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IBPS Clerk Prelims Numerical Ability Preparation Strategy

IBPS Clerk 2022 Prelims Exam is slated to be held on 28th August, 03rd & 04th September 2022. Are you aiming at scoring maximum marks in the Numerical Ability section in the IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 exam? If yes, then you might very much like to achieve your goal with the best yet easy-to-follow tips. There are multiple and proven tricks and practices which can improve your chances of scoring high in this section. The Numerical Ability section in the IBPS Clerk 2022 Prelims is an important scoring section. It carries 35 marks. In it, you will have to answer 35 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). It has a sectional timing of 20 minutes. The Numerical Ability section of the IBPS Clerk Prelims is based on mathematical calculations to test the problem-solving skills and numerical ability of the candidates.

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This article will help you in studying, analyzing, and solving exam questions, so read on!

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How to Prepare Numerical Ability for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Exam?
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IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022-Exam Pattern

The Numerical Ability section is, on one hand, the most scoring section, on the other, the toughest, because of its mathematical nature. This section carries 35 marks. You will have to answer 35 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) from this section which has a sectional timing of 20 minutes. You can score good marks in the Numerical Ability section in the IBPS Clerk 2022 Prelims on the basis of your mathematical calculations and problem-solving skills. The online written examination will be two tiers i.e. the online examination will be held in two phases: Online Preliminary and Online Main. Candidates who will qualify in Online Preliminary Examination and are shortlisted will have to appear for Online Main Examination. Candidates who qualify in the Main examination and are sufficiently high in merit will be shortlisted for provisional allotment to one of the Participating Banks.

IBPS Clerk 2022 Calendar

IBPS Clerk 2022 EventsImportant Dates
Online Registration including Edit/Modification of Application by candidates1st July 2022 to 21st July 2022
Payment of Application Fees/Intimation Charges (Online)1st July 2022 to 21st July 2022
Download of call letters for Pre-Exam Training*August 2022
Pre-Exam Training*August 2022
Prelims Exam Admit Card DownloadAugust 2022
Online Prelims Exam28th August, 3rd & 4th September 2022.
Prelims Exam ResultSeptember/ October 2022
Mains Exam Admit Card DownloadSeptember/ October 2022
Online Mains ExamOctober 2022
Provisional AllotmentApril 2023

IBPS Clerk 2022 Prelims-Best Tips on How to Prepare for Numerical Ability Section

Here are the most effective tips that you must consider for scoring maximum marks in the upcoming IBPS Clerk Prelims exam 2022:

1. Start your preparation by analyzing the syllabus

Start your preparation by analyzing the syllabus and exam pattern and section-wise important topics, and exam patterns to make a suitable schedule and a systematic approach to cover every topic in the Numerical Ability section. Set aside ample time to practice the Numerical Ability section to improve your solving speed

2. Look into the cut-off and last year’s exam analysis

Cut Off marks are the minimum marks that you’ll need to obtain to qualify for IBPS Clerk Prelims exam. Therefore, it is important to know the cut-off along with last year’s exam analysis to know how much score you need to fetch to clear the Prelims exam.

3. Know your strong and weak areas

Numerical Ability can be your most scoring section if you’ll prepare it well, with all the required practice via IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Tests. Be quick to know your strong and weak areas to improve swiftly and develop a perfect exam strategy to clear the exam. This will save you from getting stuck on questions that you may be weak in. Also, consult previous years’ question papers and practice different types of questions.

4. Master Mathematics basics, theoretical concepts, formulas, equations

Numerical Ability is a lengthy section in the IBPS Prelims exam Clerk 2022 Prelims in terms of the time it consumes owing to its mathematical nature sections. So, you need to focus on speed and accuracy to answer 35 questions in 20 minutes. And for this, you need to practice basic Mathematics, theoretical concepts, formulas, and equations to solve quickly and correctly. Therefore, you need to practice faster calculations to increase your speed and accuracy to acquire basic Mathematical proficiency. Practice squares upto 30, cubes upto 25, square root, cube root, tables upto 25, basic percentages and their decimal & fractional equivalents, and BODMAS. Practice this through the latest IBPS Clerk Mock Tests and improve like never before.

