Easy & Important Topics SSC CGL
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You must be familiar with the SSC CGL Important Topics for Tier I and Tier II if you plan to take the Staff Selection Commission – Combined Graduate Level Examination (SSC CGL) exam. You can achieve the highest possible marks in  exam results Just by doing this.

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Every year, the SSC (Staff Selection Commission) conducts the SSC CGL exam. There are four Tiers in the SSC CGL Exam. The tests for the latter two levels are performed offline, whereas the first two tiers are conducted online. Before being picked, candidates must pass each stage of the SSC CGL exam in order to move on to the next. Every year, the Government of India oversees and conducts this exam to hire personnel in Grades “B” and “C” for various Ministries and Departments.

SSC CGL Tier-I Exam Pattern

SNo.SectionsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksTime Allotted
1General Intelligence and Reasoning2550A cumulative time of 60 minutes(1 hour)
2General Awareness2550
3Quantitative Aptitude2550
4English Comprehension2550

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SSC CGL Tier-II Exam Pattern

SSC CGL Tier II Paper 1

SectionsModuleSubjectNo. of QuestionsMarksWeightage
Section IModule-IMathematical Abilities309023%
Module-IIReasoning and General Intelligence309023%
Section IIModule-IEnglish Language and Comprehension4513535%
Module-IIGeneral Awareness257519%
Section IIIModule-IComputer Knowledge Test2060Qualifying
Module-IIData Entry Speed Test One Data Entry TaskQualifying

SSC CGL Important Topics

As we all know that SSC CGL Tier 1 exam is about to begin and its time for all the seriousl aspirants to start revising these important easy to moderate topics so that they can score well in the actual exam which starts from Dec 1, 2022. One of the most crucial SSC CGL preparation suggestions is to thoroughly cover all of the crucial topics and sections.

In order to successfully complete even the most challenging exam question, you must go through and revise for all the topics covered in the SSC CGL Syllabus. However, you should pay closer attention to the subjects that are significant and receive greater weight in the exam. So, here below we are mentioning some important topics as per their weightage to revise.

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Quantitative Aptitude Important Topics

Name of the TopicQuestionsQuestions Level
Number Series2-3Easy to Moderate
SI & CI and Percentage/ Profit-Loss2-3Moderate
Algebra2-3Easy to moderate
Speed and Distance1Moderate
Mensuration1-2Easy to moderate
Geometry3-4Easy to moderate
Trigonometry3Easy to moderate
DI (Bar Graph/ Pie Chart)5Easy
Time and work1-2Easy to moderate
Total25Easy to moderate

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General Intelligence & Reasoning Ability Important Topics

Name of the TopicQuestionsQuestions Level
Series5-8Easy to moderate
Logical Reasoning2-5Easy
Non Verbal reasoning (Water Image / Mirror Image)2-3Easy to Moderate
Odd one out1-2Easy to moderate
Analogy2Easy to moderate
Picture Diagram2Moderate
Miscellaneous4-5Easy to moderate

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English Language Important Topics

Name of the TopicQuestionsQuestions Level
Reading Comprehension5Easy
Spelling correction1-3Moderate
Idiom /Phrase3Moderate
Synonyms and Antonyms3-4Easy
Error Detection3-5Easy
Sentence Improvement/rearrangement3-5Easy to moderate
One Word Substitution3Moderate
Total25Easy to moderate

SSC CGL Tier 1 Latest Pattern Free Mock Test

General Awareness Important Topics

Name of the TopicQuestionsQuestions Level
Current Affairs3-4Easy to moderate
General Science4-7Moderate

This brings us to the end of the article. Keep revising these important eeasy to moderate topics for the upcoming SSC CGL Tier 1 exam.

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