How To Score 35+ Marks in the Quant For IBPS RRB PO 2025 Exam
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Home » IBPS RRB PO » How To Score 35+ Marks in the Quant For IBPS RRB PO 2025 Exam?

How To Score 35+ Marks in the Quant For IBPS RRB PO 2025 Exam: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts the IBPS RRB PO exam to recruit candidates for the post of Probationary Officer (PO). The IBPS RRB PO exam consists of three phases of the selection process prelims, mains, and interview rounds. The prelims of the IBPS RRB PO exam consist of two sections reasoning and quantitative aptitude sections. Most of the candidates prepare for the exam but they don’t know how to score 35+ marks in the quant for IBPS RRB PO 2025 exam. In this blog, we have provided a detailed strategy to score 35+ marks in the quant section of the IBPS RRB PO exam. Candidates who are preparing for the IBPS RRB PO 2025 Exam must read this blog.

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IBPS RRB PO Syllabus and Exam Pattern for Quant Section

The IBPS RRB PO quantitative aptitude section consists of a total of 40 questions for 40 marks. Candidates will get a total of 45 minutes to attempt the whole exam. This section is considered one of the most time-consuming sections. So, candidates must create a strategy and follow it carefully. Below we have provided a detailed syllabus for the quantitative aptitude section of the IBPS RRB PO 2025 exam.

  • Simplification and Approximation
  • Number Series
  • Inequality
  • Simple Interest
  • Time and Distance
  • Time and Work
  • Mixture and Alligation
  • Simplification
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Probability
  • Profit and Loss
  • Compound Interest
  • Average
  • Partnership
  • Data Interpretation
  • Data Sufficiency

Start Your Topic-Wise Preparation for the IBPS RRB PO Exam

IBPS RRB PO 2025 Quantitative Aptitude Study Plan

Here we have provided a detailed IBPS RRB PO 2025 Quantitative Aptitude Study Plan to help candidates in their exam preparation. Candidates are highly advised to stick with the plan seriously and also they can customize this plan according to their preferences.

Week 1Day 1-2Simplification and ApproximationPractice arithmetic operations, percentage, square roots, and cubes.
Day 3Number SeriesSolve different types of number series (AP, GP, etc.).
Day 4InequalityPractice solving inequality problems (direct and coded).
Day 5-6Simple Interest and Compound InterestDay 5: Simple Interest; Day 6: Compound Interest (yearly, half-yearly).
Day 7Revision & Mock TestReview topics from Week 1; take a mock test focusing on these topics.
Week 2Day 8-9Ratio and ProportionPractice ratio problems, including mixture and part-to-whole problems.
Day 10-11Time and DistanceFocus on relative speed, average speed, and time-distance relation questions.
Day 12-13Time and WorkPractice work efficiency, time taken by workers, etc.
Day 14Data InterpretationSolve DI questions from bar graphs, pie charts, and tables.
Week 3Day 15Mixture and AlligationPractice mixture-related problems.
Day 16Profit and LossPractice profit, loss, percentage, and discount problems.
Day 17ProbabilityFocus on probability basics (combinations, permutations, outcomes).
Day 18PartnershipPractice partnership problems (profit-sharing, investment).
Day 19-20Average and Data SufficiencyDay 19: Practice average-related problems. Day 20: Solve Data Sufficiency questions.
Day 21Mock TestFull-length mock test covering all topics studied so far.
Week 4Day 22-24Full-length Practice TestsTake 2-3 full-length mock tests; analyze mistakes.
Day 25-26Quick RevisionRevise key formulas and concepts; focus on weak areas from mocks.
Day 27-28Practice and ReviewSolve mixed Quantitative Aptitude questions and revisit difficult topics.

Tips to Score 35+ Marks in the Quant for IBPS RRB PO 2025 Exam

Here we have provided some expert tips that will help you in scoring 35+ marks in the quantitative aptitude section of the IBPS RRB PO 2025 Exam.

1. Master Basics to Formulas

The Quant section requires a proper understanding and greater discipline as far as the basics are concerned. You are advised to focus on important areas which include Number series, Simplification, Average, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion, Time & Work, Speed & Distance, and Profit & Loss. Also, learn the shortcuts and other mathematical tricks to solve the quant section easily and within the time frame.

2. Solve as Many Previous Year’s Question Papers

The complete solution of the previous year’s IBPS RRB PO papers benefits the aspirants in understanding the pattern of exams, the types of questions asked, and the level of the questions being asked in the examination. This will help you develop some level of confidence and time management and at the same time, you will realize areas that you need to master more. Mock tests should also be used as a means of tracking your progress as well.

3. Focus on Speed and Accuracy

It is important to increase the speed of solving questions without a decrease in accuracy in order to achieve high results in the Quantitative Aptitude section. To work on your calculation speed you can practice mental calculation and get to know some tricks for faster calculations. However, do not compromise on speed, and also keep in mind that there will be a negative mark in the exam.

4. Start with the Simple Questions

For instance, avoid starting with D.I & Analysis, Complex Arithmetic, Pattern & Sequence, and other difficult sections like Number Comparison, Angle & Area, and Percentage, etc., Start with the easy topics or questions, this will help you in gaining the confidence and make you comfortable. Once you are comfortable with these, go to more challenging problems in order to achieve a higher score.

5. Master Data Interpretation.

Data Interpretation (DI) is one of the sections to score and is an important section in the IBPS RRB PO examination. There are a number of methods of the DI sets with bar graphs, pie charts, and line graphs; that will develop your problem-solving skills. To master this topic, you are advised to solve questions based on different patterns. Enough practice will allow you to better interpret the data and do it faster during the exam.

6. Prioritize Time Management

Time management is important if you want to gain good marks in the Quantitative Aptitude section. To each question, assign a particular amount of time that must be spent on answering, and if the question is tough, move on to the following questions and come back later. In this way, you will be able to see your time and be able to solve questions.

7. Avoid Guesswork

When you are not sure of the correct answer it is advisable not to assume an answer because the wrong answers attract negative marking. If there is a question you are unsure of, you can leave it unanswered, or use the remaining amount of time to reconsider if you have time. So avoiding guesswork will help you to avoid negative marks.

8. Revise and Identify Weak Areas

Revision is very important for the best preparation for the exam. It will help you avoid forgetting key concepts or formulas and tricks. Pay attention to the topics that result in poor performance so you can spend more time preparing for those. Hence, when you attempt to work on your areas of weakness in quant, you will develop a solid foundation in that area and in this way, you will be able to increase your score for the exam.

IBPS RRB PO 2025 Related Link

IBPS RRB PO SalaryIBPS RRB PO Exam Pattern
IBPS RRB PO Cut OffIBPS RRB PO Previous Year Question Papers

How To Score 35+ Marks in the Quant For IBPS RRB PO 2025 Exam? FAQs

How To Score 35+ Marks in the Quant For IBPS RRB PO 2025 Exam?

Read this blog carefully to know How To Score 35+ Marks in the Quant For IBPS RRB PO 2025 Exam.

How many mock tests should I practice for the preparation of the exam?

You should practice at least 2-3 mock tests for the preparation of the exam.

Where can I get the IBPS RRB PO 2025 study plan for the quantitative aptitude section?

Candidates can get the IBPS RRB PO 2025 study plan for the quantitative aptitude section.

How many questions will be asked from the quant section in the IBPS RRB PO prelims exam?

The IBPS will ask 40 questions from the quant section in the IBPS RRB PO prelims exam.

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By Abhishek Jatariya

I help candidates prepare for SSC, Banking and Regulatory exams by covering topics ranging from exam patterns to syllabus to study techniques and more.

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