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The IBPS RRB PO exam is near to you, only few days are left but still aspirants having issues or difficulties in quantitative aptitude and having one doubt “How to Score 35+ Marks in Quantitative Aptitude For RRB PO? “No worries Practicemock is here we are providing you best strategies +Tips and Tricks for quantitative aptitude so you easily score well marks without any stress.

Holi Sale

Preparation Strategy for RRB PO Quantitative Aptitude

 If you are preparing for the IBPS RRB PO exam must comfort with all topics that come under Quantitative aptitude. After topics and concepts are clear, Move on to high-level questions and topics for its practice.

1. Don’t waste more time on easy topics

Easy topics get easily familiar to you so don’t waste your time on these topics. Manage a limited time for easy topics, and practice 10 questions every day for each section, In this way, you cover all topics in less time.

2. Practice Hard topics

Practice 15-20 hard questions on daily basis it reduces stress as well as improves your weak areas. So, you easily score well in exams.

3. Attempt topic-Wise tests

Attempt topic-wise test is the best strategy for aspirants you can easily each topic every day it helps to analyze your weakness and strength. This way to memorize the all formula for questions. Practice topic-wise tests improve the score.

4. Practice high-level questions

It is better to spend time on high level questions. If you start managing high level questions without finding any problem, then you easily crack moderate level questions

  • Properly comfort with concepts
  • High accuracy + consistency

There are two Major factor for exam You have to follow Time Management and Accuracy

The most affected things for aspirants is how many questions are attempted and how much are corrected. So, make sure that your attempted question are accurate.

  • Solve 10 questions, at a time limit of 5-6 minutes.
  • To increase calculation speed, memorize table, squares, and cubes till 50 as it will reduce the multiplication time during difficult calculation part.
  • Practice daily each question from every topic and sets of data interpretation daily under a definite time with 100% accuracy.
  • Don’t guess the answer, its affect the marking

5. Mock Test and its analysis

  • Give you exact exam level feel.
  • Improve accuracy & speed
  • Determing your weak and strength
  • Track your performance
11 Days Mock Test Challenge for Super-fast RRB PO 2022 Revision

Important Topics section wise

Data interpretation:  pie-charts, bar-graph, line-graph, tabular DI, caselets, and mixed DI. This section has a good weightage in the exam, so practice 4-5 sets of DI daily, percentages, ratios, and averages.

Approximation/simplification: Approximation, BODMAS, surds, and indices, decimals and fractions, etc.

Quadratic equations: This section needs a lot of practice. use short cut tricks because its consume more time as compare to other section.

Number series: Number series are either missing term based or the wrong number based and follow a lot of patterns. So, practice as many as possible patterns before the exam.

Miscellaneous: This section includes:

11 Days Mock Test Challenge for Super-fast RRB PO 2022 Revision

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