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IBPS Clerk 2023 Free Mock Test & Detailed Analysis

IBPS Clerk recruitment notification is out and the prelims exam is expected to happen sometime in the month of August/September 2023. For those who still have doubts related to the notification they can go ahead and check the IBPS Clerk 2023 notification. The IBPS Clerk recruitment online registration has already been started and the last date to complete the online registration is 21st July, 2023. Those who are willing to give this exam must start preparing for the same. Our IBPS Clerk 2023 free mock test is now live and candidates can get detailed solutions by attempting the mock tests. Here in this article we will be guiding the aspirants about the importance of giving mock tests along with detailed exam analysis. Read the article to know more.

Holi SaleHoli Sale

Before moving ahead further let’s take a sneak peak into the IBPS Clerk exam pattern and prelims syllabus.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern

Name of SubjectsNo.of QuestionNo.of marksDuration
English Language 303020 Mins
Numerical Ability353520 Mins
Reasoning Ability353520Mins
Total10010060 Mins

IBPS Clerk Prelims free mock test

IBPS Clerk 2023 Syllabus

English Language Numerical AbilityReasoning Ability
Reading ComprehensionData InterpretationOrder and Ranking
Spotting ErrorsSimplification/ ApproximationPuzzles
Sentence ImprovementNumber SeriesSeating Arrangements
Para JumblesProfit and LossInequalities
Sentence CorrectionAverageInput-Output
Fill in the BlanksMensurationSyllogism
Para/Sentence CompletionQuadratic EquationBlood Relations
Cloze TestData SufficiencyData Sufficiency
Ratio and ProportionOrder and Ranking
WorkDistance and Direction
Time, and EnergyAlphanumeric Series
ProbabilityVerbal Reasoning
Time and Distance
Simple and Compound Interest
Permutation and Combination

IBPS Clerk 2023 Free Mock Test & Detailed Analysis

There is no short cut of scoring well in the exam other than practicing mock tests. One must not underestimate the power of mock tests as attempting these will help you gain confidence to face the real examination. We have already launched IBPS Clerk 2023 free mock test and its detailed analysis for the aspirants to check after gving the mock test. You can even get to know your AIR in comparison to other test takers.

Importance of Attempting IBPS Clerk 2023 Mock Test

When it comes to mock tests many aspirants may think it as simply a waste of time, however the actual scenario is very different than this one. Giving mock tests actually gives you a better understanding of the concepts you have read so far and it gives you exam clarity as how to face the actual examination. There are several benefits of a mock test. Some highlighted ones are mentioned below:

  • A candidate gets to see his All India Rank thus, he can discover his competition levels.
  • Since the mock tests designed by our expert team are very close to the actual exam pattern candidates get the idea that what sort of questions will be asked in the real exam.
  • Mock tests give you a real time experience.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Free Mock Test 2023

IBPS Clerk 2023 Mock Test FAQs

  1. Explain the selection procedure of IBPS Clerk 2023 exam?

    The candidates have to clear two stages including the Prelims & Mains. The marks secured by the candidates in the Mains Exam will be taken for final selection.

  2. Can we just give a free mock test to get the idea of how the actual exam comes?

    By giving a free mock test you will surely get an idea as how the actual examination will look like and what kinds of questions will be asked. However, just giving a free mock test is not sufficient to practice all types of questions. It is advisable to practice as many mock tests as possible to have better understanding and conceptual clarity.

  3. Will there be any negative marking in the IBPS Clerk 2023 exam?

    Yes, there is a negative marking of 0.25 for every incorrect answer.

  4. Is IBPS Clerk syllabus tough?

    The syllabus is comprehensive and if a candidate know all the topics well and have practiced all well then they may not consider IBPS Clerk syllabus tough. It is all about how well you are prepared for it.

  5. What all subjects are included in the IBPS Clerk Syllabus?

    There are 2 stages as already mentioned above Prelims & Mains. IBPS Clerk Prelims subjects comprises of Reasoning Ability, English Language & Quantitative Aptitude along with Computer Knowledge and Banking Awareness which are also included in IBPS Clerk mains syllabus.

  6. What is the distribution of marks in the IBPS Clerk prelims exam pattern?

    The total prelims exam is of 100 marks. Out of this the Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude sections are of 35 marks each and the English language section is of 30 marks.

Cheena Sawhney

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