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Is your English Language section is weaker section or do you want to improve your English Language section then this article is for you. We want to tell you that English Language section plays an important role to clear your examination whether it is Prelims or Mains. And, you can easily score full marks in this section like Numerical Ability, Reasoning and General Awareness sections.

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For Prelims exam if Numerical Ability section is your weaker section and in Reasoning you are average or weak but English Language Section is your stronger section as compare to these two sections or you score very good marks in this section. Then you can easily clear your prelims exam with very good marks.

For Mains exam two sections i.e. English Language section and General Awareness section play very important role to clear your mains examination. These two sections helps you a lot to boost your overall marks in Mains. Trust on us if these two section are your stronger section you can easily clear your overall minimum cutoff without the help of other two section i.e. Numerical ability and Reasoning section, but there is minimum sectional cutoff in each section, so you would have to score minimum sectional cutoff in each section.

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So, the question now is “how do you make English Language section strong”. We have answer of this question and also have some unique tips through this you will definitely see big changes and improvement, if you follow it consistently and sincerely, you can see improvement in your English section within one week. Before moving forward, we are sharing syllabus of English Language section after that we will suggest you some ways through it, you can easily score very good marks in it. Let’s have a look at the syllabus of English Language section:

English Language Syllabus

Topic to be covered for English Language

  • Grammar
  • Correct Usage of word
  • Cloze Test
  • Error Spotting
  • Fillers – Single, Double
  • Idioms and Phrases
  • Odd One Out
  • One Word Substitution
  • Misspelled Words
  • Sentence Improvement
  • Synonyms/ Antonyms
  • Vocabulary based questions
  • Word/Phrase Replacement
  • Spelling Error
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Parajumbles/Sentences Rearrangement
  • Paragraph Completion

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Tips to Improve English Section:

Some General Tips

Reading Habit

  1. Start reading from a good newspaper to improve your reading skill.
  2. If your reading skill is good. You don’t need to worry about for English Language section. Because the current pattern of English Language section is completely based on reading skill. No one can guess which pattern type question can be asked but the questions are being asked in exam are doable.
  3. Try to read as much as possible you can, but try to read online whether it is newspaper or magazine.
  4. Do skip offline reading because you are going to appear in online exam.

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Easily Comprehending the Meaning

If you do reading very fast but you are not able to comprehend, “what the passage is trying to convey” then fast reading is useless. For this:

  1. Read one editorial on daily basis and read same article three to five times.
  2. Mug up all difficult words which come in the editorial.
  3. Apply those words when you read the editorial and try to understand and learn the usage of words.
  4. And write the editorial in your own words using those vocab.
  • Learn ten to fifteen vocab in the morning on daily basis from the Hindu newspaper.
  • Try to write more and more in your own words whatever you read and try to use good vocab which you learn from the Hindu newspaper.

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Tips for Some Important Topics:

Reading Comprehension

  1. Try to do at least three reading comprehension on daily basis.
  2. For reading comprehension, you can do practice from these two books:- Aristotle RC-99 or Reading Comprehension by Sujit Kumar.
  3. Do practice three reading comprehension regularly and see the changes with in 1 week.

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Cloze Test

  1. Practice at least three sets of cloze test on daily basis.
  2. If you see any new vocab in the cloze test. Jot down in the your vocab notebook.
  3. Revise these new words at least once before sleeping.

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Parajumble/Sentence Rearrangement

  1. For this topic improve your reading skill. We have already shared above the tips “how you can improve your reading habit”.
  2. Do practice different variety of three to four rearrangements on daily basis.
  3. Attempt quizzes as much as you can.

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Error Detection

  1. Do practice ten to fifteen questions on daily basis.
  2. Learn grammar rules. For grammar you can follow – “SP Bakshi” book.
  3. For practice of question you can follow – “Mirror of Common Errors” book.

Fillers – Single/Double

  1. Do practice ten to fifteen questions on daily basis.
  2. When you are practicing this topic, if you see any new word, write it in your vocab notebook and revise it regularly.
  3. You can practice questions by giving sectional quizzes and mock tests.

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Sentence Improvement

  1. For this topic your reading skill help you a lot. So, try to improve your reading skill.
  2. Read articles related to Economy, Finance, Social, Environment, Science and technology.
  3. Build understanding for every type of article.
  4. Do practice at least ten question on daily basis.

Phrase Replacement

  1. Learn idiom and Phrases by heart.
  2. Practice questions by giving quizzes and sectional test.
  3. Do practice at least 10 question on daily basis.

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We have shared complete strategy to improve your English Language section. Keep one thing in mind reading skill plays very important role to score good marks in this section. If you make a habit of reading daily, it will definitely help you a lot in the examination. As you know, there is also a descriptive section. If you improve your reading skill and make a habit of writing daily along with reading, then no one can stop you to score full marks in this section.

For practicing good quality question for exam, You can also give our mock test and analyse it, and check it, where you are lacking and try to improve it. At last we want to give you only this suggestion, “Give Mock Test, Do Practice, Read Newspaper Daily.”

Andre Agassi Said;

“If you Don’t Practise, You Don’t Deserve To Win”

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