ECGC PO 2023 Exam Date & Important Books
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ECGC will soon notify you about the ECGC PO 2023 Exam Date. If you are preparing for the ECGC PO 2023, you must be looking for the best books to cover the syllabus of the ECGC PO 2023 Prelims and Mains exams. There are some very authentic books available in the market that can help you fully understand the concepts of the various topics that are being included in the exam syllabus, coupled with important questions and tricks to score well in the exam.

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ECGC PO 2023 Latest Notification

Given below is a short notification released by ECGC for POs recruitment recently. ECGC PO Notification 2023 against Advt No. ECGC/HO/12/2022-23 will be published on the official website by 19th April 2023.

ECGC PO 2023 Exam Date & Important Books

Objective Paper 2023 (expected)

ECGC PO Objective Paper 2023
SubjectsMaximum QuestionsMaximum MarksSectional Timing
Reasoning Ability505040 minutes
English Language404030 minutes
Computer Knowledge202010 minutes
General Awareness404020 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude505040 minutes
Total200200140 minutes

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Descriptive Paper 2023 

The descriptive paper will be held for a total of 40 marks over 40 minutes. There will be two topics i.e. Essay and Precis writing. The candidates were given 2 options to choose the questions. The candidates have to answer only 2 questions in the descriptive section.

ECGC PO Descriptive Paper 2023 
TopicsMaximum QuestionsMaximum MarksSectional Timing
Essay Writing2 out of which 1 has to be answered2040 minutes
Precise Writing2 out of which 1 has to be answered20

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Steps to download ECGC PO Admit Card

SubjectImportant BooksAuthor
 Reasoning  Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning  R S Aggarwal 
 Non-Verbal Reasoning  Arihant Publication 
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 Quantitative Aptitude  R S Aggarwal 
 Fast Track Objective Mathematics  Rajesh Verma 
 English Language  English Grammar  Wren and Martin 
 Objective English  R S Aggarwal 
 Current Affairs  – Bazooka
 Manorama Yearly Book  Mammen Mathew 
 Computer Knowledge  Objective Computer Awareness  Arihant Experts 
 Computer Knowledge  Rani Ahilya 
 Interview  Banking Interviews  Gautam Majumdar 
 The Secrets of Getting Success in Interviews  B S Sijwalii 


There are innumerable books available in the market and online stores that claim lending help to clear the ECGC PO 2023 Exam, but few are as useful as they claim. Therefore, you should select the books wisely based on the ratings and reviews of experts and other aspirants who have already cleared the exam before making a sound choice.

And the books that are mentioned in this article have been and still are the best choice for both the teachers and aspirants of the ECGC PO 2023 exam. Also, you need to check the knowledge ascertained from the books via ECGC PO 2023 Mock Tests.

And to make it an essay we have brought for you fully researched ECGC PO 2023 Mock Tests that can help you clear the ECGC PO 2023 Exam on the very first attempt. Take a Free Mock Test to find how magically they help you to cover the entire syllabus.

FAQs-ECGC PO 2023 Exam Date & Important Books

Q. Is ECGC PO Recruitment 2023 out?

Ans. Yes, ECGC PO Recruitment 2023 is out. ECGC PO Notification 2023 against Advt No. ECGC/HO/12/2022-23 will be published on the official website by 19th April 2023.

Q. What is the selection process for ECGC PO Recruitment 2023?

Ans. The selection process for ECGC PO Recruitment 2023 includes an online exam and interview.

Q. What is the Educational Qualification for ECGC PO Recruitment 2023?

Ans. Candidates must be Graduates to attempt the ECGC PO Recruitment 2023 exam.

Q. What is the exam pattern for ECGC PO Recruitment 2023?

Ans. Read the article above to know the exam pattern for ECGC PO Recruitment 2023 exam.

Q. What is the age limit for ECGC PO Recruitment 2023?

Ans. The minimum age limit for ECGC PO Recruitment is 21 years while the maximum age is 30 years respectively.

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, regulatory body, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years' stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he either transforms into a sleepyhead, devours books, or becomes an outdoor enthusiast.

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