IBPS Clerk Prelims Do's & Don'ts
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IBPS Clerk prelims examination is about to begin in 2 days from today and by now we believe that all the candidates have completed their preparation and must be doing revision. As far as some last minute advice here we have come up with IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023 Dos and Don’ts. Follow this as kind of a last minute suggestion from PracticeMock as this may help you while you are going to face the actual exam in sometime now. First let’s begin by taking a sneak peak into the IBPS Clerk prelims exam pattern.


IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern

SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
English Language303020 Minutes
Numerical Ability353520 Minutes
Reasoning Ability353520 Minutes
Total10010060 Minutes

IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023 Free Mock Test

IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023 Dos

  • Be thorough with the revision of imprtant concepts. Since 2 days are still left for the examination, practice as many mock tests as possible. This way you will be able to know your weak areas and thus, you can still manage to work upon them.
  • Try & use shorcut tricks to solve quant questions as this section requires calculations, so devise some strategies or shorcuts to answer the questions correctly in less time. Revise the roots of square and cube roots, and use mental calculations.
  • Despite lot of study materials available online, try to keep your study resources as minimum as possible, else there will lot of chances of confusion. PracticeMock provides lot of preparation resources which includes free mock test, topic tests, quizzes and free PDFs which you can use for preparation, eBooks, and mock exams. Make a study plan and a daily timetable, then follow them.
  • While you are in the examination room, skip the question which you think is taking too much time. At the end of you have time in hand then you can come back to those questions.
  • Try not to freak out by looking at a challenging question, rather stay calm and try to recall that concept as questions will revolve around concepts only which you must have studied before.
  • Keep your stress levels low. Poor sleep and eating during the preparation time may affect your overall health & thus, you would not be able to concentrate.

IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023 Don’ts

  • Not doing any revision before the actual exam is one of the biggest mistake that any aspirant can make. Avoid this, by revising all important topics thoroughly.
  • Spend some extra time studying the subjects in which you lack confidence.
  • Avaoid starting any new/fresh topic now, instead spend time on practicing already studied concepts.
  • Don’t stop practicing mocks. Practice as many mocks as possible so that you can stregthen your weak areas and improve upon your efficiency and accuracy.
  • Avoid wasting time on doing the question of you are not able to do it. Leave it for that while and move onto the next one. Later, when you have time come back and try doing that one which you have left.
  • Avoid guessing any answer as guess work will fetch you negative marking

3 Days Quick Revision Plan

DayReasoning SectionQuantitative AptitudeEnglishMock Tests + Analysis
Day 1Order & Ranking, Direction & Distance, Verbal/Logical Reasoning, Circular Seating arrangement
Simplification, Calculation Tricks, Partnerships Age-Related Questions, Mixture & Alligation, Profit & Loss, Rank of Alphabets Syllogism
Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Fill in the Blanks, Error SpottingTake IBPS Clerk Prelims Mock test 1 + Analysis
Day 2The rank of Alphabets, Inequality, Basics of Input Output, Syllogism, Basics of Input Output, Puzzles, Simple Interest, Compound InterestAlgebra, Data Sufficiency, Ration & Proportion, Missing DIFill in the Blanks, Error Spotting, Para Jumbles, Odd one Out, Fillers, Odd one out, Irrelevant Statements, Vocabulary, Fill in the BlanksTake IBPS Clerk Prelims Mock test 2 + Analysis
Day 3Coding-Decoding, Blood Relation, Alphanumeric Series, Data Sufficiency, SyllogismSimple Interest, Number Series, Basics of Time & Work Pipes & Cisterns, Compound Interest, Quadratic EquationsSentence Improvement, Sentence Connectors,Take IBPS Clerk Prelims Mock test 3 + Analysis

These are some of the IBPS Clerk Prelims 2023 Dos and Don’ts which all aspirants must follow.

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