If you have successfully registered for the ECGC PO 2022, you’ll be gearing up to appear in the exam scheduled to be held on 29th May 2022. And you’d also be looking for best ways to revise the complete syllabus as quickly as possible. As you might know, the Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India (ECGC) will recruit the candidates based on the online examination and interview. An aspirant has to qualify for each stage separately in order to get the final selection.
In this article, we have provided last-minute tips that will help you cover each and every topic from the syllabus and craft a perfect exam strategy ECGC PO 2022 exam.
When only few days are left for the ECGC PO exam, it becomes essential to make a good revision strategy to leave no stone unturned in revision. That’s the reason why we must discuss the last-minute tips for the upcoming exam. Given below are some points that will guide your way to a swift revision channel.
Check your reading speed and comprehension skills. It will enhance your word power by learning new words and boost your vocabulary arsenal. Solve Reading comprehension samples or previous year questions to get an idea about the type of comprehensions that come in the exam.
Vocabulary plays a vital role in answering reading comprehension questions. If you don’t know the meaning of a certain word says, you’ll surely get a hard time answering questions.
Revise all the words you have noted down to improve your vocabulary for the exam.
Revise basic grammar rules that will help you deal with questions on error spotting, fill in the blanks, cloze tests, and so on, grammar comes in helpful. As a result, if you want to do well in the English section, you must properly review the grammar rules.
In Quants, try to attempt as many questions as you can with speed and accuracy. You must learn multiplication tables up to 30 as well as natural numbers Squares and Cubes.
Practice topics such as, simplification, quadratic equations, and number series and Data Interpretation. Practice all sorts of questions.
Revise all the important topics. Go through previous years’ exam reviews to know which topics have more weightage than the others.
ECGC PO 2022 Mocks Tests are best tools to get all the insights about where you stand in the competition and how much effort you need to invest to improve. how much you have earned the grip over the ECGC PO syllabus, don’t wait for the last time to begin your mock tests. Keep trying them along with preparation.
Do not start any new topic now. Any new thing that you would try learning now may not correctly be retained. Try to revise whatever you have studied till now and maintain command over it.
Refer to your short notes, if you have made any. It will help you revise all the important points quickly.
Revise current events of the last 5-6 months. Watch the news and read current events magazines.
Go through the previous year’s question papers in order to know what kinds of questions have been asked previously. This will give you a fair idea about what to avoid, which topic to give preference to and how to revise.
Exam Time Tips for ECGC PO 2022 Exam
Keep all the necessary documents you are supposed to carry for the examination a day before the exam
Read all the instructions carefully mentioned in the admit card so that you may not miss anything
Stay positive and confident and do not take too much stress before the exam as it may affect your exam
Build confidence by attempting the easy questions in each section first. This will instill confidence in you to solve difficult questions. Attempt the difficult and time-consuming questions in each section in the end.
If you do not know the answer to a question skip it. Move on to the next one. Don’t be stuck on one question. Leave the question & come back to that later if you still have time left with you.
Avoid guesswork to avoid negative markings. Answer questions wisely and choose an option if only you are 100% confident.
Stick to the order of the sections.
Asad Yar Khan
Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.