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IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023 Exam Attempt Strategy

IBPS Clerk Prelims examination is scheduled in the month of August this year on 26th August 2023. Aspirants those who have been preparing for the examination must already know the important topics to cover, however, here we have IBPS Clerk Prelims Expected Exam Topics for the candidates to check out . Its time that a candidate should start creating a revision plan for whatever they have studied till now for this upcoming exam. Despite of how well you have prepared for the exam the major concern of any aspirant is always time management. It is quite a crucial aspect that can’t be ignored. So, we are here with IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023 exam attempt strategy.

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As the candidates must be knowing that the total time duration of the IBPS Clerk Prelims examination is 60 minutes. The duration of all three sections is 20 minutes each thus, one needs to learn how to utilize these 20 minutes well in order to score well in the examination. In this article we are focusing on the IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023 exam attempt strategy and how to best utilize 20 minutes which you have for each section, however for this first we will have to know the IBPS Clerk Prelims exam pattern well.

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IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023 Exam Pattern

S. No.Name of TestsNo. of QuestionsMax MarksTime allotted for each test (separately timed)
1English Language303020 mins
2Numerical Ability353520 mins
3Reasoning Ability353520 mins
Total10010060 mins

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IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023 Exam Attempt Strategy

Time Management & What to Attempt First in IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023

Time management is extremely important as the candidate has to complete all three sections In a time duration of 60 minutes. Usually in such exams candidates take lot of time reading and then answering questions. This can turn out to be a reason for not performing well, however if the exam will be attempted in hurry then there are chances to they candidates will loose marks due to negative marking. Lets discuss what and how to preform in the upcoming IBPS Clerk Prelims exam.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Attempt Strategy – What to Attempt First?

The best way to do this is by prioritizing the questions in a such a way that a candidate will be able to perform first all those questions which are easier and can be solved within no time. This prioritization can be done best by the candidates those who have practiced ample number of mock tests. By time and again practicing mock tests you get a fair idea as how to attempt the actual exam.

English Language Section

As far as English section is concerned aspirants must attempt topics like cloze test, para jumbles and fill in the blanks first as these can be attempted quickly and are not time consuming. Reading comprehension is the one that takes little extra time, however this is to be attempted later along with other topics such as spotting error etc.

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Reasoning Ability Section

This is section is quite time consuming, however if prepared well it is very easy to perform well in this. Topics like blood relations and coding decoding can be solved easily if practiced well. Thus, it is important to take as many mock tests as possible before the exam so that you get hands on these topics and can solve in no time in the actual exam. Topics like seating arrangement are little time consuming so, try to solve these later.

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Quantitative Aptitude Section

This section too needs lot of practice. Pick and choose topics that can be solved easily first and then move onto the difficult ones. It is all about remembering formulas an shortcuts as this will increase your speed in performing calculations.

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What all to Leave?

It is not possible for a candidate to answer all the questions in the exam, however choosing the right one and attempting those with full accuracy is what matters. There will be questions which a candidate may have to leave un-attempted may be because of lack of time or knowledge.

Mentioned below are few situations in which a candidate should leave a particular question in order to save time and avoid negative marking:

  • Questions over which you are not 100% sure. Attempting dicey questions will make you fetch negative marks thus, affecting your overall score in the IBPS Clerk Prelims examination. Thus, it is advisable to leave that question which you are not sure of and save marks.
  • There will be time consuming questions as well in the exam, however if a candidate is not able to get the answer of a question then sitting on it for long will not help. Rather, you will end up loosing time.

Keeping the above situations in mind an aspirant sitting for the actual exam must decide as what all questions to attempt and what to leave.

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Importance of Time Management in IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam

Time management is surely important and it is a factor that one should never ignore especially when it comes to banking exams. Let’s discuss few points that will help a candidate to realize its importance.

  • This surely prevents negative marking. Spending time on a question which you are not sure of will not do any good to you, rather you are loosing on your time. Here time management comes into picture. One must leave that question and move onto the next one and try to attempt questions which you are sure of.
  • The very basic parameter of time management is that you must know about your strong and weak areas and you should be good at question selection.
  • Short tricks are important to know in order to solve a lengthy question.
  • Last but not the least time management gets proper when a candidate develops a proper combination of speed and accuracy as these both are important to score well and clear any major banking exam like IBPS Clerk.

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IBPS Clerk Prelims Last Minute Tips

  • Start revising all important topics
  • Don’t start any fresh topic now & practice what all you have done till now
  • Practice as many mock tests as possible within the timeframe and try to divide your time wisely
  • Stay calm and confident. Panicking at this stage won’t help, rather keep your calm and maintain your cool

This is all from us for attempt strategy for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023. Stay calm and do well in the exam tomorrow.

Cheena Sawhney

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