EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Exam Date & Preparation Strategy
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EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Exam Date: The Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has announced the recruitment of Social Security Assistant (SSA) and Stenographer posts on its official website @epfindia.gov.in. The online application process started on 27th March 2023 and ended on 26th April 2023. The EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Exam Date has not been announced yet. The exam will be conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for 2859 Social Security Assistants (SSA) and Stenographers vacancies. Candidates who have applied for the posts must start their preparation today without delay. The EPFO recruitment drive is being conducted to fill up a total of 2859 vacancies, out of which, 185 posts are for Stenographer (Group C) and 2674 posts are for Social Security Assistants.

Stay tuned to this page for regular updates on EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023.

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Also read: EPFO SSA 2023 Complete Syllabus-Changes in Exam Pattern & EPFO SSA 2023-English Language Strategy for Success

EPFO EXam 2023 Overview

EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023
Name of organizationEmployees Provident Fund Organization
Name of recruitmentEPFO SSA Notification 2023
No. of vacancies2859
Name of postsSocial Security Assistant (SSA) and Stenographer
Online Registration Starting Date27th March 2023
Apply Online Last Date26th April 2023
CategoryGovernment Jobs 2023
Apply ModeOnline
Official Websitewww.epfindia.gov.in

EPFO SSA Notification: Important Dates

The online application process starts in March 2023 from the official website. Candidates must check all the important dates tabulated below. We have updated the important dates shortly.

EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023: Important Dates
Notification release24th March 2023
Online application starts27 March 2023 (Active)
Last Date of application26th April 2023
Correction of Online Application27th April to 28th April 2023
Admit Card releaseTo be notified
Date of Prelims ExamTo be notified
Date of Mains ExamTo be notified
Date of Skill TestTo be notified

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EPFO SSA Notification 2023 Exam Pattern

EPFO SSA Phase 1/Prelims Exam Pattern 2023
SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
General Aptitude301202 hours and 30 minutes (150 Minutes)
General Knowledge/ General Awareness30120
Quantitative Ability30120
General English with *Comprehension50200
Computer Literacy1040
  • Each question shall have 4 marks each.
  • The marks obtained in Phase–I will be considered for final selection on merit.
  • For each wrong answer, there will be a negative marking of 1/4th of the mark
  • assigned to that question.
  • *English comprehension shall be objective.
  • Total marks 600.
  • The candidates will be shortlisted for Phase-II in a ratio of 1:10 i.e. about 10 times
  • the number of vacancies in each category on the basis of their performance in Phase-I.
  • If the examination is held in more than one session, the scores across various sessions
  • will be equated following standard practice to adjust for slight differences in difficulty
  • level of different test batteries used across sessions.
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Phase II-Computer Skill Test (Computer Data Entry Test)

You will have to appear for the Skill Test to get your speed and accuracy tested for the Data Entry Work. This test asks for a typing speed of 35 words per minute in English or 30 words per minute in Hindi on a computer. (35 words per minute and 30 words per minute correspond to 10500 Key Depression Per Hour (KDPH) / 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word for Data Entry Work. After getting short-listed for the Skill Test you will have to appear for a Skill Test.

NOTE: Computer Skill Test will be qualifying in nature. Marks obtained will not be reckoned for merit ranking.

Qualifying Marks

Qualifying Marks in Phase–I (Main Exam.) will be decided according to the discretion of EPFO.

Process for Arriving at Scores

In case the exam is conducted in multiple or more than one session, the process of moderation will follow to ensure fairness.

Note: Cut-offs are applied in two stages: on scores in individual tests and on Total Score.

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EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Preparation Strategy

Here are the tips that will help you in preparing for the exam and maximize your score in every section of the exam:

  • Understand the exam pattern and syllabus thoroughly. The exam will consist of a Computer Based Examination (Phase-I) and a Computer Typing Test (Phase-II) (Computer Data Entry Test).
  • Practice via EPFO SSA 2023 mock tests and previous years’ papers to improve your speed and accuracy.
  • Revise the important topics and concepts regularly. Focus on the sections of English Language, Reasoning Ability and Numerical Aptitude for the Phase-I exam.
  • Work on your typing skills and data entry accuracy for the Phase-II exam. You can use online tools to practice your typing speed and accuracy.
  • Stay updated with the current affairs and general knowledge related to EPFO and its functions. You can read newspapers, magazines and online sources to keep yourself informed.
  • Manage your time effectively and plan your study schedule according to your strengths and weaknesses. Allocate sufficient time for each section and topic.
  • Review your performance and identify your mistakes and areas of improvement. Learn from your feedback and work on them.
  • Stay healthy and positive. Take care of your physical and mental well-being. Eat well, sleep well and relax before the exam.

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Q.) Is EPFO SSA Notification 2023 Released?

Ans. Yes, EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Notification has been released by officials

Q.) When will EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 apply online begins?

Ans. The online application has been started for EPFO SSA and Steno Posts.

Q.) How many vacancies are announced for EPFO SSA Notification 2023?

Ans. There are a total of 2859 Vacancies announced for the post of SSA and Stenographer for EPFO Notification.

Q.) What is the last date of application for EPFO SSA Recruitment 2023 Notification apply online.

Ans. The last date for application was 26th April 2023.

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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