Last year, SEBI Grade A notification was released on July 14, 2022. This year also, it is expected to be released around the same time. To get success in this exam, you should start your preparation now itself. Not only is this examination’s syllabus breathtakingly vast, but the difficulty level of this exam is also very high. What makes this more intensive is that the vacancies are relatively fewer when compared with other exams. Another factor is that once the Phase 1 exam gets over, you get very less time to do preparation & revision for the Phase 2 exam. Because of all these factors now is the right time to get started with your preparation.
The importance of study notes is immense in this exam. As you know that this exam tests subjects like Management, Finance, Economics, Companies Act 2013, Costing & Accounts, and the preparation for these subjects is difficult. To overcome this difficulty, we have launched Study & Revision Notes + Chapter Wise Quizzes on all these subjects. You can study the first chapter free of cost for all these subjects. Also, the first mock test of SEBI Grade A is free so that you can evaluate & assess your current status of preparation. So what are you waiting for? Click to take a free mock test of SEBI Grade A now.
As per the exam pattern of SEBI Grade A last year, the details of Phase I Paper I are: All Streams: Multiple choice questions on the subjects viz. General Awareness (including some questions related to the Financial Sector of easy to moderate difficulty level), English Language, Quantitative Aptitude and Test of Reasoning. This test will be of 100 marks and you will be provided 60 minutes to answer these. The cut-off will be 30% for this Paper I. In this article, we will be sharing the preparation strategy for the English Language.
The English section of the SEBI Grade A exam tests the candidates’ proficiency in reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and verbal ability. The section consists of 40 questions carrying one mark each, with a negative marking of 0.25 for each wrong answer. The total time allotted for the section is 40 minutes.
To prepare well for this section, candidates need to follow a systematic and effective strategy that covers all the important topics and skills required for the exam. Here are some tips and suggestions to help you ace the English section of the SEBI Grade A exam:
Read extensively and regularly from a variety of sources, such as newspapers, magazines, books, blogs, etc. This will help you improve your reading speed, comprehension and vocabulary skills. You will also get familiar with different types of passages and questions that may appear in the exam.
Practice solving previous years’ papers and mock tests to get an idea of the difficulty level, pattern and format of the exam. This will also help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and work on them accordingly. You can also use online platforms and apps that provide quality mock tests and practice questions for the SEBI Grade A exam.
Revise the basic rules and concepts of grammar, such as parts of speech, tenses, voice, narration, subject-verb agreement, etc. You can refer to standard grammar books or online resources to brush up your grammar skills. You can also practice grammar exercises and quizzes to test your knowledge and accuracy.
– Enhance your vocabulary by learning new words and their meanings, synonyms, antonyms, idioms, phrases, etc. You can use flashcards, word lists, mnemonics or other methods to memorize new words. You can also use online tools and apps that help you learn new words and improve your vocabulary.
Work on your verbal ability by practising questions on sentence rearrangement, sentence correction, sentence completion, cloze test, para jumbles, etc. These questions test your logical reasoning and language skills. You can use online platforms and apps that provide verbal ability questions and solutions for the SEBI Grade A exam.
Manage your time wisely and efficiently while attempting the English section of the exam. You should allocate sufficient time for each question type and avoid spending too much time on any single question. You should also skip the questions that you are not sure about or find difficult, and attempt them later if you have time left.
Attempt the questions with accuracy and confidence. You should read the instructions carefully before answering any question. You should also read the passages and questions thoroughly and understand them well before choosing an option. You should avoid guessing or marking random answers as there is negative marking in the exam.
By following these tips and suggestions, you can prepare well for the English section of the SEBI Grade A exam and score high marks in it. Also, we have lots of Topic-Tests for your free practice. With a lot of practice, you will surely be able to clear this exam. All the best!
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