EPFO APFC 2023-How to revise in the last 2 Days for Best Results?

EPFO APFC 2023 exam preparation: EPFO APFC 2023 will greet you and test your knowledge and skills after 2 days. And, the last 2 days are very crucial for revision! Have you revised all the topics? If you’re still wondering how to revise all the important topics in the last 2 days (12-16 hours) and get the best results, we have the best solution for you. We have the best revision tips coupled with a FREE Mock Test to propel your revision process.

Read and follow the best tips needed to ensure a good and quick revision with the best revision tips given below!

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Also Read: UPSC EPFO APFC 2023 Most Important Topics

UPSC EPFO APFC 2023-How to Nail Your Revision

Want to ace the UPSC EPFO APFC exam and become an Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner? Then you need innovative and effective revision. The exam is hard and requires a lot of effort and commitment. In this blog post, we will share some awesome revision tips to nail the UPSC EPFO APFC 2023 exam.

1. Know what and how to study

The first and foremost step is to know the syllabus and exam pattern of the UPSC EPFO APFC exam. The syllabus covers topics like General English, General Studies, Indian Economy, Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, Social Security in India, Accounting Principles, and Computer Applications. The exam pattern has a written test of 100 marks and an interview of 100 marks. The written test has objective-type questions with negative marking for wrong answers. The interview tests your personality, communication skills, and subject knowledge.

2. Make a revision plan that suits you

The next tip is to make a revision plan that matches your learning style and schedule. A revision plan helps you to sort your study material, prioritize your topics, allocate your time, and track your progress. You can use a calendar, a planner, a notebook, or an online tool to make your revision plan. You should also set realistic and achievable goals for each day and week.

3. Revise regularly and systematically

The most important tip for revision is to revise regularly and systematically. It would be best if you revised the topics you studied earlier and did not leave anything for the last minute. You should also revise the topics in a logical order, starting from the basics and moving to the advanced concepts. You should also revise the topics from different sources, such as books, notes, mock tests, and previous years’ papers.

4. Solve mock tests and previous years’ papers

One of the best ways to revise for the UPSC EPFO APFC exam is to solve mock tests and previous years’ papers. These tests help you to get familiar with the exam format, difficulty level, question types, and time management. They also help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, improve your accuracy and speed, and boost your confidence. You should solve as many mock tests and previous year papers as possible and analyze your performance after each test. Don’t wait any longer! Speed up your revision with a Free Mock Test.

5. Revise with others

Another tip for revision is to revise with others who are preparing for the same exam. You can join a study group, an online forum, or a coaching class to revise with others. Revising with others helps you to exchange ideas, clear doubts, learn new tricks and tips, and motivate each other. You can also quiz each other, discuss important topics and solve problems together.

6. Take breaks and relax

The last tip for revision is to take breaks and relax between your study sessions. Taking breaks helps you to refresh your mind, reduce stress, improve concentration, and avoid burnout. You should take short breaks of 10-15 minutes after every hour of study and long breaks of 30-60 minutes after every 3-4 hours of study. You should also relax by doing some physical activity, listening to music, reading a book, or meditating.

Invest all your energy in the revision process! Take a Free Mock Test and power up your exam preparation like never before!

Take a Free EPFO APFC 2023 Mock Test & Cover All the Important Topics👈

Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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