How to crack SSC CHSL?- Any aspirant who satisfies the required eligibility requirements with a single-minded focus on passing the SSC CHSL exam has a very good probability of doing so. How to pass the SSC CHSL exam is a common question among. Some key preparation advice needs to be remembered and followed.
If you’re unsure of how to pass the SSC CHSL exam, it’s crucial to first and foremost believe in your own abilities. Then, choose the best course of action and carry it out correctly and on schedule. To ultimately become a Central Government officer, it is crucial to passing all three SSC CHSL test stages (Tier-I, Tier-II, and Tier-III). In-depth advice on every area of preparation for SSC CHSL is provided after the necessary information on eligibility, exam format, curriculum, and other fundamentals.
We also provide you best study plan for SSC CHSL & covered all important topics, it helps you crack the exam on the first attempt.
One must tighten their schedule in accordance with the SSC CHSL curriculum listed in this section of the SSC CHSL notification and use the advice below as part of their strategy for passing the exam on the first try.
The merit list selection process’s most crucial subject is this. The problems in this subject include a wide range of subjects, including the Number System, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry, and Statistical Charts. Below are some preparation suggestions for this subject:
You should approach General Awareness (GA) carefully because it is a scoring part or subject. Some crucial pointers for this section are:
To meet the cut-off marks and score more in your SSC CHSL Exam, you must set some daily targets. Candidates can follow this SSC CHSL 60-Day Study Schedule which includes all topics from all sections and practice mock tests that will help you in cracking SSC CHSL 2022.
Day | Topics to Study |
Day 1 | Semantic Analogy, Medieval India, Basic Grammar Rules |
Day 2 | Spot the Error, Gupta Empire, Chola Dynasty, Reading Comprehension |
Day 3 | Fill in the Blanks, Symbolic operations, Whole Numbers, |
Day 4 | Questions on Semantic Series, Numbers and Fractions, Vijayanagar Empire, Tughlaq Dynasty |
Day 5 | Cloze Test, Number Analogy, Relationship between numbers. |
Day 6 | Revise all the studied topics in 1st week plus Weekly current affairs |
Day 7 | Practice Free Mock Test 1 |
Day 8 | Percentages, Figural Analogy, Synonyms |
Day 9 | Mughal Empire, Maratha Empire, Books, and Authors, Cloze Test |
Day10 | Basic Concepts in Geography, Space Orientation Questions, Antonyms |
Day 11 | Misspelled words, Physiography of India, States of India, Venn Diagram |
Day 12 | Revise all the studied topics in 2nd week plus Weekly current affairs |
Day 13 | Practice Mock Test 2 |
Day 14 | Major Crops of India, Climate and Soil Types of India, Profit and Loss, Direction Sense |
Day 15 | Lakes and Rivers of India, Major Passes of India, Cloze Test, Simple and Compound Interest |
Day 16 | Mixture and Alligations, Seating Arrangement, Para Jumbles, Types of Vitamins |
Day 17 | Seating Arrangement, Spot the error, Periodic Table, Surds and Indices |
Day 18 | Reading Comprehension, Time and Distance, Seating Arrangement, Weekly current affairs |
Day 19 | Practice Mock Tests 3 and 4 |
Day20 | Weekly Current Affairs, Major Ports in India, Problem on Trains, Height and Distance, Misspelt Words |
Day 21 | Coded Inequalities, Mensuration, One Word Substitution, Economic Policies |
Day 22 | Syllogism, Ratio & Proportion, Active/Passive Voice, Economic Policies |
Day 23 | Reading Comprehension, Blood Relations, Number Systems, Paragraph Completion |
Day24 | Units & Dimensions, Spot the error, Percentage, Coding-Decoding, Weekly current affairs |
Day 25 | Practice Mock Test 5 and 6 |
Day26 | Blood Relations, Sequence & Series, Work, Energy, and Power, Matter and its state |
Day 27 | Reading Comprehension, Data Sufficiency, Oxidation and Reduction, Gravitation |
