SBI Clerk

How to clear the SBI Clerk 2022 exam like a Topper?

Clear the SBI Clerk 2022 exam like a Topper

First of all, toppers come from the world you and I live in. They have nothing to do with Venus or Mars. If you want to top the upcoming SBI Clerk 2022 exam in first attempt, you must be determined to crack the exam, disciplined to stick to the study plan, have clarity in concepts, learn fast, and lastly, cope up with the SBI Clerk exam stress.

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Right now, we are going to discuss the preparation plan and strategy needed to crack SBI Clerk 2022 like a Topper. But before that, let us peek at the SBI Clerk 2022 Exam Pattern.

Every bank aspirant wants to be a SBI Clerk topper! But only he/she tops who practices Mock Tests and rectifies his/her mistakes and improves instantly! Take a FREE Mock Test to know how the analysis can help you crack the exam!

SBI Clerk Preliminary Exam Pattern 2022

S. NoSectionNo. of QuestionTotal MarksTime Duration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Numerical Ability353520 minutes
3Reasoning353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Pattern 2022

S. NoSectionNo. of QuestionTotal MarksTime Duration
1.General English404035 minutes
2.Quantitative Aptitude505045 minutes
3.Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude506045 minutes
4.General/Financial Awareness505035 minutes
Total1902002 hours 40 minutes

Preparing for SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 Exam? Take FREE Mock Test & test your skills!

How to clear the SBI Clerk 2022 exam like a Topper?

You already know how much competition is there in this exam. It is literally a river of fire and it has to be crossed by drowning. So, if you just know how to swim to the other way drowning will not take you down. And this can be achieved if you’ll do a good beginning. Remember the often repeated saying, well begun is half done? If you can well understand the pre-requisites of this competitive exam, you can surely crack it like a topper. Because they are the ones you understood it all well. Therefore, to rightly plan your preparation, you should:

  • Completely review the syllabus and various subjects
  • Check the weightage given to each subject
  • Look at the previous years’ questions papers for the exam

But to clear the highly competitive bank exam like SBI Clerk, you will have to follow some points. And for that, you need to make a perfect preparation plan.

Here are the tips you need to follow to clear the SBI Clerk 2022 exam like a topper:

1.) Analyze the SBI Clerk Exam syllabus & Exam pattern

Why should you analyse the syllabus before starting your preparation? You need to analyze every topic included in each section of the exam, keeping in mind the marking scheme. This will help you in decide which topics or areas need more time and energy investment. Create and follow a study plan to invest proper time in each section. Don’t forget that certain topics are more important than others. Once you get a clear idea about the syllabus, you can smartly plan your SBI Clerk exam 2022 preparation accordingly.

2.) Eat up Previous Years’ Papers

The Previous Years’ Papers are not your favourate dish. By eating it all up we mean that you should thoroughly solve them to get familiar with the type of questions that come in the actual SBI Clerk exam. It will supply you with a good idea about the exam pattern and the overall difficulty level as well. List down frequently asked topics in all the sections and check out the difficulty level of questions from those topics and prepare the topics accordingly.

3.) Master all the Important Topics

It is essential to master all the questions on all the important topics that keep coming in SBI Clerk Prelims and Mains exams.

Here is some must-do topics that you need to focus on more than others:

  1. Topics for the English Language: Cloze test, Spotting the Error, Sentence Improvement, Para-jumbles, Vocabulary-based Questions, Reading Comprehension
  2. Topics for Quantitative Aptitude: Data Interpretation Questions, Number Series, Simplification/ Approximation, QuaPuzzles & Seating Arrangement
  3. Topics for Reasoning Ability: Syllogism, Inequality, Coding-Decoding, Series-based Questions (Alphanumeric and Numeric), Input-Outputdratic Equations, Comparison between quantities, Arithmetic topics like Profit & Loss, Mixtures & Allegations, Time & Distance, etc.

4.) Practice Mock Tests by keeping Sectional Timing in Mind

In Prelims exam, you’ll only get 20 minutes for each section. Therefore, you need to attempt questions with speed and accuracy and avoid wasting your time on one question. That can be best practiced by taking sectional Mock Tests. Sectional Mock Tests will help you in increasing your speed and train your mind to divide the given time duration amongst various types of questions.

5.) Memorize the formulas

The Quantitative Aptitude section requires a number of formulas to solve the questions. Moreover, the derivations of the formulas too are of utmost importance. So, you need to practice them regularly by applying them. It will help you to derive a formula if you’ll forget it during exam time.

