ESIC UDC 2022 online registrations are going on currently and the last date to register online is 15th Feb 2022 which is already over now. Since candidates are now done with the online registration process its time for them to start preparing for the ESIC UDC 2022 examination and can take a free mock test to know your initial exam preparation levels. As far as the selection process goes there will be Prelims & Mains exam and the ESIC UDC Prelims exam starts from 19th March 2022 thereby leaving around 18 days in hand for the aspirants to prepare. The candidates still have ample time to prepare and thus we are here with ESIC UDC 2022 a must follow study plan. This will not only help you cover all important topics for the exam, but also helps you practice each and every section well.
Let’s take a sneak peak into the ESIC UDC 2022 prelims exam pattern first:
S. No. | Name of the Test (ObjectiveTests) | No. of Questions | Max. Marks | Duration |
1 | General Intelligence and Reasoning | 25 | 50 | 1 hour (60 minutes) |
2 | General Awareness | 25 | 50 | |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude | 25 | 50 | |
4 | English Comprehension | 25 | 50 | |
Total | 100 | 200 |
Note: The Total Duration To Complete The Exam Will Be 60 Minutes
ESIC UDC Prelims 2022 Free Mock Test
Day | Task 1 | Task 2 | Task 3 |
1 | ESIC UDC Prelims Free Mock Test + Analysis | General Awareness | Number & Alphanumeric Series |
2 | General Awareness | Simplification/Approximation | Reading Comprehension |
3 | ESIC UDC Prelims 01 Mock Test + Analysis | General Awareness | Grammar Rules & Vocabulary |
4 | Order and Ranking & Data Interpretation, Bar Graph | Idioms and Phrases | General Awareness |
5 | Inequality, Syllogism, Puzzles | Cloze Test | Ratio & Proportion |
6 | Permutation Combination | Probability | Machine Input Output & General Awareness | ESIC UDC Prelims 02 Mock Test + Analysis |
7 | Verbal Reasoning | RC + Vocabulary Building | General Awareness |
8 | ESIC UDC Prelims 03 Mock Test + Analysis | Average | Problems on Age, Percentage | Partnership | Parajumbles |
Day | Task 1 | Task 2 | Task 3 |
1 | ESIC UDC Prelims Free Mock Test + Analysis | General Awareness | Number & Alphanumeric Series |
2 | General Awareness | Simplification/Approximation | Reading Comprehension |
3 | ESIC UDC Prelims 01 Mock Test + Analysis | General Awareness | Grammar Rules & Vocabulary |
4 | Order and Ranking & Data Interpretation, Bar Graph | Idioms and Phrases | General Awareness |
5 | Inequality, Syllogism, Puzzles | Cloze Test | Ratio & Proportion |
6 | Permutation Combination | Probability | Machine Input Output & General Awareness | ESIC UDC Prelims 02 Mock Test + Analysis |
7 | Verbal Reasoning | RC + Vocabulary Building | General Awareness |
8 | ESIC UDC Prelims 03 Mock Test + Analysis | Average | Problems on Age, Percentage | Partnership | Parajumbles |
9 | Coding Decoding & Pie Chart, Caselet, DI | RC + Single & Double Fillers | Machine Input Output & General Awareness |
10 | General Awareness + Profit & Loss, Simple Interest | Compound Interest | Mixture and Alligation, Puzzles | ESIC UDC Prelims 04 Mock Test + Analysis |
Day | Task 1 | Task 2 | Task 3 |
1 | ESIC UDC Prelims Free Mock Test + Analysis | General Awareness | Number & Alphanumeric Series |
2 | General Awareness | Simplification/Approximation | Reading Comprehension |
3 | ESIC UDC Prelims 01 Mock Test + Analysis | General Awareness | Grammar Rules & Vocabulary |
4 | Order and Ranking & Data Interpretation, Bar Graph | Idioms and Phrases | General Awareness |
5 | Inequality, Syllogism, Puzzles | Cloze Test | Ratio & Proportion |
6 | Permutation Combination | Probability | Machine Input Output & General Awareness | ESIC UDC Prelims 02 Mock Test + Analysis |
7 | Verbal Reasoning | RC + Vocabulary Building | General Awareness |
8 | ESIC UDC Prelims 03 Mock Test + Analysis | Average | Problems on Age, Percentage | Partnership | Parajumbles |
9 | Coding Decoding & Pie Chart, Caselet, DI | RC + Single & Double Fillers | Machine Input Output & General Awareness |
10 | General Awareness | Mixture and Alligation, Puzzles | ESIC UDC Prelims 04 Mock Test + Analysis |
11 | RC + Sentence Error | Blood Relation | General Awareness |
12 | Profit & Loss, Simple Interest | Compound Interest | General Awareness | Mixture and Alligation |
