IBPS Clerk Exam 2023 Top 10 Time Management Tips
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The key ingredient is to learn time management skills to excel in IBPS Clerk examination with flying colors. Emphasize making yourself habitual to solve questions within time limits. As in IBPS Clerk Prelims, you get 60 minutes time to solve 100 questions. A quick response is needed to get maximum good attempts in the Prelims examination. With a smart strategy, you can manage your time and get safe attempts.


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IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern 2023, Marks & Safe Attempts 

In order to achieve the cut-off score in the preliminary examination, you must develop a habit to learn efficient time management skills to attempt questions. Avoid any guesswork to lose your marks in negative marking. You have 60 minutes in hand to solve 100 questions in prelims.

  • Target to get 70+ marks in clerk prelims.
  • So, you need to get atleast 80 questions attempted in the exam.
  • Be sure of what questions you attempt in the exam should be correct.
  • Focus on the sectional time limit allotted to complete a particular section.
  • Give atleast 30 to 35 seconds time to cover Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude questions.
English303020 Mins
Reasoning Ability353520 Mins
Quantitative Aptitude353520 Mins 
Total10010060 Mins

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IBPS Clerk Prelims Mock Test Challenge 2023: Mock Seh Hai Exam Crack Hoga!!

Day 1IBPS Clerk Mock Test Challenge 1
Day 2IBPS Clerk Mock Test Challenge 2
Day 3IBPS Clerk Mock Test Challenge 3
Day 4IBPS Clerk Mock Test Challenge 4
Day 5IBPS Clerk Mock Test Challenge 5
Day 6IBPS Clerk Mock Test Challenge 6
Day 7IBPS Clerk Mock Test Challenge 7

Best 10 Tips Follow to Improve Your Time Management Skills 

With a focus to cover the Prelims syllabus thoroughly so, you are able to solve maximum good attempts considering the time limits too. Let’s take a look at the generic tips to boost your time management skills to ace IBPS Clerk Prelims.

  • Don’t try to switch between the sections in prelims. Attempt prelims with a mindset to solve a particular section at one time and then, make a switch.
  • Learn easy tips and tricks to strengthen your logical reasoning and mental maths to solve questions quickly.
  • Start the paper with your strong section. It can maximize your good attempts and you can easily achieve to cut-off score.
  • In such situations, when you read a question but are unable to solve it. Don’t waste your time on that particular questions. Move on to the next set of questions and attempt them.
  • Watch time starts as the prelim exam commences. Don’t get nervous with time watch. Be positive to solve problems with a calm mindset.
  • Enter all your information during the exam correctly without getting nervous so that you don’t get disqualified.
  • Check the timer frequently so that, you check what time is left with you to attempt a particular set of questions in prelims.
  • Stay positive and calm for your D-day. Only a calm mindset can help you to think smartly in handling questions facing within the time limits.
  • Perform mind calculations during exams to speed up attempting questions. Proper practice can make you pro performing mental calculations.
  • Take proper sleep and a balanced diet before your D-day to be relaxed and refresh to face your exam.

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Final Words

Time management and accuracy can only help you to ace the prelim exam. Make the most out of the time available to you by revising notes and practicing free quizzes and puzzles. Then, solve maximum mock test series online for prelims to get into real-exam situations and succeed with flying colors. 

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By Divya Sharma

My Role as a Content Writer in PracticeMock is to craft research based blogs. I ensure that aspirants get accurate information on government exams through blogs.

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