How to Prepare Blood Relations Concept along with Practice Questions- Important for RBI Assistant

RBI Assistant 2023 recruitment notification was released today featuring 450 vacancies. The online application is already started and those who have filled the online application must check out the RBI Assistant previous year along with answers & detailed solutions. As far as RBI Assistant exam pattern goes Reasoning Ability section comprises of 35 marks and include 35 questions. Usually, reasoning section is one of the toughest section and requires a lot of practice which is why we are here with few How to Prepare Blood Relations Concept along with Practice Questions which is important for RBI Assistant 2023 exam. In this article we will be discussing tips and tricks to solve blood relation questions along with some practice questions.

RBI Assistant Prelims Exam Pattern

SectionsNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
English Language303020 min.
Reasoning Ability353520min.
Numerical Ability353520 min.
Total10010060 min.

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How to Prepare Blood Relations Concept along with Practice Questions

Introduction to Blood Relations

Any relation in the world that is either by birth or marriage is a blood relation. For example, a relation by birth is father, mother, uncle, and son. While relations by marriage are father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, etc.

Types of Questions based on Blood Relation

The blood relation question has changed various types. Earlier the questions which were asked were just statement or dialogue-based questions. Blood relation questions now have become very complex with the rising competition in competitive exams. A few types of blood relation questions are:

1. Dialogue or Conversation Based: In these types of questions a statement is laid by a person describing a relation. The person may or may not be personally related to the one stating it. 

2. Coding-Decoding: It is one of the recent types of blood relation questions, usually asked in the mains exam. In these questions, relations are represented by symbols. 

3. Based on Puzzles: The blood relations are described in the form of a puzzle. Brief information about the relation between people is provided and questions are asked on the basis of that. 

Note: Never assume the gender of any person on the basis of the name.   

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Blood Relation Practice Questions

Family tree:

A family tree is a pictorial representation of genealogical data.

Family tree helps in solving the questions related to the blood relation. 

The following points help in drawing a family tree.

1. All the female members of the family are represented with a ‘-’ sign with their name.

2. All the male members of the family are represented a ‘+’ sign with their name.

3. The relation between two members of the family is shown by connecting line.

4. The spouse relation is represented by the two ends of a double line.

5. All the family members of the same generation are represented together. Ex: brothers, Sisters, cousins, wife, husband, etc.

6. All the family members of the next generation are represented below in the family tree. Ex: grandparents are represented above the parents, who are represented above their child and so on. 

The representation and the observations from the family tree are as follows, 


A is husband of B. 

D is the daughter of A. 

C is the brother of D

G is wife of E.

C is the brother in law of E. 

D is sister in law of J.

E is father of H.

D is mother of H. 

H is grandson of F. 

I is granddaughter of F.

F is paternal grandfather of H

G is paternal grandmother of H.

A is maternal grandfather of H.

B is maternal grandmother of H.

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Directions(1-3): Answer the questions based on the information given below.

There are eight members, A, B, C, D, E, G, M and R in a family. The family consists of three generations, one married couple, and four females.

M is the maternal grandmother of C, who is a male. R is the father of G, who is married. G has only one sister. D is the sister of B, who is unmarried. M has three children. A is the sister-in-law of E, who is the daughter of M. D is unmarried.

Question 1: How is C related to R?

A) Brother

B) Daughter

C) Son

D) Aunt

E) None of the above

Question 2: If N is married to M then how B is related to N?

A) Son

B) Son-in-law

C) Daughter-in-law

D) Daughter

E) None of the above

Question 2: If N is married to M then how B is related to N?

A) Son

B) Son-in-law

C) Daughter-in-law

D) Daughter

E) None of the above

Question 3: Who among the following is the father of A?

A) E

B) C

C) G

D) R

E) None of the above

Directions(4-5): Answer the questions based on the information given below.

There are eight members in a family. No single person is the parent in the family. M is the father of D and is married to E. F is the sister of L. K is the granddaughter of E. C is married to F’s son. A is the only sibling of K.

Question 4: How is C related to D?

A) Sister – in – law

B) Mother

C) Daughter – in – law

D) Mother – in – law

E) Can’t be determined

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Question 5: If the gender of L and K is same then, which of the following statement is true?

A) L is the brother of F

B) L is the maternal uncle of A

C) L is the brother – in – law of D

D) L is the aunt of K

E) None is true

Question 6: D is the brother of A, who is the mother of M, who is the sister of B. if B is the son of Z then how is Z related to D.

A) Son-in-law

B) Son

C) Brother

D) Brother-in-law

E) None of these

Question 7: D is the brother of A, who is the mother of M, who is the sister of B. K is the father of D and is married to T.If B is the son of Z then how is T related to M?

A) Grandmother

B) Son

C) Mother

D) Mother-in-law

E) Cannot be determined

Directions(8-10): Answer the questions based on the information given below.

Nine persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, and X are members of a family consisting of three generations and three married couples. X is the only sister-in-law of P, who is only daughter of W. Only P and Q are children of V. U is son of R. S and T are children of X. V is the paternal grandfather of T.

Question 8: How many male members are in the family?

A) Four

B) Five

C) Six

D) Seven

E) Cannot be determined

Question 9: Who is the maternal uncle of U?

A) V

B) W

C) P

D) S

E) Q

Question 10: How is R related to son of W?

