How to Prepare for SSC CGL in 15 Days with Free Resources
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How to Prepare for SSC CGL in 15 Days with Free Resources: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will conduct the SSC CGL exam from 9th September to 26th September 2024. Candidates who have filled out the form and appear in the exam must practice the mock tests, and sectional mock tests to analyze their performance. As we all know only a few days are left for the exam. Before appearing in the exam candidates must check these free resources. In this blog, we have provided a detailed 15-day study plan, sectional and complete mock tests free of cost, and much more. Practicing these resources will help candidates in analyzing their preparation for the exam, and know their weak and strong areas.

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SSC CGL Preparation in 15 Days

Below we have provided the strategy for SSC CGL preparation in 15 days. For candidate’s convenience, we have provided the day-wise and section-wise plan which explains to candidates which topic they should choose on a particular day. Candidates are highly advised to follow this plan regularly for 15 days. Along with the SSC CGL preparation plan we have provided the links to the section-wise mock tests.

DayQuantitative AptitudeReasoningEnglishGeneral AwarenessPractice/Revision
1Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals, FractionsSimilarities and DifferencesCloze TestIndia and its neighboring countriesReview basic concepts
2Relationships between NumbersAnalogiesOne-word SubstitutionSciencePractice questions
3Profit, Loss & DiscountSpatial OrientationSentence CorrectionCurrent AffairsMock Test 1
4Partnership BusinessReasoning TestFill in the BlanksBooks and AuthorsReview Mock Test 1
5Quantitative Aptitude TestProblem-SolvingEnglish Sectional TestSportsPrevious year question paper 1
6Mixture and AllegationJudgmentReading ComprehensionImportant SchemesAnalyze mistakes from previous papers
7Time & WorkDecision MakingSynonyms-AntonymsImportant DaysMock Test 2
8Time and DistanceBlood RelationsActive PassivePortfolioReview Mock Test 2
9Basic Algebraic Identities, Elementary SurdsVisual MemorySentence RearrangementGeneral Awareness TestPrevious year question paper 2
10Ratio & Proportion, Square RootsObservationSentence ImprovementIndia and its neighboring countries (Revision)Analyze mistakes from previous papers
11Averages, Interest, PercentageDiscriminationPhrases and IdiomsScience (Revision)Mock Test 3
12Graphs of Linear Equations, TrianglesRelationship ConceptsCloze Test (Revision)Current Affairs (Revision)Review Mock Test 3
13Circles, Quadrilaterals, Regular PolygonsArithmetical Reasoning, Figural ClassificationOne-word Substitution (Revision)Books and Authors (Revision)Previous year question paper 3
143D Geometry, Heights and Distances, Trigonometric RatiosNon-verbal series, Coding and DecodingRevision and PracticeSports (Revision)Analyze mistakes from previous papers
15Statistical Charts, Revision of Key ConceptsSyllogistic Reasoning, Statement ConclusionRevision of Key TopicsImportant Schemes and Days (Revision)Final Mock Test and Overall Revision

Section-Wise Tips & Free Resources

The SSC CGL exam consists of four sections: General Intelligence and Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, and English Comprehension. The SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam consists of a total of 100 questions, each section consists of 25 questions. Each question carries two marks. Below, we have provided tips and free sectional mock tests to increase the level of preparation. It will help candidates to easily divide their preparation among the sections and also help them find the weak areas of topics section-wise.

General Intelligence and Reasoning

This section is considered one of the most scoring sections but knowing the types of questions is very important. That’s why PracticeMock is providing the sectional mock test to help candidates in their preparation. Questions in the sectional mock test are based on the latest types of questions that SSC presents in the exam. Below we have provided the direct link, click and check your preparation level in the reasoning section.

Quantitative Aptitude

This section consists of 25 questions and requires a lot of practice. It is a very time-consuming section. One can solve this section easily if he/she practices the tricks. Below we have provided the link to the Quantitative Aptitude mock test.

General Awareness

Candidates are required to be updated with the latest news, and current affairs. They must know science, technology, history, politics, geography, etc. Most of the candidates have already knowledge of these topics, they must have learned in their school time. Candidates are required to revise these topics once very carefully and solve the General Awareness mock test and quiz. Below we have provided the direct link for the GA mock test.

English Language and Comprehension

The SSC presents a total of 25 questions in the English Language and Comprehension section. Important topics in the English language include error spotting, fill in the blanks, para jumbles, synonyms and antonyms, close test, etc. Candidates must read novels, short stories, and articles to increase their reading skills and understand the paragraphs. Learn antonyms and synonyms and revise them regularly. Practice questions of fill in the blanks, error spotting, sentence improvement, and reading comprehension. Check the English Language and Comprehension mock test provided below.

Other Blogs of SSC CGL 2024
SSC CGL Exam PatternSSC CGL Syllabus
SSC CGL VacancySSC CGL Selection Process
SSC CGL Cut OffSSC CGL Preparation Strategy
SSC CGL Previous Year Question Papers

How to Prepare for SSC CGL in 15 Days with Free Resources FAQs

How to Prepare for SSC CGL in 15 Days with Free Resources?

We have provided all the free resources in this blog, click and practice for the exam.

Where can I find the section-wise mock test links?

In this blog, we have provided the section-wise mock test links.

When SSC will conduct the SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam?

The SSC will conduct the SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam from 9th Sep to 26th Sep 2024.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Abhishek Jatariya

I help candidates prepare for SSC, Banking and Regulatory exams by covering topics ranging from exam patterns to syllabus to study techniques and more.

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