ECGC PO 2023-Best Strategy for English

Are you preparing for ECGC PO 2023 and want to fetch full marks in the English section? There are many students who consider themselves weak in English. And some get scared of it when it becomes part of the exam like ECGC PO. Questions in the English part of Bank exams can sometimes be confusing or tricky. But if you know the grammatical basics well you can easily answer them and have a good score under your name.

As the ECGC PO Recruitment 2023 is expected to be announced in March 2023, so you still have enough time to master those basics, rules, and habits that can help sail through this section with flying colours.

In this blog, we’ll reflect upon those little points that will help make a perfect strategy to score 35+ marks in the English section with ease!

In this article, we have shared ECGC PO 2023 Best Tips to Score High in the English section.

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ECGC PO 2022 Exam Pattern

ECGC PO 2022 Written Exam consists of an Objective Test (Multiple Choice Questions) and a Descriptive Paper (Test of the English Language). The Objective Test will include sections: Reasoning Ability, English Language, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness, and Quantitative Aptitude for a total of 200 Marks and 2 hours 20 Minutes (140 Minutes). While the Descriptive Paper will include Essay Writing and Precis Writing for a total of 40 Marks and 40 Minutes.

ALSO READ: ECGC PO 2023 Syllabus-How to Cover Every Topic?

(i) Objective Test- Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Name of the TestsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
Reasoning Ability505040 minutes
English Language404030 minutes
Computer Knowledge202010 minutes
General Awareness404020 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude505040 minutes
Total200200140 minutes

(ii) Descriptive Paper (Test of English Language)

Name of Test
No. of questionsMarksTime allotted
Essay WritingOne out of two given options2040 minutes for both questions together
Precis WritingOne out of two given options20

ECGC PO 2022-English Language Syllabus

English Language Syllabus-Reading Comprehension
-Cloze test
-Jumbled Paragraph
-Sentence Completion
-Paragraph Completion
-Antonym and synonym
-Grammatical Error based questions

ECGC 2022-How to Score Full Marks in English?

The English Language section is one of the most scoring sections of the exam because of its nature. In it test, you’ll be tested with 40 questions for 40 marks in 30 minutes’ time. To clear this section, you need to clear the basics of Grammar, work on enhancing your vocabulary, and practice various structures of sentences.

Here are a few very effective methods that will help you master the topics of this section:

1.  Carefully analyze previous years’ questions papers

You must properly analyze the syllabus of the given Bank Exam. Make notes, and note down the weightage of various subjects, so that you can decide the topics to give more attention to while studying. By doing so you will get an idea about the exam pattern and your mind will be ready to understand what it needs to do in less time.

2.  Work on your Comprehension skills

Reading Comprehension is the most important topic in the English Language section. You need to read newspaper articles and editorials regularly to accelerate your reading speed, reading your daily habit.  After reading, try to write the best and shortest summary and check the number of words you have used in it. Try to write it in as minimum words as possible.  This will help you in finding the answers easily from the given passage.

3. Improve your Time Management Skills

Know the format and the question type of the exam pattern and find out how much time you spend solving all of them. Reduce the amount of time with increased accuracy over the duration of your preparation.

4. Take as many Mock Tests as you can

Just like it is very difficult to play in a cricket match without net practice, the same is the case with appearing in the actual ECGC 2022 exam without attempting Mock Tests! Mock Tests, as you might be knowing, are the perfect clones of actual exams that test your skills and fills you with confidence. Thus, Mock Test analysis makes you exam-ready by highlighting your weak and strong points, resulting in helping you craft a perfect exam strategy that suits your skills.

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5. Give more time to covering important topics

You need to cover all the important topics first. All those topics pop up in the Mains exams again and again. Know the type of questions and important topics that are expected to be featured in the English Section. Therefore, it is crucial to know the topics and prepare them well before the Exam rings your doorbell.

