Current Affairs

How to Deal with New Kinds of Questions- with Solved Examples

Questions of New Pattern

Do you get scared on seeing questions of new patterns? Well, if you do, you should read this article. Some of the past banking exams did have questions of new patterns where the questions were of moderate difficulty level provided you understood the data which was given in an entirely new design. Whatever is the case, don’t skip the question without giving a try to reading & understanding it. If luck is in your favour, the questions can be pretty easy/moderate in terms of difficulty level and by answering them correctly you get an edge over your competitors (who would have skipped those questions).

What does Questions of New Pattern Test?

How quickly do you adapt to new scenarios is one thing the questions of new patterns test. After all, you must have the skillset of understanding a given scenario rather than just inputting formulas/ shortcuts and getting the answer. Sometimes, questions of new pattern test incorporate more than one concept for eg. mixing the concept of simple interest & partnership in a question. So by answering one question correctly, you show your skillfulness in all the concepts asked in that question. Also, understanding the question of a new pattern and answering it as soon as possible shows your time management skills.

Handling Questions of New Pattern

First things first- On seeing any question of a new pattern, don’t panic. Remember: What is new for you is new for other aspirants as well. Panicking at this point in time will only make your situation worse. Take a deep breath and try understanding the info provided in the question and what the question is asking. Please keep in mind that any new concept is not developed overnight. It is only by mixing and matching 2 or more concepts that creates a question of new pattern. If you have any doubt on any of the concepts asked in the exam, skip the question or else you may run the risk of answering the question correctly.

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Examples of Questions of New Pattern


New type #1

Situation-based contextual understanding

Description: A situation is given and three options with three words which might be business jargon or regular english words. You have to understand the situation and choose the words which apply. Knowledge of common business and economic terms might be useful.


Directions: A situation is described below, followed by three combinations of words that may or may not aptly describe the situation. From the options choose the combinations of words that suffice.

Recently, a study was published by a reputed medical organisation highlighting how oranges contain a preservative X, which is a carcinogen. This led to a change in consumers’ orange-buying habits, causing sales of oranges in grocery stores to fall sharply. This was accompanied by a rise in the sales of other fruits particularly, apples and bananas.

1. Fear, credibility, alternatives

2. Health-conscious, alarm, switch

3. Nosedive, panic, provocation

a) Only 1

b) Only 1 and 2

c) Only 1 and 3

d) Only 2 and 3

e) All 1, 2 and 3

Ans: B

Solution: The situation describes the publishing of a study that highlights harmful effects of consuming a particular fruit, which leads to fall in sales of that fruit and a rise in sales of other fruits.

1 – FEAR follows as the change in buying habits was out of fear. CREDIBILITY follows as the situation talks of a “reputed medical organisation”. ALTERNATIVES follows as the situation talks of a rise in sales of other fruits.

2 – HEALTH-CONSCIOUS follows as the change in buying habits took place because consumers were worried about the effect of the oranges on their health. ALARM follows the study evoked fear and worry among consumers. SWITCH follows as a change in buying habits was observed. Thus, B is the right answer.

3 – NOSEDIVE follows as the sale of oranges was observed. PANIC follows as the change in buying habits took place out of fear and alarm. PROVOCATION does not follow as there is no incident that was taking place in order to provoke someone. 

New type #2

Fill in the blanks with match the following

Description: a sentence with two missing parts is given followed by a table of six words. A pair of words from first column of table will fit in first blank of the sentence, and pair of words from second column of table will fit in the second blank of the sentence. Options will have two pairs. Some options have only one correct pair. You have to choose the option in which both pairs of words are correct.


Directions: In the following question, a sentence with two blanks is given. The first blank has to be filled with a word/phrase from Column I and the second blank has to be filled with a word/phrase from column II. Choose the option that represents the correct combination of words from both columns. 

A rise in the sea level will ___(I)____ the refugee crisis, and more immigrants will seek refuge inland ___(II)____ flooding of coastal areas.

Column IColumn II
A. aggravateD. due to
B. intensifyE. rather than
C. indemnifyF. because of

a) AD and BF 

b) AF and CD

c) BD and CE

d) BF and CD

e) AE and BF

Ans: (a)

Solution: (a) is the right answer. The sentence seeks to convey that the rising sea-levels will worsen the refugee crisis and force them to take refuge inland.  

