How to Manage Mains Prep amongst back to back Prelims?
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Mains Prep: It all started with SBI PO Prelims and now everybody is preparing for IBPS PO. And post that many will become busy with IBPS Clerk prelims.

Holi Sale

Many will make the biggest mistake of neglecting the mains preparation.

SBI PO mains are likely to be held in December. So, if you are targeting SBI PO you should start devoting some of your time there as well and vice versa.

But how to divide time when there are back to back prelims?

Make the time for mains preparation based on time gap you have between your different prelims examinations. Let’s assume you gave SBI PO prelims at 27th Nov and your IBPS PO prelims will be held on December 11. In the period of two weeks you can spare a week for the prep of mains. Start giving SBI PO mains mock to move a step ahead in your mains journey.

SBI PO Mains Mock

You can follow this process easily for the rest of the main examination as well. So, this is how you can manage to cover the main prep for all the three exams namely, SBI PO, IBPS PO, and IBPS Clerk 2021.

SBI PO Expected Cut-off Prelims 2021

Expected Cut-Off for SBI PO Prelims 2021 Exam
CategoryExpected Cut-Off (Out of 100 Marks)
General57 to 62 Marks
EWS55 to 60 Marks
OBC50 to 60 Marks
SC45 to 50 Marks
ST40 to 45 Marks

SBI PO Prelims 2021 Expected Result Date

SBI PO General Awareness Study Plan

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