IBPS Clerk 2023 Mains Analysis- Oct 7- All Shifts
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The IBPS Clerk Main Exam is one of the most important exams for aspirants who want to join the banking sector in India. It is the final stage of the selection process, after the preliminary exam and the document verification. The exam tests the candidates’ knowledge, skills and aptitude in various areas such as reasoning, quantitative aptitude, general awareness, computer knowledge and English language. The exam consists of 190 questions, which have to be answered in 160 minutes. The exam has a negative marking of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer.


The exam analysis helps the candidates to understand their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the level of difficulty and the pattern of the exam. The exam analysis also provides insights into the expected cut-off marks, the number of good attempts and the topics that are frequently asked in the exam. By analyzing the exam, the candidates can improve their preparation strategy, focus on their weak areas and boost their confidence for the final selection. The exam analysis also helps the candidates to compare their performance with other aspirants and get an idea of their chances of clearing the exam.

IBPS Clerk 2023 Mains Analysis- English Language

TopicNo. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension- Housing Scheme7
Reading Comprehension5
Inference Based2
Error Detection5
Cloze Test6
Para Jumble + Fillers5
Word Usage3
Word Swap2

IBPS Clerk 2023 Mains Analysis- Quantitative Aptitude

Name of the topicNumber of questions 
Number Series4
Quadratic Equation3
Pie Chart+ Table DI7
Pie Chart(On Profit & Loss)6
Missing Table DI6
Caselet DI6
Total 50

IBPS Clerk 2023 Mains Analysis- Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude

Name of the topicNumber of questions 
Coded Inequality(3 Statement+3 Conclusion)3
Step Based Alphanumeric Series(4-5 Steps)4
Coding Resultant Based(Row Based-3 Rows, 6 Conditions)4
Machine Input(Number Based)5
Linear Seating Arrangement(13 Persons, North Facing, 4 vacant seats)5
Year Based Puzzle2
Box Based Puzzle+ Variable5
Data Sufficiency(Blood Relation, Circular Seating Arrangement, Year Based)4
Logical Reasoning(2-3 Statements Paragraph Course Of Action, Assumption Based, Conclusion Based, Inference Based, Argument, Paragraph Based which statement follows) 10
Total 50

IBPS Clerk 2023 Mains Analysis- General/ Financial Awareness

Some questions asked in the GA section are below:

  1. UDGAM
  2. Application Of YES Bank
  3. Insurance For All
  4. India+ UAE-CEPA – Currenncy
  5. Ullas Portal
  6. Ganga Bhagirathi Hoogly River
  7. Mahila Samman Nidhi
  8. INS Dronacharya
  9. Highest Valuable Team Of IPL
  10. Sugar Cane
  11. DRAT

We hope that the above analysis will be useful in your preparation.

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