Just 3 days to go for the IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 exam! And, most of the aspirants who want to clear the IBPS Clerk exam, want to crack it in first attempt! Are you also one of them? Great! Yes, cracking the IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 exam is quite an achievable task, but only if you devote proper time to its preparation and carve the best exam strategy that suits your own skills best. And that too, with regular IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Tests practice. Once you ensure it, your failure in the exam becomes impossible, as it is all about accuracy and speed which can most accurately be tested with the Mock Tests.
Let’s talk about the best strategies used by most ‘Toppers’ to crack the IBPS Clerk exam. These valuable tips will guarantee you quick improvements. Read on to know those little but giant secrets, that have proven their worth time and again!
Before we move on to cover the secrets to tackle the English section, it is essential to know the Exam pattern and syllabus for the prelims.
The total number of questions asked in this exam is 100 and you will get only 20 minutes to solve each section separately. Try to attempt maximum questions in each section so that you can qualify in all three sections individually and manage to qualify overall cutoff of the IBPS Clerk 2021 exam.
Given below is the exam pattern of prelims:
Name of the Section | Number of Questions | Maximum Marks | Time Limit |
English Language | 30 | 30 | 20 Minutes |
Numerical Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 Minutes |
Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 Minutes |
Total | 100 | 100 | 60 Minutes |
Marking Scheme: In the IBPS Clerk Prelims 2021 Exam, 100 MCQs will be asked. Each question will be of 1 mark. There would be a penalty for the wrong answer marked by the candidate. Every wrong answer will deduct 0.25 marks. You have to make a preparation strategy to clear the cut-off for each of the three sections, to crack the exam.
Lakhs of aspirants, including you, will be appearing in the IBPS Clerk exam this year. With such a high level of competition, only the best candidates will be able to beat the exam. If you want to be one of them you need to prepare well following the latest IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 syllabus and exam pattern. Plus, you need to focus on the most important tips and tricks that will surely accelerate your preparation.
Check out these proven tips and tricks to crack the upcoming IBPS Clerk 2022 Exam:
It is important to analyze the exam pattern and marking scheme for crafting good preparation. You need to analyze every topic included in each section of the exam. Decide which topics or areas need more time to study and make a plan to invest proper time in each section. Don’t forget that certain topics are more important than others. Once you get a clear idea about the syllabus, you can smartly plan your IBPS Clerk exam preparation accordingly.
You need to create a realistic timetable as per the latest IBPS Clerk Exam syllabus. Stick to that timetable. If you feel you’re weak in any subject or topic, spend more time on it. It always makes your preparation easy and increases your concentration levels.
All you need to do is understand all the theories and concepts to answer confidently in the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam. You can apply shortcuts and techniques to questions on Numerical Ability and Reasoning Ability to solve them quickly and easily. So, after understanding the concepts and getting to know all the related theories, you can quickly learn the shortcuts. For example, the knowledge of basic grammatical rules, structures, and other useful tricks can help you quickly answer the questions from the English Language section.
Regularly reading the newspapers and magazines can be rewarding for IBPS Clerk. You need to allot a two-hour daily time slot for this task in your timetable. Allotting two hours daily for reading newspapers will pay you heavily. Then, you should also maintain a notebook and note down all the new words to add to your vocabulary, for better reading comprehension. This will not just help to solve the English Language section, but also cater to the questions from the General Awareness and Computer Aptitude Section of the IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Exam.
The Quantitative Aptitude section requires a number of formulas to solve the questions. Moreover, the derivations of the formulas too are of utmost importance. So, you need to practice them regularly by applying them. It will help you to derive a formula if you’ll forget it during exam time.
To get the best results in the IBPS Prelims Clerk, you need to practice to try to attempt more questions within a short time duration. This exam demands not just accuracy but also speed. You need to take care of your time management skills with accuracy to answer. A good balance between accuracy and time always results in gaining a high score. Hence, try to solve the practice questions in a time-bound manner.
Practice makes a man perfect. Practicing regularly in any competitive exam is always fruitful. The same proverb applies to the IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam. So, the moment you finish a topic or section, try to solve questions from that topic only. It will help you to test your progress and help you improve. Practice as much as you can. Solve easy questions first and then go for the difficult questions. Always tick the questions you find difficult to answer and revise them later on. Revise whatever you have learned regularly to avoid forgetting it. Hence, allocate at least 2 hours daily for revision.
Now that we have discussed all the important tips, it’s the right time you should begin your revision as soon as you can with the latest IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Tests. Why Mock Tests? So that you don’t repeat the mistakes you make. Plus, it will also help you quickly complete the IBPS Clerk Prelims revision of the syllabus, if you still haven’t revised it. It will also let you have a quick reality check on how effective your preparation is and check your progress and make a perfect exam strategy based on the best Mock Tests analysis. Hence, you must attempt at least 2-3 exam-like Mock tests before the exam, if you are dedicated to cracking the upcoming IBPS Clerk 2022 Prelims exam.
Take the best IBPS Clerk 2022 Mock Tests for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2022 exam & clear it in style!
Q 1. Is the IBPS Clerk Prelims exam easy to crack?
Ans. If you have prepared the syllabus well and have practiced maintaining speed and accuracy via the latest IBPS Clerk 2022 Mock Tests, you can clear the upcoming exam.
Q 2. Can I crack the IBPS Clerk exam with 30 days of preparation?
Ans. It is not impossible to qualify for the IBPS Clerk exam with 30 days of preparation but more hard work, dedication, and preparation will be required. Also, the candidate must have some idea about the syllabus for the examination.
Q 3. What are the best tips to prepare for the IBPS Clerk prelims exam?
Ans. Given above are the best tips toppers have followed to crack IBPS Clerk prelims in the past.
Q 4. Is General Awareness included in the IBPS Clerk Prelims exam
Ans. No, General Awareness is not a part of the IBPS Clerk Prelims syllabus. Only three sections are included Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language.
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