How to read newspapers for RBI & NABARD exams
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When it comes to preparing for RBI and NABARD exams. The general tip suggested to aspirants is to develop newspaper reading habits. Newspaper reading improves thinking and analytical abilities in any individual appearing in regulatory bodies examination. In RBI Grade B 2023 exam, direct questions in ESI and FM descriptive papers are asked from current affairs. With the changing scenarios in the government competitive examinations, it is a must for candidates to focus on developing regular newspaper reading habits. Make it part of your self-learning process for the NABARD and RBI Examinations.

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Checklist of Newspaper Must Read for Exam Preparation

Keep a checklist of newspapers must read for RBI and NABARD exams preparation.

  • Economic Times
  • The Hindu
  • Business Standard
  • Live Mint

Benefits to Read Newspapers to Prepare for Examination

Developing reading habits can actually benefit to improve your knowledge base and thinking abilities to increase your chances to succeed in NABARD and RBI examinations. A dedicated involvement to read prominent newspaper articles sections like editorials and business content.

Improve Analytical Skills

Regular newspaper reading can improve your analytical skills to answer descriptive opinion-based questions in ESI and F&M. Solve precis and essay writing questions in English Writing questions and score 60+ marks in RBI Grade B Phase 2. 

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Develop Comprehension Skills

Newspaper reading can develop comprehension skills and is useful to attempt English language questions like Precis and Essay writing. 

Unbiased Opinion

Develop an unbiased opinion while learning from the writers opinion published in prominent editorials like Economic Times and Live Mint. 

Express Ideas & Thoughts

You get clarity through editorial ideas to express your ideas and thoughts in descriptive questions attempting in NABARD and RBI Grade B exams. 

Strategy to Read Newspapers for Competitive Examinations

Figure out what details you need to follow from an exam point of view while preparing for NABARD and RBI examinations.

  • Follow financial and banking news to prepare for RBI Grade B.
  • Consider maintaining notes on rural and economic developments in perspective of the NABARD Grade A exam.
  • Go through editorials to buildup opinion building perspective.
  • In RBI Grade B 2023, questions are asked from current affairs topics in FM are ONDC, RBI reports and Pre Section Credit lines Schemes.
  • Regular newspaper reading can help to prepare for descriptive writing in ESI and FM.
  • Use references from prominent newspapers to support descriptive answers. 

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Final Takeaway

Emphasize following the newspaper reading approach to read aleast one editorial article and business content. Add in your checklist to go through Economic Times. In the RBI Grade B examination, questions are asked from the articles and contents published in prominent newspapers such as Live Mint and Economic Times. 

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By Divya Sharma

My Role as a Content Writer in PracticeMock is to craft research based blogs. I ensure that aspirants get accurate information on government exams through blogs.

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