023. So, here is the study plan to be followed for better preparation of the IBPS Clerk Prelims exam.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Most Effective 50 Day Study Plan

DaysTask 1 Task 2Task 3
IBPS Clerk Prelims free mock test + Mock Test AnalysisSingle FillersData Interpretation
2Coding DecodingArithmeticSeries
3English Prelims 01 Sectional TestInequalitiesSimplification
4Phrase rearrangement, Idioms & PhrasesQuadratic EquationIBPS Clerk Prelims 01  mock test + Mock Test Analysis
5Puzzles & Seating ArrangementSentence ImprovementMissing Series
6Quant Prelims 01 Sectional TestFiller, Word UsageDirection Sense
7Reading ComprehensionReasoning (Prelims) 01 Sectional Test Approximation
8Blood RelationColumn basedSyllogism
9ArithmeticOrder Ranking & Alphabet/Number based questionsReading Comprehension
10IBPS Clerk Prelims 02  mock test + Mock Test Analysiscoding-decodingerror correction
11Reasoning (Prelims) 02 Sectional Test Quant Prelims 02 Sectional TestPuzzles & Seating Arrangement
12Speed Distance and Time Machine Input-Output Data Interpretation 
13Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series Inequalities IBPS Clerk Prelims 03  mock test + Mock Test Analysis
14English Prelims 02 Sectional TestFill in the blanks Paragraph Based Questions 
15Vocabulary based questions Partnership Data Sufficiency 
16Problems on Boats and Streams & HCF and LCM IBPS Clerk Prelims 04  mock test + Mock Test AnalysisSyllogism
17Pipes and Cisterns Logical Reasoning/ Input-OutputQuant Prelims 03 Sectional Test
18English Prelims 03 Sectional TestQuant Prelims 03 Sectional TestReasoning (Prelims) 03 Sectional Test 
19Cloze TestMathematical InequalitiesMensuration 
20Fill in the BlanksPara JumblesPercentage
21IBPS Clerk Prelims 05 mock test + Mock Test AnalysisAlgebraOrder & Ranking
22Linear Seating ArrangementVerbal AbilityTime, Speed & Distance
23Permutation & CombinationSynonyms & AntonymsClassification
24English Prelims 04 Sectional TestQuant Prelims 04 Sectional TestReasoning (Prelims) 04 Sectional Test 
25Mixture ProblemsData InterpretationIBPS Clerk Prelims 06 mock test + Mock Test Analysis
26Revise Day 2 TopicsRevise Day 2 TopicsRevise Day 2 Topics
27InequalitiesSeating ArrangementsRevise Day 3 Topics
28English Prelims 05 Sectional TestQuant Prelims 05 Sectional TestReasoning (Prelims) 05 Sectional Test 
29Probability, Permutation and CombinationFill in the blanksParagraph Based Questions
30Revise Day 4 TopicsRevise Day 5 TopicsIBPS Clerk Prelims 07 mock test + Mock Test Analysis
31IBPS Clerk Prelims 08 mock test + Mock Test AnalysisPractice Reasoning Sectional TestsPractice Quant Sectional Tests
32Blood RelationsSimplificationDirection & Distance
33Practice English Sectional TestsCloze TestRevise Day 10 topics
34Alpha-Numeric Symbol SeriesParagraph Based QuestionsFill in the blanks
35MensurationNumber SeriesIBPS Clerk Prelims 09 mock test + Mock Test Analysis
36IBPS Clerk Prelims 10 mock test + Mock Test AnalysisRevise Day 15 topicsRevise Day 15 topics
37Reading ComprehensionSentence ErrorsInappropriate Usage
38Idioms & PhrasesPartnershipData Sufficiency
39Revise Day 20 topicsIBPS Clerk Prelims 11 mock test + Mock Test AnalysisProblems on Boats and Streams
40Practice Reasoning Sectional TestsPractice English Sectional TestsIBPS Clerk Prelims 12 mock test + Mock Test Analysis
41Revise Day 22 topicsSI & CIMixture and Alligation
42IBPS Clerk Prelims 13 mock test + Mock Test AnalysisOrder and RankingLogical Reasoning/ Input-Output
43Practice English Sectional TestsPractice Quant Sectional TestsIBPS Clerk Prelims 14 mock test + Mock Test Analysis
44InequalitiesSeating ArrangementsRevise Day 29 Topics
45Pipes and Cisterns Logical Reasoning/ Input-OutputIBPS Clerk Prelims 15 mock test + Mock Test Analysis
46IBPS Clerk Prelims 16 mock test + Mock Test AnalysisProblem on AgesPipes & Cisterns
47Coding-Decoding Sentence ImprovementRevise Day 37 Topics
48Practice Reasoning Sectional TestsPractice Quant Sectional TestsIBPS Clerk Prelims 17 mock test + Mock Test Analysis
49Cloze TestRevise Day 41 TopicsPractice Sectional Tests
50IBPS Clerk Prelims 18 mock test + Mock Test AnalysisPractice Quant Sectional TestsPractice English Sectional Tests

This brings us to the end of the article. Follow this most effective 50 day study plan and ace the IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023 exam in the first attempt.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

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