5. Check your exam strategy via IBPS Clerk Prelims Mock Tests

For toppers, the best exam strategy for attempting the Numerical Ability section is to start with Data Interpretation, Simplification/Approximation, Number Series, Average, Time & Work, Profit & Loss, and Quadratic Equation. Assess your present score by solving topic-wise practice questions using conventional methods. You can implement a faster approach once you have understood the concept, formulas, and other crucial steps to avoid any confusion.

Task 1Task 2
*Take IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Test 1+ complete & accurate analysis*Take IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Test 1+ complete & accurate analysis
*Take IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Test 1+ complete & accurate analysis*Take IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Test 1+ complete & accurate analysis
*Take IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Test 1+ complete & accurate analysis*Take IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Test 1+ complete & accurate analysis
*Take IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Test 1+ complete & accurate analysis*Take IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Test 1+ complete & accurate analysis
*Take IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Test 1+ complete & accurate analysis*Take IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Test 1+ complete & accurate analysis

6. Practice 10 questions from different topics daily

Try to solve 10 Maths questions from different topics from the Numerical Ability Syllabus for IBPS Clerk Prelims. Some of the important topics are Data Interpretation (Tabular, Pie, Line, Bar Graph, Caselet), Simplification/Approximation, Number Series, Quadratic Equation, Data Sufficiency, Quantity based problems, and Arithmetic Problems. This will brush up your basics, increase your speed, enhance accuracy, and evaluate your performance overall.

7. Avoid Guesswork while practicing & in the Exam

Make a habit of attempting every question properly and avoid blind guesses, as it can only lead to negative marking. There will be a negative marking of 1/4th or 0.25 marks, for each wrong answer marked. The IBPS Clerk Prelims exam is a ladder to reach Mains exam. So, you will have to focus on attempting the questions carefully and correctly or leave them blank to avoid penalties. Leaving the question blank or not answered will help you avoid negative marking if you don’t know the answer. Don’t forget that in this computer-based exam there is no such option of going back to the left question once the allotted time is over.

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How to Prepare Numerical Ability for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Exam?

IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 ExamImportant & Expected Numerical Ability Topics

Here are the most important topic and topics-wise expected number of questions in the Numerical Ability section in the IBPS Clerk 2022 Prelims to help you score better.

1. Simplification/Approximation: You can expect 10 and even 15 questions on this topic. Practice BODMAS to solve questions from Simplification/Approximation.

2. Number series: 5 questions can be asked on this topic. Through practice, you can excel in this topic. Practice basic arithmetic to score well in Number Series and Arithmetic Questions.

3. Quadratic Equation: Practice factorization-based questions of Quadratic Equations.

4. Data Interpretation: Expect a minimum of 1 means 5 questions and a maximum of 2 sets of DI  means 10 questions of Data Interpretation in Prelims exam. Practice table charts, bar graphs, pie charts, and line graphs to increase calculation speed while solving Data Interpretation questions.

5. Arithmetic Problems: Be ready to get tested with around 10-12 questions from the Arithmetic Problems part in the prelims. This may include topics like, Percentage, Profit & Loss, Ratios & Proportions, Partnerships, Problems on Ages, SI and CI, Problems on trains, boats, and streams, Probability, etc. Focus on the chapters of Average, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion, Partnerships, Profit & Loss, and Time and work/ wages.

6. Data Sufficiency: You can expect 4-5 questions on this topic in the exam. They will be a combination of all the miscellaneous topics Which are mentioned above. In this, the candidates are required to find whether the given statements are sufficient to solve the questions or not.

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Most Effective IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Tests- Grab 1 Free Mock Test!

As we have discussed above, you need to practice and develop basic mathematical knowledge along with fast calculation skills, to score maximum marks in the NUmerical Ability section of the upcoming IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 exam. And, this can be achieved by regular practice via IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Tests. Hence, this is the right time to start assessing your knowledge and skills as the actual exam is not very far away from you. Take a Free Mock Test right away and evaluate your performance instantly.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

I write and oversee the creation of informative educational blogs centering around study strategies, exam techniques, and more, to guide aspirants in clearing SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. I ensure a range of subjects are covered with precision and clarity. With over 7 years of diverse writing experience, I share a wealth of wisdom and expertise with thousands of students, through PracticeMock every day, helping them achieve their goals.

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