Best Strategy for ECGC PO English: Topic-wise tips for a better preparation

Here are the 4 tips that will help you to prepare for the most important topics from which questions get repeated in the ECGC PO exams:

1.  Reading Comprehension

RC questions are not just very crucial but scoring, both in prelims and mains. To get command over it, you need to ace your reading speed. The aspirant should be ready to comprehend a comprehension coming from various fields like literature, politics, history, economics, science, and other important subjects. The best way to ace your preparation for RC is by reading the newspaper, and articles, and Practice Reading Comprehension asked in previous years’ Exams. To understand a text, you must have sufficient knowledge of Vocabulary. The questions in the RCs as seen by the previous year’s questions are inference-based. That is to say, these questions are not direct questions, but you’ll have to infer from the given passage. One or more conclusions will be given in the question to choose one.

2.  Cloze Test

The purpose of the cloze test is to judge the grammatical know-how and vocabulary power you’re your common sense. In it, you’ll receive a passage with ten or twelve blank spaces. You will be required to fill in the blanks out of the given choices. You must go through the whole passage before starting to answer the questions. However, sometimes, you’ll find one or two blanks that will seem difficult to answer or have more than one correct answer.

3.  Grammatical Error based questions

You can expect 5 questions on this topic. In spotting the Grammatical Error, a sentence is usually given, which is divided into four or five parts marked ‘a’ to ‘e.’ ‘e’ refers to no Error. You will be required to find out the part having an Error. The Error may be related to the use of the article, the Tense of a verb, noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, conjunction, subject-verb-agreement, etc. You can also find, an error that of un-English expression or superfluous use of the same word. There is no shortcut to answering Error related questions. You should have good command over Grammar rules and their usage. So, you need to practice questions from the previous year’s question papers, to successfully counter such questions.

The three topics mentioned earlier are the most important topics from the point of view of the weightage they carry. If you look at the previous papers of the ECGC PO Exam, a number of questions were being asked on these topics. You may face differences in the language of the question or difficulty level, but the topics remain the same.

4. Jumbled Paragraph

You can simply fail to form the correct sequence if you haven’t practiced this topic well. You can face a question on Para Jumbles, where you will be required to arrange and rearrange the statements incorrect order. You can solve Para-jumbles with 5 tricks. You can do this by Identifying the opening sentence, Identifying the closing sentence, Identifying the mandatory pairs (generally groupings that occur in defined order), or by Identifying transition words. The most commonly used transition words are, ‘also, again, as well as, besides, likewise, moreover, furthermore, in addition, similarly, Etc.

5.  Other important topics

You can expect questions on sentence correction, Fillers, Sentence Completion, Paragraph Completion, Antonym, and synonym. You need to prepare all these topics very well. Give as many ECGC Mock Tests as you can, to test your English skills and make further improvements in speed and accuracy.

Take the best ECGC PO 2023 Mock Tests & revise the entire syllabus quickly & effectively!👈

Analyze Your Strengths & Weaknesses via ECGC PO 2022 Mock Tests

Give at least 1 ECGC PO 2023 Mock Test every day, if you want to complete the entire English language syllabus as soon as possible. Mock Tests are the best tools for revision and testing your overall skills, including time management. And after attempting every ECGC Mock Test, analyze it properly and work on your weaknesses and practice more. Then compare the results and analysis of this Mock Test with the other one you are going to take after it. Therefore, the more you invest in it, the more will have the chance of getting an edge over other aspirants.

Refer to best books for ECGC PO 2023 Preparation

English Language
High School English Grammar & CompositionWren & Martin
Objective General EnglishS. P. Bakshi
Word Power Made Easy (For Vocabulary Building)Norman Lewis

FAQs-Best Strategy for English

  1. Is ECGC PO Recruitment 2023 out?

    No, ECGC PO Recruitment 2023 is not out yet. It is expected to be announced in March 2023.

  2. What is the selection process for ECGC PO Recruitment 2023?

    The selection process for ECGC PO Recruitment 2023 consists of an online exam and interview.

  3. What is the exam pattern for ECGC PO Recruitment 2023?

    The exam pattern for ECGC PO Recruitment 2023 is mentioned above in the post.

  4. Is the English part tough in the ECGC PO exam?

    The difficulty level of the English section is easy to moderate.

Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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