IBPS Clerk Mains Attempt Strategy
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IBPS Clerk Mains Attempt Strategy: Now obviously it’s very clear that means is going to be the priority for almost every aspirant who is been able to crack the IBPS Clerk prelims. And we are sure that all of you are preparing for that most honesty and sincerity but there are certain things which every aspirant should keep in mind when they enter the examination room on 25th January because a few little things can make or break your final attempt scores.

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IBPS Clerk Mains Mock

IBPS Clerk Mains Attempt Strategy

Tip No. 1

Do not go by the previous year cut-off but rather make the judgement of the paper on that very day

What this means is basically you decide the difficulty level of the people or what would be your sectional analysis of the paper then and there. Because the paper is easy then obviously everyone’s attempts Will be on the higher side and vice versa. 

But what if the paper turns out to be of moderate level?

Well, then you’ll have to be very picky about the questions you choose to solve and attempt in the beginning because that will make sure that you don’t miss out on the questions which take less time and are the easiest pickings when it comes to scoring marks. You can always come back to the questions which are less lengthy or time taking because you specifically would take time on that particular topic; for example a difficult DI. You don’t want yourself in a situation where you end up solving a question for about 10 to 15 minutes.

IBPS Clerk Mains Mock

Tip No. 2 – Very very important

It’s better to analyse the mocks you are giving right now

Most people just get done by finishing the mock and if they get a good score they become happy about it and they start to daydream that their exam will go really well on the exam day but things can go completely south if you do not analyse which questions did you attempt wrong or which questions took the most time which ideally should not have been the case and so on. Such a type of analysis helps you to make your attempts even stronger and even score a better percentile at the end of the day.

IBPS Clerk Mains Mock

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