6.) Practice and revision are the two keys to your success lock

Practice makes a man perfect. Practicing regularly in any competitive exam is always fruitful. The same proverb applies to the SBI Clerk Exam. So the moment you finish a topic or section, try to solve questions from that topic only. It will help you to test your progress and help you improve. Practice as much as you can. Solve easy questions first and then go for the difficult questions. Always tick the questions you find difficult to answer and revise them later on. Revise whatever you have learned regularly to avoid forgetting it. Hence, allocate at least 2 hours daily for revision.

7.) Develop your time management skills

Try to practice attempting more questions within short time duration. In this competitive exam, the one who is faster and accurate wins. It tests your ability to think and answer fast because the very aim of a competitive exam is to filter out most of the candidates. Therefore, you need to take care of your time management skills with accuracy while attempting questions. A good balance between accuracy and time always results in gaining a high score. Hence, try to solve the practice questions in a time-bound manner and practice solving questions in minimum time with accuracy. Take as many Mock Tests as you can to achieve that aim in time.

8.) Learn to Maintain Speed & Accuracy

Speed and accuracy, as mentioned above, play a vital role in clearing any competitive exam. Practicing is the only solution by which you can get a command over your calculation and paper-solving speed. Make it a habit of daily attempting sectional tests of all subjects and then going through their solutions. Learn all the shortcuts, formulae, and tricks in the Quantitative Aptitude Section and save your calculation time.

9.) Check out the Previous Year’s Cut-offs

Go through the SBI Clerk Cut-off of previous years It will also supply you with the idea about the difficulty level of the exam. Don’t forget that the difficulty level is increasing every year, but you’ll surely get an idea about it.

10.) SBI Clerk Previous Year Exam Analysis

Previous year’s exam analysis speeds up your overall preparation, as it walks you through the weightage of topics. It will help you see through the actual exam and the questions that are likely to come in the exam. So, you must not forget to go through the SBI Clerk Mains Previous Year Exam Analysis while preparing for the exam.

11.) Do not wait for the Prelims Result

Many students start preparing for the main exam only after they clear the prelims exam. And this is the wrong approach. It is logical that the time that you get between the declaration of SBI Clerk Prelims Result and the day of the Main exam is not enough for good exam preparation. Therefore, start your mains preparation simultaneously. Prepare, make notes, improve and update should be your motto from the very beginning of your Prelims and Mains preparation. There’s no shortcut except a combination of smart and hard work.

12.) Practice Mocks Tests

Practice the latest Mock Tests regularly to analyze your strengths and weaknesses. It will not just help you in making a perfect study plan but will also help you in crafting the best exam strategy that suits your talents. Take Mock Tests daily to train your mind to solve exam-like questions with both speed and accuracy.

13.) Create a realistic timetable

You need to create a realistic timetable as per the latest SBI Clerk Exam syllabus. Moreover, stick to that timetable and make suitable changes if need be. Make short-term and long-term goals. If you feel you’re weak in any subject or topic, invest more time in it. It will track your progress and make your preparation easy. Further, it will also propel your preparation and increase your concentration levels.

14.) Stay away from Stress & Keep Yourself Motivated

Be optimistic and motivated while preparing for the exam. There might come such a time when you will start feeling low or demotivated. Don’t get demotivated if score badly while taking Mock Tests. Just try to improve and increase your speed and accuracy. Rest will happen by itself. Do not get disheartened and try to reach your full potential. Don’t forget that practice is the key to success. John Maxwell, a famous author and leadership expert said ‘Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential.’

Section-wise Tips to Crack SBI Clerk 2022 like a Topper

Here are some section-wise tips you need to keep in mind to maximize your score in each section of the exam and achieve the overall score needed to crack the exam:

  1. English Language: To score well in this section, you should develop a good reading habit. This will help you in solving reading comprehension. Build a habit of reading a good newspaper daily. This will also boost your vocabulary.
  2. Quantitative section: Practice plays a major role here. Practice as much as you can. Work on your calculation speed. Learn all the short tricks required for fast calculation.
  3. Reasoning Ability: Here you should be crystal clear with your basics. Do not leave any topic for the main exam. Prepare all topics right from the start.

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Start your preparation from today with the Best Mock Tests

Many students start their preparations for SBI Clerk mains exam only after they pass the prelims exam. But it is better to start your preparation well in advance to cover all the topics beforehand. Therefore, you need to start your preparation right away. How? Prepare with the best study plan that best suits your study style followed by the latest SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Tests. This will save you from getting overwhelmed with the robust SBI Clerk 2022 syllabus. Break up your big study goals into many tiny ones, short-tern and long-term goals, and achieve all of them one after another. Get into the right frame of mind before you start studying every day, and you will surely succeed like toppers.

Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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