How to Prepare for SEBI Grade A with 9-5 Job
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Are you embarking your journey to prepare for SEBI Grade A with 9-5 job? It’s look like challenging task to balance job with exam prep. With a right study and practice approach, you can achieve your dream job to get into The Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) as Grade A officer.

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We will guide you in your entire preparation journey from providing important topics with strategies to cover them in limited time. Let’s dive into and discover how to start preparing for SEBI Grade A 2024 with full time job?

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The official notification for 97 posts will be out on April 13. We may expect Phase 1 exam in June/July 2024.

SEBI Grade A Exam Pattern Phase 1

The Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) conducts Phase 1 exam online to recruit Grade A officers. This exam is conducted in two papers: Paper 1 and 2. Take a look at table below to get useful insights on SEBI Grade A Exam Pattern 2024 for Paper 1.

Paper 1All Streams: MCQs on the subjects viz.
1. General Awareness (including some questions related to Financial Sector of easy to moderate difficulty level),
2. English Language,
3. Quantitative
4. Aptitude Test of Reasoning.
1. 20
2. 20
3. 20
4. 20
Total. 80
1. 252. 253. 254. 25
Total. 100 
60 mins 30%
Paper 2 General Stream: Multiple choice questions on subjects Commerce, Accountancy, Management, Finance, Costing, Companies Act and Economics
Legal, Information Technology & Official Language stream: Multiple choice questions on Specialized subjects related to the stream.
Research Stream: Multiple choice questions on subjects Economics, Econometrics, Statistics, Finance and Commerce.
50100 40 mins 40%
Aggregate Cut-off  40%

SEBI Grade A Syllabus for Phase 1 (Paper 1)

Check out list of topics covered in Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, English, General Awareness, and Quantiative Aptitude in SEBI Grade A Syllabus for Phase 1 2024 (Paper 1).

Quantitative Aptitude Reasoning & Computer AptitudeEnglishGeneral Awareness
Vedic MathsInequalitiesNounEvolution of Banking in India
Number SystemBlood RelationPronounKnow Your Central Bank (RBI)
SimplificationDirectionsVerbMonetary Policy Committee (MPC)
ApproximationRankingsAdjectivesInternational Financial Institutions
Quadratic EquationsAlpha Numeric SeriesAdverbsTypes of Accounts, ATMs, Cheques
Number Series (Missing and Wrong)Miscellaneous Reasoning (Prelims)PrepositionPayment Systems in India
Ratio and ProportionCoding-DecodingConjunctionCurrency Management
PartnershipSyllogismsSubject-verb agreementMoney Market & Capital Market
Problem on AgesPuzzlesTensesShares and Debentures
PercentageSeating ArrangementsActive-PassivePSL and Types of Risk in banking
Profit and LossData SufficiencyDirect and IndirectMiscellaneous
AveragesInput and OutputError Detection
Simple and Compound InterestMiscellaneous Reasoning (Mains)Reading Comprehension
Time Speed and Distance (Boats and Stream; Trains)Computer AptitudeCloze test
Time and Work (Pipes and Cistern)Critical reasoningSentence completion
ProbabilityPhrase Correction
Permutation and CombinationPara Completion
Data SufficiencyPara Jumbles
Data InterpretationDescriptive (Letter and Essay)
Quantity Comparison

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SEBI Grade A Syllabus for Phase 1 (Paper 2)

Here is the list of topics covered in SEBI Grade A Syllabus for Phase 1 Exam 2024 (Paper 2).