A) Brother

B) Sister

C) Brother-in-law

D) Sister-in-law

E) None of the above

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निर्देश(1-3): नीचे दी गई जानकारी के आधार पर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें।

एक परिवार में आठ सदस्य A, B, C, D, E, G, M और R हैं। परिवार में तीन पीढ़ियां, एक विवाहित जोड़ा और चार महिलाएं शामिल हैं।

M C की नानी है और C एक पुरुष है। R G का पिता है और G विवाहित है। G की केवल एक बहन है। D B की बहन है और B अविवाहित है। M के तीन बच्चे हैं। A E की भाभी/ननद/साली है और E M की पुत्री है। D अविवाहित है।

प्रश्न 1: C R से कैसे संबंधित है?

A) भाई

B) पुत्री

C) पुत्र

D) चाची

E) उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 2: यदि N M से विवाहित है, तो B N से कैसे संबंधित है?

A) बेटा

B) दामाद

C) बहू

D) बेटी

E) उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 3: निम्नलिखित में से कौन A का पिता है?

A) E

B) C

C) G

D) R

E) उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं

निर्देश(4-5): नीचे दी गई जानकारी के आधार पर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें।

एक परिवार में आठ सदस्य हैं। परिवार में कोई भी अविवाहित व्यक्ति एक अभिभावक नहीं है। M D का पिता है और E से विवाहित है। F L की बहन है। K E की पोती/नवासी है। C F के पुत्र से विवाहित है। A K का इकलौता भाई/बहन है।

प्रश्न 4: C D से कैसे संबंधित है?

A) साली/भाभी/ननद

B) माता

C) बहु

D) सास

E) निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता है

प्रश्न 5: यदि L और K का लिंग समान है, तो निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा कथन सत्य है?

A) L F का भाई है

B) L A का मामा है

C) L D का साला/जीजा/देवर है

D) L K की चाची/मामी/बुआ/मौसी है

E) कोई भी सही नहीं है

प्रश्न 6: D A का भाई है और A M की माता है और M B की बहन है| यदि B Z का पुत्र है तो Z D से कैसे सम्बंधित है?

A) दामाद

B) पुत्र

C) भाई

D) साला/जीजा/देवर

E) इनमे से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 7: D A का भाई है और A M की माता है और M B की बहन है| K D का पिता है और वह T से विवाहित है| यदि B Z का पुत्र है तो T M से कैसे सम्बंधित है?

A) दादी/नानी

B) पुत्र

C) माता

D) सास

E) निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता

निर्देश(8-10): नीचे दी गई जानकारी के आधार पर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें।

नौ व्यक्ति P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, और X तीन पीढ़ियों और तीन विवाहित जोड़ों वाले परिवार के सदस्य हैं। X P की इकलौती भाभी/साली/ननद है और P W की इकलौती पुत्री है। V की संतान केवल P और Q हैं। U R का पुत्र है। X की संतान S और T हैं। V T का दादा है।

प्रश्न 8: परिवार में कितने पुरुष सदस्य हैं?

A) चार

B) पांच

C) छह

D) सात

E) निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता है

प्रश्न 9: U का मामा कौन है?

A) V

B) W

C) P

D) S

E) Q

प्रश्न 10: R W के पुत्र से कैसे सम्बंधित है?

A) भाई

B) बहन

C) साला/जीजा/देवर

D) भाभी/साली/ननद

E) उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं

RBI Assistant Prelims Free Mock Test 2023


1) – E)2) – A)3) – D)4) – C)5) – D)6) – D)
7) – A)8) – E)9) – E)10) – C)

Solution 1: E)

Starting Point: First consider the direct statements/clues.


1. M is the maternal grandmother of C, who is a male.

2. R is the father of G, who is married.

3. G has only one sister.

Inference: From clues 1, 2, 3, and 4 we conclude that G is the son of R, who has either one or two daughter as the gender of G is unknown.


5. D is the sister of B, who is unmarried.

6. D is unmarried. M has three children.

7. A is the sister-in-law of E, who is the daughter of M.

Inference: From clues 5, 6, and 7 we conclude that E is married to G. A is the sister of G.

C is the grandson of R.

Hence, option e.

Solution 2: A)

If N is married to M, then

B is the son of M, who is married to N.

Hence, option a.

Solution 3: D)

R is the father of A.

Hence, option d.

Solution 4: C)

Clues: M is the father of D and is married to E.K is the granddaughter of E.

Inference: So, K is either the daughter of D or daughter of sibling of D.

Clues: F is the sister of L.C is married to F’s son. A is the only sibling of K.

Inference: As C is married to F’s son and A is the only sibling of K which means C must be married to A. And F must be wife of D.

The family tree is as follows:

C is the daughter – in – law of D.

Hence, option c.

Solution 5: D)

If the gender of L and K is same then L must be a female member of the family.

Hence, option d.

Solution 6: D)

Z is the Brother-in-law of D.

Hence, option d.

Solution 7: A)

T is the grandmother of M.

Hence, option a.

Solution 8: E)

By using all the clues, we draw the following family tree:

As the gender of S and T are not certain so the answer will be cannot be determined.

Hence, option e.

Solution 9: E)

Q is the maternal uncle of U.

Hence, option e.

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Solution 10: C)

R is the brother-in-law of Q, who is son of W.

Hence, option c.

This brings us to the end of the article. Make sure you learn these tricks and strategies for solving blood relation questions and try attempt these practice questions. Attempt RBI Assistant free mock test to get yours hands onto latest questions and their solutions.

Cheena Sawhney

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