English Preparation Strategy for RBI Assistant
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RBI Assistant Prelims notification can be released anytime now. It’s better that you get started with your preparation right away so that you are ahead of the majority of your competitors. Also, it has been frequently observed that the exams are now held on short notice. Considering the fact that there is a probability of the exam taking place in the month of May 2023, you don’t have much time left for RBI Assistant preparation. So, it’s highly recommended that you take a look at the exam pattern and syllabus of this exam and get going with its preparation. In this article, we have come up with a complete preparation strategy for the preparation of the English Language section of RBI Assistant Prelims.

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Let’s first have a look at the exam pattern of RBI Assistant Prelims.

RBI Assistant 2023 Prelims Exam Pattern

SectionsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
English Language303020 minutes
Numerical Ability353520 minutes
Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes


  • The questions in objective tests, except for the test of General English, will be bilingual i.e., English & Hindi.
  • There will be negative marks for wrong answers in the Objective tests. 1/4th of the mark assigned for a question will be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • Candidates will have to pass each of the objective tests of the online examinations.
  • A candidate has to qualify in Preliminary Examination to appear in Main Examination.

Previous years’ exams are a great indicator of the forthcoming exams. It’s pretty obvious that the same topics & questions will not be repeated exactly, but topics asked in previous years’ exams do give you an idea of what kinds of questions were asked in this exam. Let’s have a look at the analysis of the English Language section of RBI Assistant 2023 Prelims which was held on March 26, 2022.

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RBI Assistant Prelims- English Language Section Analysis (March 26, 2022- Shift I)

Reading Comprehension9
Sentence Rearrangement5
Word Usage3
Para jumbles5

RBI Assistant Prelims- English Language Section Analysis (March 26, 2022- Shift I)

Reading Comprehension10
Sentence Rearrangement5
Word Usage3
Para jumbles5
Error Detection4

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RBI Assistant Prelims- English Language Section Analysis (March 26, 2022- Shift III)

Reading Comprehension (Story-based)10
Sentence Rearrangement5
Sentence Correction5
Cloze Test5
Phrase Replacement2

RBI Assistant Prelims- English Language Section Analysis (March 26, 2022- Shift IV)

Reading Comprehension (Story-based)10
Fillers (Single)5
Error Correction5
Para Jumbles5

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Tips to Improve Your Score in the English Langauge section of RBI Assistant Prelims

  • Develop a habit of reading. Read newspapers, magazines and books as well. Read a lot of books from different genres. This will immensely help you in the Reading Comprehension and Parajumbles topics apart from other topics.
  • Don’t just read for the sake of reading. To start with, proceed further only when you understand what you read. Take the help of offline & online dictionaries. Once you gain momentum in reading, you will start getting the sense of sentences which seemed incomprehensible previously.
  • Keep making a note of difficult words you come across when you read. It’s good if you note their meanings as well and revise it on a regular basis. Doing this for 50-60 days on a consistent basis will greatly improve your word power.
  • Reading will also help you in understanding the flow, tone, title etc. of Reading Comprehension passages.
  • If you continue this habit of reading, Cloze Test will also be easy for you. Since you must have gone through a lot of words & their meanings, selecting the right option wouldn’t be difficult for you.
  • When you read a lot, the sense of different sentence structures in your mind continuously gets repeated. This skill greatly helps you in the sentence correction topic as you can now sense an anomaly from a correct sentence structure.
  • Understanding the flow of the sentences will aid you while answering para-jumbles questions. This is one of the trickiest topics of the General English section. If you don’t get the answers correct very frequently, ensure that you check the detailed explanation and see where are you getting it wrong.

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This is all we have in this article. Start reading now and you will be surprised to see the difference it makes to the score of the English Language section of RBI Assistant Prelims. We will keep updating this article with other important tips on a regular basis. Until then, stay tuned.

If you have any feedback/questions for us, please let us know in the comments section below. Wishing you good luck with your preparation for the English Language section!

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