IBPS Clerk 2021-Perfect Exam Strategy
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Dear candidates! IBPS Clerk Prelims 2021 exams are just 2 days away? Are you terrified or confident of cracking it this time? Or do you want to crack it on the very first attempt? Well then, what strategy should be followed to crack it?

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To clear IBPS Clerk 2021 exam, it is very important to go in the exam with a perfect exam strategy. And that is only possible with a foolproof IBPS Clerk Prelims strategy and check it via the best IBPS Clerk Mock Tests before the actual exam greets you.

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In this article, we will share with you a perfect exam strategy and the most important tips to help you boost your performance in the exam.

But before jumping straightway to the strategy you need to understand the exam pattern to keep in mind the distribution of Marks amongst different sections.

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IBPS Clerk Prelims 2021 Exam Pattern

The total number of questions asked in this exam is 100 and you will get only 20 minutes to solve each section separately. Try to attempt maximum questions in each section so that you can qualify in all three sections individually and manage to qualify overall cutoff of the IBPS Clerk 2021 exam.

Given below is the exam pattern of prelims:

Name of the SectionNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime Limit
English Language303020 Minutes
Numerical Ability353520 Minutes
Reasoning Ability353520 Minutes
Total10010060 Minutes

Marking Scheme: In the IBPS Clerk Prelims 2021 Exam, 100 MCQs will be asked. Each question will be of 1 mark. There would be a penalty for the wrong answer marked by the candidate. Every wrong answer will deduct 0.25 marks. You have to make a preparation strategy to clear the cut-off for each of the three sections, to crack the exam.

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IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Pattern

In IBPS Clerk 2021 Mains, you will be allotted 35 minutes for General English, 45 minutes to solve (Reasoning and Computer Aptitude), 45 minutes to solve Quantitative section, and 35 minutes for General & Financial awareness section. It implies that you will have sectional timing to complete each section. On another side, 40 questions will be asked in General English, 50 questions from Reasoning & computer, 50 questions from Quantitative and the rest 50 will be coming from General Awareness.

Name of TestsNo. of Qs.Max. MarksTime
General English404035 minutes
Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude506045 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude505045 minutes
General/Financial Awareness505035 minutes
Total190200160 minutes

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Section-wise Exam-time strategy

This year, the candidates will compete for 7800+ IBPS Clerk vacancies. As the number of vacancies has increased this year as compared to last year, the competition can be tough. Last year’s exam analysis shows that the difficulty level of the IBPS Clerk Prelims exam 2021 will be of easy to a moderate level. And the cut-off of the exam might go high as 80 plus. (expected). So, you need to have a quick exam-time strategy for all the sections of the Prelims as well as the Mains exam.

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1.    IBPS Clerk 2021-Exam-time strategy for English language

Most candidates get goosebumps when they think of scoring good marks in the English section, especially those who are from the Hindi medium. This is only because they don’t go in the exam room with a ready-made strategy to counter the English section, as to what questions they should attempt first and which ones to leave for later minutes. But those candidates who go with the right strategy and mindset, make good use of this section by scoring as many marks as they can in the exam. Therefore, you need to keep in mind that the level of Questions in the English section is expected to be easy as always and you can easily attempt 25 plus questions.

Practice questions from each topic via the best IBPS Clerk 2021 Mock Tests as there is still a full one day left for the actual exam so that you should avoid the mistake in case you commit one or two today.

Try to attempt questions on topics in the English section in the order given below:

  • Fill in the Blanks – Level (Easy)
  • Spelling correction – Level (Easy)
  • Cloze test – Level (Moderate)
  • Spotting the Error – Level (Moderate)
  • Sentence Improvement – Level (Moderate)
  • Para-jumbles/sentence rearrangement
  • Reading Comprehension – Level (Easy to Moderate)

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2.    IBPS Clerk 2021-Exam-time strategy for Reasoning

The Reasoning section is one of the most scoring sections in the IBPS Clerk exam. You should attempt all the easy questions first and then the difficult ones. Start with questions that you think are easy, short, and attempt lengthy ones afterward.

You can attempt the Reasoning section in the order given below:

  • Syllogism – Level (Easy)
  • Inequality – Level (Easy)
  • Coding-Decoding – Level (Easy)
  • Circular Seating Arrangement – Level (Moderate)
  • Miscellaneous Questions – Level (Moderate)
  • Linear Arrangement – Level (Moderate)
  •  Puzzle – Level (Moderate)
  • Input-Output – (Moderate)

Note: Questions on Puzzles and seating arrangements often dominate the Reasoning section in this exam. So, you should choose the puzzles and seating arrangements that are comparatively short and of fewer variables. Try to answer questions from other topics first before attempting Puzzle/Seating Arrangement questions to make good use of the given time.