13 | ESIC UDC Prelims 05 Mock Test + Analysis | Simple Interest | Compound Interest & Quadratic Equation | One Word Substitution |
14 | Reading Comprehension | General Awareness | General Awareness |
15 | Work, Time & Energy | Change of Voice – Active/Passive | ESIC UDC Prelims 06 Mock Test + Analysis |
Day | Task 1 | Task 2 | Task 3 |
1 | ESIC UDC Prelims Free Mock Test + Analysis | General Awareness | Number & Alphanumeric Series |
2 | General Awareness | Simplification/Approximation | Reading Comprehension |
3 | ESIC UDC Prelims 01 Mock Test + Analysis | General Awareness | Grammar Rules & Vocabulary |
4 | Order and Ranking & Data Interpretation, Bar Graph | Idioms and Phrases | General Awareness |
5 | Inequality, Syllogism, Puzzles | Cloze Test | Ratio & Proportion |
6 | Permutation Combination | Probability | Machine Input Output & General Awareness | ESIC UDC Prelims 02 Mock Test + Analysis |
7 | Verbal Reasoning | RC + Vocabulary Building | General Awareness |
8 | ESIC UDC Prelims 03 Mock Test + Analysis | Average | Problems on Age, Percentage | Partnership | Parajumbles |
9 | Coding Decoding & Pie Chart, Caselet, DI | RC + Single & Double Fillers | Machine Input Output & General Awareness |
10 | General Awareness | Mixture and Alligation, Puzzles | ESIC UDC Prelims 04 Mock Test + Analysis |
11 | RC + Sentence Error | Blood Relation | General Awareness |
12 | Profit & Loss, Simple Interest | Compound Interest | General Awareness | Mixture and Alligation |
13 | ESIC UDC Prelims 05 Mock Test + Analysis | Simple Interest | Compound Interest & Quadratic Equation | One Word Substitution |
14 | Reading Comprehension | General Awareness | General Awareness |
15 | Work, Time & Energy | Change of Voice – Active/Passive | ESIC UDC Prelims 06 Mock Test + Analysis |
16 | Sentence Improvement | Odd One Out | Analogy + Seating Arrangement + Problem Solving | Time & Distance | Problems on Boat, Stream | Train |
17 | Mensuration 2D|3D | Statement and Conclusion & Data Sufficiency | General Awareness |
18 | ESIC UDC Prelims 07 Mock Test + Analysis | Synonyms, Antonyms, Misspelt words | Problems on Pipes & Cistern & Data Interpretation: Mixed DI |
19 | Reading Comprehension | General Awareness | Revise important Reasoning topics |
20 | Revise important reasoning topics | Revise important Quant topics | Revise important English topics |
21 | ESIC UDC Prelims 08 Mock Test + Analysis | General Awareness | General Awareness |
22 | RC + Sentence Error | Blood Relation & Coding Decoding | Mixture and Alligation |
23 | One word substitution + Vocab + RC | Percentage | Partnership | Machine Input Output + Syllogism |
24 | Verbal Reasoning | Change of Voice – Active/Passive + Seating Arrangement + Problem Solving | ESIC UDC Prelims 09 Mock Test + Analysis |
25 | Direction Sense + Statement and Assumptions | General Awareness | Idioms and Phrases + Grammar Rules |
26 | ESIC UDC Prelims 10 Mock Test + Analysis | General Awareness | General Awareness |
27 | Practice ESIC UDC Prelims Quant Mini Mock 03 | Practice ESIC UDC Prelims Reasoning Mini Mock 03 | Practice ESIC UDC Prelims English Mini Mock 02 |
28 | One word substitution + Vocab + RC | Mixture and Alligation | Revise important reasoning topics |
29 | Quadratic Equation | General Awareness | Statement and Conclusion & Data Sufficiency |
ESIC UDC Prelims 2022 Free Mock Test
Topics to be covered for General Awareness
General Awareness as aspirants must know is not a section that can be studied overnight, thus aspirants must make it a practice to study it on a daily basis. It’s very important to maintain a proper schedule as far as General Awareness is concerned. Revise at least 6 months of current affairs from our monthly current affairs magazine Bazooka. Apart from this other important topics which an aspirant preparing for ESIC UDC 2022 must be thorough with are:
Practice Current Affairs Free Quizzes
When it comes to General Awareness the list is endless and therefore it is important to keep preparing for the same on a regular basis so that you do not miss out on anything crucial.
ESIC UDC Prelims 2022 Free Mock Test
As far as Current Affairs are concerned candidates must also stay updated with National & International news, New appointments & joining, Summits, Schemes, Awards and Mergers & Acquisitions etc.
Topic Wise Quizzes & Mini Mocks to Practice for ESIC UDC Prelims:
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