For the first blank, we need a verb in base form as the modal verb WILL will take a verb in the base form after it. AGGRAVATE and INTENSIFY means to make something worse and will fit here. Indemnify means to compensate for harm or loss, and will not fit. 

For the second blank, we need a phrase that links the two clauses to show a cause-effect relationship. Both DUE TO and BECAUSE OF will fit here. RATHER THAN shows preference.

Thus, (a) is the right answer.

New type #3

Parajumbles with sentence rearrangement

Description: Set of 5 questions, in which four statements are given in any random order. Each statements is broken in parts and jumbled. You have to first rearrange the parts in each of the four sentences and choose the right order, then rearrange all the sentences in the right order to form a paragraph.


Directions: A set of sentences is given below, each divided into parts that are jumbled in any random order. Rearrange the parts to form coherent sentences, and then rearrange the sentences to form a meaningful paragraph. 

P. such a good year to be a fish  (1)/ good year to be in the (2)/ fish business, but maybe not (3)/ the year 2016 was a (4)

Q. an all-time high, according to  (1)/ world fish production reached (2)/ the Food and Agriculture Organization of the (3)/ United Nations (FAO): 171 million tonnes (4)

R. in 2016, this meant we (1)/ harvested 20.3 kilograms of fish (2)/ for every human being, about (3)/ half of it from wild stocks (4)

S. but our appetite is likely to (1)/ has grown at double the (2)/ keep growing: apparent fish consumption (3) human birth rate since 1961 (4)


Which of the following presents the correct rearrangement of P?

a) 2134

b) 2413

c) 4321

d) 4231

e) No rearrangement required

Ans: D

Solution: 4231 is the final order. 4 begins the sentence by establishing the subject – the year 2016. 2 follows by telling us that it was a good year. 3 follows by telling us for whom it was a good year – for people in the fish business. 1 concludes by telling us for whom it was not a good year – for the fish. Thus, D is the right answer.

3 more similar questions on correct rearrangement of Q, R and S


Which of the following presents the final order of the paragraph? 






Ans: A

Solution: PQSR is the final order. P begins the passage by telling us that 2016 was a good year for the fish business. Q follows by validating this assertion by giving evidence that proves exactly how much fish was produced in 2016. S follows by concluding that this is not likely to stop here – our consumption and production will grow more in coming years and talks about the growth in fish consumption rate compared to the growth in human birth rate. R concludes the passage by extrapolating this comparison to the data of 2016. Thus, A is the right answer.


Directions (1-5): Answer the following questions based on the information given below:

Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting around the circular table facing towards the centre. The persons sitting opposite to each other on circular table got head and tails. Not more than two adjacent persons got head or tail. After tossing the coin four persons move to the triangular table and four moves to square table on the seats mentioned in the figure. All of them are facing towards the centre.

Before movement, P sits third to the right of R, who got tail on the coin.

After movement, Q sits immediate right of one, who got tail but on the square table.

V sits on the square table opposite to and closest to the edge of triangle on which two persons sit.

Before movement, W sits immediate left of Q and both got heads on the coin.

W and R do not sit adjacent to each other before and after movement.

After movement, U sits immediate left of R but on the same edge.

Before movement, T and U sit opposite to each other.

After movement, T and Q sit opposite to each other.

S does not got tail on the coin and does not sit on the triangular table.

Before movement, S does not sit opposite to R.

Common Solution:

Now, before movement, P sits third to the right of R, who got tail on the coin. V sits on the square table opposite to and closest to the edge of triangle on which two persons sit. So, V sits at seat 1. After movement, U sits immediate left of R but on the same edge. So, U and R sit on 5 and 6 respectively. Before movement, W sits immediate left of Q and both got heads on the coin. W and R do not sit adjacent to each other before and after movement. So, there would be two cases,

Case 1

Case 2

Now, before movement, T and U sit opposite to each other. After movement, T and Q sit opposite to each other. So, T and Q sit on 4 and 2 but not necessarily in same order. S does not got tail on the coin and does not sit on the triangular table. So, S sits on 3. Before movement, S does not sit opposite to R. So, case 2 is rejected. W and R are not adjacent to each other before and after movement. So, W and P sit on 8 and 7 respectively.

