Are you ready to ace the SSC CGL 2023 Tier 1 exam? If yes, then you need a smart and effective study plan that covers all the bases and leaves no stone unturned. That’s why we have created a 45-day study plan that will guide you through the entire syllabus and help you master every topic and subtopic with ease. You’ll also get to practice and review your progress with our Free Mock Test that simulates the real exam environment.
Don’t wait any longer, start your preparation today and get ahead of the competition.
Also read: SSC CGL Tier 1 2023-How to Score 40+ Marks in English Comprehension?
Follow this SSC CGL 45-Day study plan packed with topics from all sections and practice mock tests that will help you in cracking SSC CGL 2023.
Day | Topics to Study |
Day 1 | Start by Taking 1 Free Mock Test & Analyze Your Performance Mirror – Images (Reasoning) Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness) |
Day 2 | Number System + H.C.F & L.C.M (Mathematics) Basic grammar (English) Indian History Take Mock Test 2 & Analyze Your Performance |
Day 3 | Embedded Figures (Reasoning) Basic grammar (English) Indian History Square Roots & Cube Roots (Mathematics) |
Day 4 | Paper Cutting (Reasoning) Problem on Ages (Mathematics) Verb (English) World History Take Mock Test 3 & Analyze Your Performance |
Day 5 | Paper Cutting (Reasoning) Problem on Ages (Mathematics) Verb (English) World History Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness) |
Day 6 | Indian Art & Culture Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness) Take Mock Test 4 & Analyze Your Performance |
Day 7 | Completion of Incomplete pattern (Reasoning) Percentage (Mathematics) Tense (English) |
Day 8 | Ratio- Proportion (Mathematics) Subject- Verb Agreement (English) Take Mock Test 5 & Analyze Your Performance |
Day 9 | Puzzle (Reasoning) Indian Polity & Constitution |
Day 10 | Puzzle (Reasoning) Chain rules (Mathematics) Subject- Verb Agreement (English) |
Day 11 | Ranking Arrangement (Reasoning) Time & Work (Mathematics) Noun (English) Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness) |
Day 12 | Take Mock Test 6 & Analyze Your Performance |
Day 13 | Ranking Arrangement (Reasoning) Pipe & Cisterns (Mathematics) Questions on Noun (English) Economics Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness) |
Day 14 | Sitting Arrangement (Reasoning) Time and Distance (Mathematics) Pronoun (English) Physical Geography Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness) |
Day 15 | Problem on Trains (Mathematics) Verb (English) Geography of India Take Mock Test 7 & Analyze Your Performance |
Day 16 | Direction (Reasoning) Boat and Stream (Mathematics) Adjective (English) Geography of India Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness) |
Day 17 | Statements and Conclusion (Reasoning) Mixture and Alligations (Mathematics) Adjective (English) World Geography |
Day 18 | Computer & IT Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness) Take Mock Test 8 & Analyze Your Performance |
Day 19 | Simple Interest (Mathematics) Conjunction (English) Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness) |
Day 20 | Blood Relations (Reasoning) Compound Interest (Mathematics) Conjunction (English) Physics |
Day 21 | Blood Relations (Reasoning) Stack and Shares (Mathematics) Article (English) Biology Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness) Take Mock Test 9 & Analyze Your Performance |
Day 22 | Article practice questions (English) Assumption (Reasoning) Permutation & Combination (Mathematics) |
Day 23 | Statements and Arguments (Reasoning) Probability (Mathematics) Preposition (English) Discoveries & Inventions |
Day 24 | Science & Technology Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness) Take Mock Test 10 & Analyze Your Performance |
Day 25 | Syllogism (Reasoning) Profit and Loss (Mathematics) Preposition Practice Questions (English) |
Day 26 | Adverb (English) Syllogism (Reasoning) Profit and Loss (Mathematics) Chemistry |
Day 27 | Alphabet Test (Reasoning) Simple Interest (Mathematics) Adverb (English) Important Dates (National Events and International Events) Take Mock Test 11 & Analyze Your Performance |
Day 28 | Calendar (Reasoning) UNO, International & National Organizations |
Day 29 | Clock (Reasoning) \Compound Interest (Mathematics) Synonyms (English) Sports + Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness) |
Day 30 | Discount (Mathematics) Synonyms (English) Take Mock Test 12 & Analyze Your Performance |
Day 31 | Mathematical Operations (Reasoning) Chemistry |
Day 32 | Logical sequence of words (Reasoning) Partnership (Mathematics) Antonyms (English) Biology + Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness) |
Day 33 | Time and Work (Mathematics) Antonyms (English) Missing Character (Reasoning) Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness) Take Mock Test 13 & Analyze Your Performance |
Day 34 | Odd one out (Reasoning) Books & Authors |
Day 35 | Number Series (Reasoning) Time and Work (Mathematics) One-word substitution (English) |
Day 36 | Problem on Ages (Mathematics) One-word substitution (English) Take Mock Test 14 & Analyze Your Performance |
Day 37 | Paper Cutting (Reasoning) Current Affairs of last 6 months (General Awareness) Number System (Mathematics) Active and Positive Voice (English) Revision |
Day 38 | Paper Cutting (Reasoning) Current Affairs of last 6 months (General Awareness) |
Day 39 | Problem on Ages (Mathematics) Coding-Decoding (Reasoning) LCM and HCF (Mathematics) Cloze test (English) Revision + Daily Current Affairs (General Awareness) Take Mock Test 15 & Analyze Your Performance |
Day 40 | Paper Cutting (Reasoning) Problem on Ages (Mathematics) Para Jumbles (English) Take Mock Test 16 & Analyze Your Performance |
Start your preparation for SSC CGL as soon as possible with PracticeMock’s comprehensive study plan that can help you prepare for the exam in just 40 days! With 1 free SSC CGL mock test and quizzes, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses and improve quickly with analysis. PracticeMock’s result-oriented SSC CGL mock test, created by subject experts, will ensure that you prepare well and outshine other competitors in the upcoming SSC CGL 2023 exam.
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