How to Ace the SSC JE 2023 Exam in 3 Months from Scratch?
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Do you dream of cracking the SSC JE 2023 Exam in 3 Months on your first try, even if you’re starting from scratch? We are here to help you make this aim quite possible! The SSC JE 2023 Tier 1 exam for Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Quantity Surveying & Contract) is set for October 9th to 11th, 2023. To join the SSC as a Junior Engineer, you must clear two papers: Paper I and Paper II. Paper I is an online test with multiple-choice questions, while Paper II is an offline test with descriptive questions. You can only take Paper II if you pass Paper I. To ace the exam, you need to master both technical and non-technical subjects. You also need to familiarize yourself with the syllabus and exam pattern to plan your study.

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SSC JE 2023 Exam Pattern for Paper-I

The detailed SSC JE Exam Pattern 2023 for Paper I is tabulated below:

Name of SubjectNumber of QuestionsTotal MarksExam Duration
General Awareness50502 Hours
General Intelligence and Reasoning5050
Part A- General Engineering (Civil & Structural), or
Part B- General Engineering (Electrical), or
Part C- General Engineering (Mechanical)

SSC Junior Engineer Exam Pattern for Paper II

The SSC JE Paper II Exam Pattern is given below in a tabular manner:

Name of SubjectTotal MarksExam Duration
General Engineering (Civil & Structural)3002 Hours
Part B- General Engineering (Electrical)
Part C- General Engineering (Mechanical)

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Day 2SSC JE 2023 Mock Test 1 Know your AIR & Analyze Your Performance
Day 3SSC JE 2023 Free Quizzes & Mini Mocks
Day 4SSC JE Mock Test 2 + Complete Analysis
Day 5SSC JE Mock Test 3 + Complete Analysis
Day 6SSC JE Mock Test 4 + Complete Analysis
Day 7SSC JE Mock Test 5 + Complete Analysis
Day 8SSC JE Mock Test 6 + Complete Analysis
Day 9SSC JE Mock Test 7 + Complete Analysis
Day 10SSC JE Mock Test 8 + Complete Analysis
Day 11SSC JE Mock Test 9 + Complete Analysis
Day 12SSC JE Mock Test 10 + Complete Analysis

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11 Practical Tips to Ace the SSC JE 2023 Exam in 3 Months from Scratch?

Here are some tips to seriously help you out in mastering all topics from the SSC JE 2023 syllabus:

1. Stick the Syllabus & Exam Pattern on Your Wall

Print out the syllabus and exam pattern and put it on your wall where you can see it every day. This will remind you of what you need to cover and how much time you have.

2. Rank the Subjects by Importance

Look at the syllabus and see which subjects have more weightage in the exam. Start with the ones that have more marks and work your way down.

3. Make a Smart Study Schedule

After ranking the subjects, make a realistic and achievable study schedule that includes both technical and non-technical subjects. Follow it strictly and don’t procrastinate.

4. Join a Classroom Program

If you think you need some guidance and support, join a good classroom program that will help you prepare for the exam. This will also help you manage your time better and learn from experts.

5. Don’t Neglect Self-Study

Even if you join a classroom program, you still need to study on your own. Self-study is essential to clear any exam, especially SSC JE. So, make sure you dedicate some time every day for self-study.

6. Make Your Own Notes

While studying, make your own notes on important topics that you can refer to later. This will help you remember the concepts better and revise them faster.

7. Test Yourself with Questions & Quizzes

Don’t just read and move on. Challenge yourself with questions and quizzes on every topic that you study. This will help you master the topic and find out any gaps in your knowledge.

8. Learn from SSC JE Previous Years’ Questions

One of the best ways to prepare for the SSC JE Exam is to practice the questions that were asked in previous years. This will give you an idea of what kind of questions to expect, how hard they are, and how to solve them.

9. Improve Your Speed & Accuracy with Test Series & Mock Tests

The SSC JE Exam is not only about knowing the concepts but also about applying them quickly and accurately. To improve your speed and accuracy, you need to practice with test series and mock tests that follow the latest pattern of the exam. These will also help you assess your strengths and weaknesses and work on them accordingly.

10. Revise Regularly

Don’t let your hard work go to waste by forgetting what you have learned. Make sure you revise the topics regularly and keep them fresh in your mind. The revision will also help you reinforce your learning and recall the information faster.

11. Stay Focused and Motivated

The most important thing for your success is to be consistent in your preparation. Don’t skip any classes or assignments and follow your study schedule diligently. Keep yourself motivated by setting small goals and rewarding yourself for achieving them. Remember, consistency is the key to cracking the SSC JE Exam.

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The SSC JE exam is a two-stage test that requires you to excel in both technical and non-technical subjects. You need to know the syllabus and exam pattern well and follow a smart study plan that covers all the topics. You also need to practice with questions, quizzes, test series and mock tests to improve your speed and accuracy. Revision is also crucial to retain what you have learned and recall it quickly. To start your preparation on the right foot, take a free mock test today and see where you stand. A free SSC JE 2023 mock test can help you assess your level, identify your weak areas, and plan your strategy accordingly. Don’t miss this opportunity to boost your chances of cracking the SSC JE exam in 3 months!

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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