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3.    IBPS Clerk 2021-Exam-time strategy for Numerical Ability or Quantitative Aptitude

Numerical Ability (in Prelims) or Quantitative Aptitude (in Mains) is the trickiest yet one of the most scoring sections in the exam, if you have practiced the topics well and have developed a good exam-strategy via the best IBPS Clerk Mock Tests. Here also, you should avoid attempting questions that are lengthy or involve a lot of calculations. Hence, it is recommended that you should try to attempt the Quants section in the order given below:

  • Data Interpretation: Questions on Data Interpretation are usually scoring, short, and not very time consuming, and thereby should be the first ones to be solved.
  • Number series: Please do not stick to trying to solve number series questions. Skip the questions, if you are unable to find the series.
  • Simplification/Approximation (Easy)
  • Miscellaneous questions: Average, Profit & Loss, Time & Work, etc.
    Quadratic Equation – Moderate 

Note: Attempt those questions which appear easy to you but not serial-wise. To do quick calculations, it is essential to use shortcut tricks to find squares, cubes, square root, cube root, multiplication and make sure to learn & revise, tables up to 25, squares up to 30, cubes up to 25, and Common percentages and their fractional & decimal equivalents.

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4.    IBPS Clerk 2021-Exam-time strategy for General/Financial Awareness for Mains Exam

If you are up to date with Current Affair, GK, Banking & Financial Awareness you will be able to score 30 plus marks in this section easily. So, after appearing in the Prelims exam you should start focusing on the current economy and changes and the Static news of the last 6months. And for that, you will have to cultivate reading habits & update your knowledge of the important news and events on regular basis.

You need to focus on news from the topics mentioned below:

(i) Current Affairs

  • National + International News,
  • Awards
  • Summits & Conferences
  • Schemes
  • Sports News
  • Agreement & Deals, etc.

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(ii) Banking & Financial Awareness:

  • Banking Terminology
  • Recent RBI News on Monetary policies & Important guidelines
  • News on SBI, ICICI, and other banks
  • Committees, etc.

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General Exam-time Strategy for IBPS Clerk 2021 Exam

Here are some very useful general tips you should follow if you want to maximize your overall score well in the upcoming exam:

1.    Leave the questions you do not know to avoid penalty

As we know, the IBPS Clerk Prelims exam is a qualifying exam for candidates to reach the Mains exam. So, you need to clear the cut-off for each of the three sections, to crack the exam. But that doesn’t mean you have to attempt every question, as there is a negative marking for every wrong answer. You can face the penalty of 1/4th or 0.25 marks on wrong answers/attempts. Hence, you should leave a question blank if you do not know the correct answer. Avoid wasting waste time on guesswork.

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2.    Attempt easy questions first

The best way to achieve success in the actual IBPS Clerk Prelims exam is to attempt easy questions first. You can put yourself in a good position if you can attempt maximum easy questions from each section and grab 22 to 27 marks in each section. Each question can be solved at a certain time. Therefore, you must skip all the time-consuming questions and do them later when you are sure that you have attempted as many easy and scoring questions as you could have.

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3.    Take the last 2 Best Mock Tests today to test you TM skills

You can attempt the last Mock Test to test your skills for the final day and inject confidence in you and familiarize yourself with the exam pattern. You need to take care of your Time Management skills, especially in the upcoming Preliminary exam, as the Prelims are the gates to the exam selection process. And once this gate closes you have to wait for the next exam. Hence, try to give the last 2 Mock Tests within a defined time limit.

Hurry up! Take the Best IBPS Clerk 2021 Mock Tests & clear the exam topper’s style!

Attempt the best IBPS Clerk Mock Tests for best results!

The best IBPS Clerk Mock Test is the tool that will test your exam preparation and will show you the way to ultimate success. This can tremendously help you a lot while you’ll be appearing for the actual IBPS Clerk Exam 2021.  Mocks Tests will help you remember the formulas, concepts, and all the above-mentioned tricks, and save you from forgetting topics that you have already learned and mastered. It will inject both speed and accuracy into your old and newly-found skills. You still have enough time left with you to plan and try implementing different simple mathematical strategies in each of your Mock Tests and choose the best one during the actual IBPS Clerk Exam 2021. Giving the best IBPS Clerk Mock Tests a day before the exam will give you an idea of your current speed and how you can implement all the tricks and tips mentioned above in the article in the actual exam to fetch maximum marks. It will also inject confidence in you to face the upcoming IBPS Clerk Prelims exam in the best possible manner.

Hurry up! Take the Best IBPS Clerk 2021 Mock Tests & clear the exam topper’s style!

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IBPS Clerk 2021-Perfect Exam Strategy
Take the Best IBPS Clerk 2021 Mock Tests & clear the exam topper’s style!
IBPS Clerk 2021-Perfect Exam Strategy
Take the Best IBPS Clerk 2021 Mock Tests & clear the exam topper’s style!
IBPS Clerk 2021-Perfect Exam Strategy
Take the Best IBPS Clerk 2021 Mock Tests & clear the exam topper’s style!

Take the best IBPS Clerk 2021 Mock Tests & Follow the toppers to beat the upcoming IBPS Clerk Prelims & Mains in style!

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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