Day 28 | Work & Time, Logical Reasoning, Para jumbles, Sports in India |
Day29 | Input-Output, Time & Distance, Fill in the Blanks, Cloze Test |
Day 30 | Coding-Decoding, One Word Substitution, Monthly current affairs, Reading Comprehension, Trigonometry |
Day 31 | Practice Mock Test 7 and 8 |
Day 32 | Coded Inequalities, Spot the error, Data Interpretation, Awards and Honors |
Day 33 | Data Sufficiency, Profit & Loss, Paragraph Completion, Heat & Thermodynamics |
Day 34 | Scientific Instruments, Ratio & Proportion, Para jumbles |
Day 35 | Behaviour of Gases, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Syllogism |
Day36 | Seating Arrangement, Para jumbles, Permutation, Combination & Probability, Weekly Current Affairs |
Day 37 | Practice Mock Tests 9 and 10 |
Day 38 | Tabulation, Human Diseases, Chemical Reactions, Simplification |
Day39 | Cloze Test, List of important Drugs and Chemicals, Classification of Animal Kingdom, Economic Policies, Trigonometric Ratios |
Day40 | Revise all the studied topics, Weekly current affairs |
Day 41 | Seating Arrangement, Spot the error, Periodic Table, Surds and Indices |
Day42 | Input-Output, Height and Distance, Fill in the blanks, Cloze Test, |
Day 43 | Practice Mock Test 11 and 12 |
Day44 | Input-Output, Time & Distance, Fill in the Blanks, Cloze Test |
Day45 | Sequence & Series, Culture, Civilization, Year based puzzle, Synonym, Antonyms |
Day46 | Blood Relations, Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Profit & Loss, Para jumbles |
Day47 | Fill in the blanks, Alphanumeric Series, Data Interpretation, Active/Passive Voice |
Day48 | Revise all the studied topics, Weekly current affairs |
Day49 | Practice Mock Tests 13 and 14 |
Day50 | Composition of Blood, Metals and non-metals, Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere |
Day 51 | Cloze Test, List of important Drugs and Chemicals, Classification of Animal Kingdom, Economic Policies, Trigonometric Ratios |
Day 52 | Mixture and Alligations, Seating Arrangement, Para Jumbles, Types of Vitamins |
Day 53 | Coded Inequalities, Spot the error, Data Interpretation, Awards and Honors |
Day 54 | Tabulation, Human Diseases, Chemical Reactions, Reading Comprehension |
Day 55 | Practice Mock Tests 15 and 16 |
Day56 | Practice Mock Tests 17,18,19 |
Day 57 | Practice Mock Tests 20,21,22 |
Day58 | Practice Mock Tests 23,24,25 |
Day59 | Practice Mock Tests 26,27,28 |
Day60 | Practice Mock Test 29,30 |
SSC CHSL 2023 English
SSC CGL English Books | Authors/Publication House |
Wren & Martin – High School English Grammar and Composition | Wren & Martin |
A Mirror of Common Errors | Dr Ashok Kumar Singh |
Perfect Competitive English | V.K. Sinha |
Quick Learning Objective General English | RS Aggarwal & Vikas Aggarwal |
From Plinth to Paramount | Neetu Singh |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension | Arun Sharma |
Objective English for Competitive Examinations | H M Prasad |
Objective General English | SP Bakshi (Arihant) |
Competitive General English | Kiran Prakashan |
SSC CHSL Quantitative Aptitude
Best Books for SSC CHSL Quantitative Aptitude | Authors |
Fast Track Objective Arithmetic | Rajesh Verma |
Quantitative Aptitude | R.S Aggarwal |
Arithmetic For General Competition Vol 1& 2 | Neetu Singh |
Quantitative Abilities Arithmetic Ability | Kiran Prakashan |
Best books to prepare for SSC CHSL Reasoning
Best Books for SSC CHSL Reasoning | Authors |
Analytical Reasoning | M.K Pandey |
Verbal and Nonverbal Reasoning | R.S Aggarwal |
A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal, Non-Verbal & Analytical | B.S Sijwali, Indu Sijwali |
SSC CHSL General Awareness
Best Books for SSC CHSL General Awareness | Authors |
General Knowledge | Lucent Publication |
Manorama Yearbook | Mammen Mathew and Philip Mathew |
Current Affairs | Monthly Magazine and Newspaper |
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