Commerce & ManagementManagement FinanceEconomicsCostingCompanies Act
Accounting as a financial information systemManagement: its nature and scopeFinancial SystemDemand and SupplyOverview of Cost and Management Accounting – Introduction to Cost and Management Accounting, Objectives and Scope of Cost and Management Accounting.The Companies Act, 2013 – Specific reference to Chapter III, Chapter IV, Chapter VIII, Chapter X, Chapter XI, Chapter XII and Chapter XXVII.
Accounting Standards with specific reference to Accounting for Depreciation, Inventories, Revenue Recognition, Fixed Assets, Foreign Exchange Transactions, Investments.The Management ProcessesRole and Functions of Regulatory bodies in Financial Sector.Market StructuresMethods of Costing – Single Output/ Unit Costing, Job Costing, Batch Costing, Contract Costing, Process/ Operation Costing, Costing of Service Sectors.
Cash Flow StatementPlanning, Organization, Staffing, Directing and ControllingFinancial MarketsNational Income: Concepts and MeasurementBasics of Cost Control and Analysis – (i) Standard Costing, (ii) Marginal Costing, (iii) Budget and Budgetary Control.
Fund flow statementThe Role of a Manager in an OrganizationPrimary and Secondary Markets (Forex, Money, Bond, Equity, etc.), functions, instruments, and recent developments.Classical & Keynesian Approach Determination of output and employmentLean System and Innovation
Financial statement analysisLeadership: The Tasks of a LeaderBasics of DerivativesConsumption FunctionIntroduction to Lean System
Ratio analysisLeadership StylesForward, Futures and SwapInvestment FunctionJust-in-Time (JIT)
Accounting for Share Capital Transactions including Bonus Shares, Right Shares.Leadership TheoriesRecent Developments in the Financial SectorMultiplier and AcceleratorKaizen Costing
Employees Stock Option and Buy-Back of Securities.A successful Leader versus an effective LeaderFinancial InclusionDemand and Supply for Money5 Ss
Preparation and Presentation of Company Final Accounts.Human Resource Development: Concept of HRDUse of technologyIS-LM, Inflation and Phillips CurveTotal Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Goals of HRDAlternate Source of FinanceBusiness CyclesCellular Manufacturing/ One-Piece Flow Production Systems
Motivation, Morale and IncentivesPrivate and social cost-benefit, Public-Private PartnershipBalance of Payments Six Sigma (SS)
CommunicationDirect and Indirect taxesForeign Exchange MarketsIntroduction to Process Innovation and Business Process Re-engineering (BPR).
Non-tax sources of Revenue, GST, Finance Commission, Fiscal Policy, Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act (FRBM)Inflation
InflationMonetary and Fiscal Policy
Definition, trends, estimates, consequences, and remedies (control): WPI, CPI – components and trends.Non-banking Financial Institutions

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How to Prepare for SEBI Grade A with 9-5 Job? 10 Tips to Follow

Are your struggling to manage SEBI Grade A exam prep with 9-5 job? Be focused to prepare for SEBI Grade A with 9-5 job. Know 10 Must Follow Tips to stay productive in your prep journey and give priority to mock test practice.

1. Analyze SEBI Grade A Exam Pattern & Syllabus

Working professionals should analyze SEBI Grade A Exam Pattern and Syllabus to know sections and time-wise topics division. Take your time to know topics to study and make a routine to prepare for SEBI Grade A with 9-5 job.

2. Set Clear Goals

Be clear with your goal to crack SEBI Grade A in your 1st attempt. Set your daily targets to cover important topics and solve mock tests to boost scores. Make a routine schedule to practice questions from relevant topics.

3. Prioritze Time Management

Give your importance to time management. You have limited time to focus on exam prep with your full-time job responsibilities. Use your time smartly to revise notes and solve topic-wise questions with mocks to get speed and accuracy facing actual exam.

4. Make Notes for SEBI Grade A Important Topics

Best practice to prepare for SEBI Grade A with 9-5 job is to make notes covering all important topics. It gives you brief insights to memorize these scoring topics while practising questions. Notes turn to be a valuable resource for last minute exam preparation.

5. Use Commute Time in Notes Revision

Make a smart use of your commute time to revise SEBI Grade A notes. Devote your 1 hour time regularly to revise notes before solving questions. You get conceptual clarity to boost speed in attempting topic-wise questions and mocks.

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6. Practice Solving Questions Daily

Choose your routine time to focus solving questions regularly to prepare for SEBI Grade A with 9-5 job. Once your done with notes revision. Start solving questions to get speed and accuracy facing tricky questions from Quant, Reasoning, and English sections.

7. Stay Consistent

Start your exam preparation with a mindset to stay consistent covering topics of SEBI Grade A Phase 1 and 2 exams. Consistency can boost your confident to qualify for exam in 1st attempt.

8. Stay Motivated

Take your time in meditation and routine morning-evening walks. Involving in such activities can reenergize yourself to stay focused and active during preparation journey.

9. Solve SEBI Grade A Mock Tests

You should solve SEBI Grade A Mock Tests 2024 on weekends. Track your progress on mocks attempted to revise mistakes. Avoid these mistakes in Phase 1 and 2 not to lose marks in negative marking.

10. Review Performance

Analyze your performance on SEBI Grade A mocks attempted allow you to avoid mistakes to be committed in exam. Follow to attempt mock test and know your overall performance to boost scores. You get clarity on strong and weak areas. How to strategize attempting questions in SEBI Grade A exam?

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Remember, your success is not determined by number of hours you studied. Focus to be stay productive in time you devote and prepare for SEBI Grade A with 9-5 job. Stay determined and motivated to achieve daily targets to cover important and solve SEBI Grade A mock tests. Believe yourself and work on with intent to crack SEBI Grade A exam in 1st Attempt. Best Wishes!

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By Divya Sharma

My Role as a Content Writer in PracticeMock is to craft research based blogs. I ensure that aspirants get accurate information on government exams through blogs.

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