In this article you have 30 questions which were asked in IBPS/RRB examinations years back. The questions have aged like a fine wine. Still as relevant as they can be in 2021.

IBPS RRB (Group A Officers) Exam 02/09/2012 Questions
Directions (Q.36-50): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is ‘No error’ the answer is 5. (Ignore errors of punctuation if any.)
36. 1) The transit system’s underground / 2) tunnels and stations will / 3) be constructed / 4) next heritage structures. / 5) No error.
37. 1) Residents have been planting / 2) the ornamental trees outside / 3) their homes and in lawns to/ 4) add beauty and give their place a grand look. / 5) No error.
38. 1) A diamond jeweller’s peon/ 2) tipped off a gang / 3) about the gold / 4) in his employer’s vault. / 5) No error.
39. 1) He said that the performance of the Indian team / 2) was satisfactory at the international meet / 3) and that they learnt a lot from / 4) watching top seeded players through action at the grand slam. / 5) No error. 40. 1) Watching the exponential / 2) talent of world tennis / 3) was the best things/ 4) to happen to him. / 5) No error.
41. 1) The meeting took place a day after/ 2) the agency held a meeting with project contractors/ 3) to evaluate steps that being taken to / 4) ensure that the buildings were not affected. / 5) No error. 42. 1) The director explained/ 2) the theme and / 3) the concept of / 4) the international folk festival. / 5) No error.
43. 1) The fight among/ 2) rival candidates between the medium / 3) of catchy slogans/ 4) has started. / 5) No error.
Golden rules for error spotting – part 1
44. 1) Acting on a tip-off / 2) the anti-robbery squad led / 3) by inspectors laid / 4) a trap for the robbers. / 5) No error.
45. 1) The process of / 2) revising figures of damage / 3) to get additional compensation / 4) has began. / 5) No error.
46. 1) Farmers who grow the crop/ 2) are the worse hit, as the investment / 3) they make on a crop is / 4) huge as compared to the profit. / 5) No error.
47. 1) The government is made it / 2) mandatory for pharmacies to send / 3) copies of medical bills along with / 4) prescriptions of drugs and details of patients. / 5) No error.
48. 1) While these schools have/ 2) a strong traditional hold, the reason for / 3) forming a consortium in India is to encourage / 4) cultural diversity for their institutes. / 5) No error.
49. 1) The Government soon will make / 2) it mandatory for all private hospitals / 3) to notify infectious cases/ 4) as soon as they are detected. / 5) No error.
50. 1) School children, who so far / 2) have had rationed access to / 3) the few playgrounds on the city must be / 4) happy by the recent move. / 5) No error.

Answer Key
36. 4; Replace “next” with “near”
37. 2; Replace “have been planting” with “have planted”
38. 5
39. 4; Replace “through” with “in”
40. 3; Replace “things” with “thing”
41. 3; Put the word “were” before “being”
42. 5
43. 2; Replace “between” with “through”
44. 5
45. 4; Replace “began” with “begun”
46. 2; Replace “worse” with “worst”
47. 1; Replace “is” with “has”
48. 4; Replace “for” with “in”
49. 1; Put the word “soon” before “make”
50. 3; Replace “on” with “in”
Golden rules of error spotting – Part 2

IBPS Specialist Officer 17/03/2013 Questions
Directions (Q.1-15): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is “No error” the answer is ‘5’. (Ignore errors of punctuation if any.)
1. The couple’s work in 1)/ upgrading rural technicians 2)/ has set a benchmarking 3)/ for future generations. 4)/ No errors 5)
2. It has taking almost 1)/ a year for India 2)/ to let its pessimism 3)/ translate into fewer jobs. 4)/ No errors 5) 3. The city needs an airport 1)/ that can efficiently manage 2)/ a constantly flow of 3)/ passengers and flights. 4)/ No errors 5)
4. This group of 1)/ rural achievers is very 2)/ different than the 3)/ ones in the past. 4)/ No error 5). 5. The government has announced 1)/ plans to creating 2)/ one million new 3)/training places. 4)/ No error 5). 6. The argument assumes that 1)/early detection of the disease 2)/will lead to an immediate drop in 3)/ the mortality rating from this disease. 4)/ No error 5).
7. The two most important numbers 1)/ which the mandarins of an 2)/ economy have to watch 3)/ are inflation and unemployment. 4)/ No error 5).
8.Witnessed the young soldier’s ability 1)/ to repeatedly hit bull’s eye at 2)/ arms training, instructors pushed him 3)/ to participate in the Army marksmanship competition. 4)/ No error 5).
9. It is all well known that 1)/ women are generally in favour of 2)/ light topics like jokes and expressions 3)/ that causing laughter all around. 4)/ No error 5).
Golden rules of error spotting – Part 3
10. The evening breeze1)/ won’t carrying the poetry 2)/ of peace beyond 3)/ the school building . 4)/ No error 5). 11. We are bring in the idea that 1)/ European rehabilitation focussed 2)/ on a multi-disciplinary approach 3)/ towards chronic pain. 4)/ No error 5).
12. If parents are able to 1)/ get their children into schools 2)/ that are far away, the 3)/ next challenge is transportation. 4)/ No error 5).
13. The perception of others 1)/ particularly family members 2)/ changed when he 3)/ qualified on a government job. 4)/ No error 5).
14. Every house should 1)/ have the device as it 2)/ protects people from a 3)/ common household disaster. 4)/ No error 5).
15. Automated baggage handling systems are 1)/ ensuring that on the time passengers 2)/ are out of the plane their 3)/ baggage is already waiting for them. 4)/ No error 5).

Answer Key
1. 3; Replace ‘benchmarking’ with ‘benchmark’
2. 1; Replace ‘taking’ with ‘taken’
3. 3; Replace ‘constantly’ with ‘constant’
4. 3; Replace ‘than’ with ‘from’
5. 2; Replace ‘creating’ with ‘create’
6. 4; Replace ‘rating’ with ‘rate’
7. 5
8. 1; Replace ‘witnessed’ with ‘having witnessed’
9. 4; Replace ‘causing’ with ‘cause’
10. 2; Infinitive without ‘to’ follows wouldn’t/shouldn’t
11. 1; Replace ‘bring’ with ‘bringing’
12. 5; No error
13. 4; Replace ‘on’ with ‘for’
14. 5; No error
15. 2; Replace ‘on’ with ‘at’
Golden rules of error spotting – Part 4

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