How to Prepare for General Awareness for Mains Exam?
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Why do aspirants beat around the bush so much when it comes to How to Prepare for General Awareness? 

  • GK can be really tricky for a number of reasons 
  • There is too much advice out there but very little application 
  • Anybody can give you a book recommendation, but nobody tells you what chapters to focus on from a particular book 
  • You can solve 100 quizzes online, but are those questions even relevant? 

These are the questions you need to ask yourself while preparing for GK. 


How to Prepare for General Awareness for Mains Exam?

Here are some tips to rely on: 

Be smart about making Notes 

Not everything you read comes from reading GK books where you can mark or highlight something. In fact, most of the discovery is happening online. So, it is essential to develop a habit of making notes or it will become too chaotic for you to revise or remember.

Start Reading the Hindu Newspaper 

Ask any banking aspirant; their day doesn’t get over if they haven’t read “The Hindu.” Such is the relevance of reading this newspaper for current affairs. Moreover, it is believed SBI gives a lot of current affair questions from this very publication. A good habit of reading Hindu will not only improve your CA but will improve your English, reading speed, and will make you good at solving reading comprehensions.  

Start Reading “The Economic Times” 

No better newspaper than “Economic Times” to get a good hold on what’s happening in India and the world from the financial and economic standpoint. What newspaper do you think highly rated banked officials read?

The Economic Times.  

Lucent is an Excellent Book. But, do you know how to use it? 

Every aspirant knows about Lucent book for GA preparation. Everybody has one in their shelf. But the key lies in if you know how to read and analyze that book. Most people will generally read the book, maybe even do repetitions, but that’s not enough.  

Also, do you know which sections you should cover from Lucent!?  

You need to understand that Lucent is a factual book. It’s more of a static GK and factual GK kind of a book. Not a current affairs book.  

The best portions of Lucent are Indian Polity, Geography, History, and Biology. You don’t have to look at any other book when it comes to these four subjects. All of them are covered very extensively.  

One other tip for using Lucent properly is by marking important stuff as you read it for the first or second time. Keep a highlighter and a pen with you. Also, prepare notes copy for some of the important material or for facts you are not able to remember. Keep interacting with your book for better and quick learning.  

And the last piece of advice for Lucent would be to mug it up. There is no other way. It’s a book written for factual awareness which covers a wide variety of topics. Regular repetition is necessary.  

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Download monthly GA PDFs of PracticeMock

We at Practicemock give out weekly and monthly GA PDFs which covers the following topics/section of general awareness:

  • Banking GK  
  • Economics GK  
  • Funds allotted  
  • State news  
  • Appointments (Special designations of banks and Government of India)  
  • Schemes  
  • Books and Authors – You can easily cover them because hardly 4-5 books are released every month. Don’t miss out on this topic.  
  • Awards   
  • Committees – Bank related  
  • Rankings and reports  

These are 10 topics which are covered in all our monthly GA PDFs. One supreme benefit of downloading them is to keep your reviosn material stored in one place altogether.

Download monthly GA PDFs here

Regular Reading and GK Videos work

Taking a daily tour of current affairs from credible YoutTube channel will help you immensely. Pick a channel which daily showcases 15 minutes of current affairs related to your exams. A lot of news would be repeated for dollow-ups which will leads to a better recollection for the particular current affair.

Best preparation resources for general awareness of bank PO exams 

11 Free Banking and General Awareness PDFs 

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Be smart about everything when it comes to GK preparation. Keep taking regular mocks as well. Without them, you won’t be able to track your GK preparation.  

Find daily exam related updates posted on our official Instagram handle as well.   

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