Golden rules for error spotting - part 4
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Today we shall be covering the next series of our on-going error spotting rule series. In the last blog, we put a halt at rule no. 37. And today we will travel till rule no. 50.  

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50 golden rules for error spotting – Part 1
50 golden rules for error spotting – Part 2
50 golden rules for error spotting – Part 3

Rule 38 

After let, if a Pronoun is used, that Pronoun must be in the objective case. 

Incorrect – Let she go to the Himalayas. 

Correct – Let her go to the Himalayas. 

Rule 39 

 When the sentence begins with ‘it’, the verb is used according to the subject. 

Incorrect – It is I who is being punished for my sins. 

Correct – It is I who am being punished for my sins. 

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Rule 40 

If ‘it’s high time/ it’s about time/ it’s time is used in sentence, v2 (past form of verb) comes in the sentence. 

Incorrect – It’s high time you start taking mock tests seriously. 

Correct – It’s high time you started taking mock tests seriously. 

Rule 41 

While expressing a positive idea or [raise, the sequence of the personal pronouns should be as follows: 

You, Rajesh and I have finished our homework 

(Second person, third person, and first person)  

Incorrect – She, I, and Ramesh have won the chess competition.  

Correct – She, Ramesh, and I have won the chess competition. 

Rule 42 

After ‘But’, ‘Except’, ‘Between’ and ‘Let’ the pronoun is used in objective case, whereas after ‘such as’ in the subjective case. 

Incorrect – None attended the ceremony expect she. 

Correct – None attended the ceremony expect her.  

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Rule 43 

‘Some’ is used in affirmative sentences to express quantity or degree. ‘Any’ is used in negative or interrogative sentences. 

Incorrect – I will not buy some raw material from this vendor.  

Correct – I will not buy any raw material from this vendor. 

Rule 44 

 We use ‘a lot of’ or ‘lots’ with both countable and uncountable nouns. 

For example – There was a lot of rain last week. (Rain = uncountable) 

There were a lot of people at the banquet hall. (people = countable/plural) 

Rule 45 

When the percentage or a part of something is mentioned with plural meaning the plural verb is used.  

Incorrect – Three-quarters of the food is been eaten 

Correct – Three-quarters of the food has been eaten 

Rule 46 

In sports, while referring to the players, the name of the country is followed by plural verb. 

Incorrect – India has won the Hockey Olympic finals this time. 

Correct – India have won the Hockey Olympic finals this time. 

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Rule 47 

Titles of books, movies, novels, etcetera are treated as singular and take a singular verb 

Incorrect – The Lord of the Rings are a collection of epic fantasy tales which makes it a classic read for fiction lovers. 

Correct – The Lord of the Rings is a collection of epic fantasy tales which makes it a classic read for fiction lovers. 

Rule 48 

If two infinitives are separated by ‘and’ they take the plural form of the verb.  

Incorrect – To bat and to bowl requires great skill. 

Correct – To bat and to bowl require great skill. 

Rule 49 

Although/Though is followed by yet or a comma.  

Incorrect – Though he became a successful man he isn’t happy. 

Correct – Though he became a successful man yet he isn’t happy. 

Correct – Though he became a successful man, he isn’t happy. 

Rule 50 

Always use correct pair – No sooner…. than, hardly…. when or before, barely…. when or before, etc. Do not use not, no, never with the clause containing these words. If a sentence starts with a negative word, use inversion form, i.e., helping verb before the subject.  

Incorrect – No sooner had he scored a century when he was applauded. 

Correct – No sooner had he scored a century than he was applauded. 

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50 golden rules for error spotting – Part 1
50 golden rules for error spotting – Part 2
50 golden rules for error spotting – Part 3

Error Spotting Questions – IBPS Specialist Officer 17/03/2013

1. The couple’s work in 1)/ upgrading rural technicians 2)/ has set a benchmarking 3)/ for future generations. 4)/  No errors 5) 

2. It has taking almost 1)/ a year for India 2)/ to let its pessimism 3)/ translate into fewer jobs. 4)/ No errors 5) 3. The city needs an airport 1)/ that can efficiently manage 2)/ a constantly flow of 3)/ passengers and flights. 4)/  No errors 5) 

4. This group of 1)/ rural achievers is very 2)/ different than the 3)/ ones in the past. 4)/ No error 5). 5. The government has announced 1)/ plans to creating 2)/ one million new 3)/training places. 4)/ No error 5). 6. The argument assumes that 1)/early detection of the disease 2)/will lead to an immediate drop in 3)/ the  mortality rating from this disease. 4)/ No error 5). 

7. The two most important numbers 1)/ which the mandarins of an 2)/ economy have to watch 3)/ are inflation and  unemployment. 4)/ No error 5). 

8.Wintnessed the young soldier’s ability 1)/ to repeatedly hit bull’s eye at 2)/ arms training,instructors pushed him  3)/ to participate in the Army marksmanship competition. 4)/ No error 5). 

9. It is all well known that 1)/ women are generally in favour of 2)/ light topics like jokes and expressions 3)/ that  causing laughter all around . 4)/ No error 5). 

10. The evening breeze 1)/ won’t carrying the poetry 2)/ of peace beyond 3)/ the school building . 4)/ No error 5).

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Answer Key

1. 3; Replace ‘ benchmarking ’ with ‘benchmark’ 

2. 1; Replace ‘ taking’ with ‘taken ’ 

3. 3; Replace ‘ constantly’ with ‘constant’ 

4. 3; Replace ‘ than’ with ‘ from’ 

5. 2; Replace ‘ creating’ with ‘ create’ 

6. 4; Replace ‘ rating’ with ‘ rate’ 

7. 5  

8. 1; Replace ‘ witnessed’ with ‘ having witnessed’ 

9. 4; Replace ‘ causing’ with ‘ cause’ 

10. 2; Infinitive without ‘ to’ follows wouldn’t/shouldn’t

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