EPFO APFC 2023-4 Days Mock Test Challenge & Free Mock Test

How much prepared are you to face the upcoming EPFO APFC 2023 exam on 2nd July 2023? Now that only;y four days are left for the exam, you need to revise all the topics that you can face in the exam smartly. The main purpose of crafting this 4 Days Mock Test Challenge & Free Mock Test is to train your brain to confidently face the exam. Plus, you’ll get the best revision tips to accelerate your revision process further.

Hurry up and start your revision with a FREE Mock Test like a pro and succeed like winners do!

यहां Click करें और Free Mock Test के साथ Super-fast Revision शुरू करें!

Also Read: UPSC EPFO APFC 2023-Compact Exam Strategy for Superb Results
Also Read: UPSC EPFO APFC 2023-Best Revision Tips for Success

UPSC EPFO APFC 2023-4 Days Mock Tests for Quick Revision

Here are the Mock Tests and quizzes that will help you skyrocket your preparation and revision in just 9 days:

DaySpecial Preparatory Mock Test
1Take 1 UPSC EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test + Scoring Topics
2Take UPSC EPFO APFC 2023 No. 1 & Cover All Imp. Topics
3Take UPSC EPFO APFC 2023 2023 Quizzes
4Take UPSC EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test No. 2 & Complete Analysis

Take UPSC EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test Now & Master All Topics Quickly!

UPSC EPFO APFC 2023-4 Days Mock Test Challenge for Quick Revision

Given below is a 4-day mock test challenge designed to help you quickly cover all the important topics from the APFC 2023 syllabus complimented with a FREE APFC Revision Mock Test:

Date Topics to Cover for Revision
June 29 MorningTake a FREE EPFO APFC Mock Test+ Complete Analysis🛡️🆓👈

Quantitative Aptitude: Average, HCF & LCM, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Percentage, and its application & Simple Interest. Social Security in India: Social Security in India, Employee Provident Fund Organization (EPFO), New Social Security Schemes, Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC).
General Science: Nutrition in Animals and Plants, Diseases and Causes, SI Unit, Electricity, Chemical Properties of Substances, Wave & Energy.  Knowledge of Computer Applications: Computer & Its Development, Basic Concepts, Input & Output Devices & Internet

Industrial Relations & Labour Laws: Workers Provision, Constitution of India, Employees State Insurance Act, Equal Remuneration Act, Workmen Compensation Act & Industrial Disputes Act (IDA).
Indian Freedom Struggle: Indian National Movement, Revolt of 1857 First War of Independence, Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, Partition of Bengal 1905, The Rise of Gandhi in Indian Freedom Struggle
June 29
Take EPFO APFC Mock Test 1+ Track Your Performance

General English: Error Spotting, Cloze Test, Para Jumbles, Spellings, Antonyms & Synonyms
General Mental Ability: Blood Relations, Seating Arrangement, Puzzle Test, Statement & Inferences, Series & Sequences of Figures.
Current Events & Develop Issues: National & International  Current Affairs, State Animals and Symbols, Imp Days, Awards, Inventions & Finance News.
June 30Take EPFO APFC Mock Test Challenge  2 + Cover All Important Topics

Indian Polity & Economy: Facts about Parliament, Supreme Court, Fundamental Rights & Duties, Governor’s Rols & Duties, Important Constitution Bodies, Official Language & Provisions. Industrial
Relation & Labor Laws: Constitution of India, Laws for Female Workers, Maternity Benefit Act, Factories Act, Equal Remuneration Act, Trade Union Act & Minimum Wages Act.
June 1Take EPFO APFC Mock Test Challenge 3+ Know Your AIR

Indian Polity & Economy: Fundamental Duties, Facts Related to Parliament, Governor’s Duties & Functions, Election of President & Functions. General Science & Knowledge of Computer Applications

Take a Free UPSC EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test Now💁‍♂️

UPSC EPFO APFC 2023: How to Rock Your Revision

If you dream of becoming an Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in first attempt, you need to study and revise like a pro. The exam is hard and demands your best.

Here are some awesome revision tips that will ease your revision process:

1. Know the syllabus and exam pattern

The syllabus covers topics like General English, General Studies, Indian Economy, Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, Social Security in India, Accounting Principles and Computer Applications. The exam has a written test and an interview, each worth 100 marks. The written test has objective questions with negative marking. The interview checks your personality, communication, and subject knowledge.

2. Make a revision plan that suits you

A revision plan helps you to sort your material, prioritize your topics, allocate your time and track your progress. Use a calendar, a planner, a notebook or an online tool to make your plan. Set realistic and achievable goals for each day and week.

3. Revise regularly and systematically

Revise the topics that you have studied earlier and don’t leave anything for the last minute. Revise the topics in a logical order, from basics to advanced. Revise the topics from different sources, like books, notes, online courses, mock tests and previous papers.

4. Use mnemonics, diagrams and flashcards

Use mnemonics, diagrams and flashcards to memorize and recall the information. Mnemonics are memory aids that use acronyms, rhymes or associations. Diagrams are visual representations that organize the information. Flashcards are small cards that have a question on one side and an answer on the other. Use these tools to test yourself and reinforce your learning.

5. Solve mock tests and previous papers

Solve mock tests and previous papers to familiarize yourself with the exam format, difficulty level, question types and time management. Identify your strengths and weaknesses, improve your accuracy and speed, and boost your confidence. Solve as many tests and papers as possible and analyze your performance after each test. Don’t wait any longer! Speed up your revision with a Free Mock Test.

6. Revise with others

Revise with others who are preparing for the same exam. Join a study group, an online forum or a coaching class to revise with others. Exchange ideas, clear doubts, learn new tricks and tips, and motivate each other. Quiz each other, discuss important topics and solve problems together.

7. Take breaks and relax

Take breaks and relax between your study sessions. Refresh your mind, reduce stress, improve concentration and avoid burnout. Take short breaks of 10-15 minutes after every hour of study and long breaks of 30-60 minutes after every 3-4 hours of study. Relax by doing some physical activity, listening to music, reading a book or meditating.

Don’t miss this chance! Take a Free Mock Test and power up your exam preparation like never before!

Best of Luck with The Exam!

Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleep lover, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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