The final table is shown below,

Question 1: Find the odd one out.

a. W

b. V

c. Q

d. U

e. S

Answer: b


All got head except V.

Hence, option b.

Question 2: Who among the following sits immediate left of R before movement?

a. P

b. V

c. Q

d. W

e. None of these

Answer: e


S sits immediate left of R, before movement.

Hence, option e.

Question 3: How many persons on the triangular table got Head?

a. Three

b. Two

c. One

d. Four

e. None of these

Answer: b


Two persons on the triangular table got Head.

Hence, option b.

Question 4: Who among the following sits on the square table?

a. S

b. W

c. P

d. U

e. None of these

Answer: a


S sits on the square table.

Hence, option a.

Question 5: Who among the following sits opposite to S, before movement?

a. U

b. W

c. P

d. T

e. None of these

Answer: c


P sits opposite to S, before movement.

Hence, option c.

Directions: Answer the following questions based on the information given below:

Six cars P, Q, R, S, T and U have different speeds. Car Q is faster than car R and car P. Car S is faster than car U. Car T is not slower than car Q but is not the fastest.

Question 1: If car S is not the fastest car then which of the following car is the fastest?

a. P

b. S

c. U

d. No one

e. Cannot be determined

Answer: d


As, Car Q is faster than car R and car P. Car S is faster than car U. Car T is not slower than car Q but is not the fastest. So, car S must be the fastest car.

Therefore, if car S is not the fastest car then no car can be fastest among the given options.

Hence, option d.

Question 2: Which car is the slowest if car P and car R are faster than car U?

a. S

b. T

c. Q

d. U

e. None of these

Answer: d


As, Car Q is faster than car R and car P. Car S is faster than car U. Car T is not slower than car Q but is not the fastest. And, car P and car R are faster than car U. So,

S > T > Q > P/R > R/P > U

Car U is the slowest car.

Hence, option d.

Directions: Answer the following questions based on the information given below:

There are seven members P, Q, R, S, T, U and V in the family of three generations. Each of them are sitting in a row facing north direction. There are three couples in family and no single parent has a child.

U sits third to the right of his granddaughter.

V sits adjacent to U, whose gender is same as V.

Q’s son-in-law sits on one of the extreme end.

P’s brother-in-law sits at extreme left end.

S sits third to the left of P, who is mother of T.

U sits immediate right of his spouse.

Q sits immediate left of T, who does not sit at any end.

R has two children.

Common Solution:

Now, U sits third to the right of his granddaughter. V sits adjacent to U. So, there are two cases,

Case 1

Case 2

Now, U sits immediate right of his spouse. And, U’s gender is same as V. So, case 1 is rejected. Now, Q sits immediate left of T, who does not sit at any end. And, S sits third to the left of P, who is mother of T. So, S sits immediate left of Q. Also, R has two children. So, P and Q must be children of R.

The final arrangement and figure is shown below,

Question 1: Who among the following is the son-in-law of Q?

a. T

b. P

c. V

d. R

e. None of these

Answer: c


V is the son-in-law of Q.

Hence, option c.

Question 2: Who sits at the extreme left end?

a. Q

b. T

c. P

d. S

e. None of these

Answer: d

S sits at the extreme left end.

Hence, option d.

Question 3: Who sits in the middle of the row?

a. R

b. P

c. U

d. V

e. None of these

Answer: b


P sits in the middle of the row.

Hence, option b.

Question 4: Who is the wife of U?

a. P

b. Q

c. R

d. T

e. None of these

Answer: c


R is the wife of U.

Hence, option c.

Question 5: How many persons sit to the right of Q?

a. Four

b. Three

c. One

d. Five

e. None of these

Answer: d


Five persons sit to the right of Q.

Hence, option d.

Computer Aptitude

Directions 12: Answer the questions based on the information given below:

Eight friends are sitting around a circular table as shown in a given figure. Each of them is facing the centre.

A dice is thrown and each of them is exchanging his/her seat according to the given conditions.

a. If an even composite number appears on the dice, then the persons, whose sum of the alphabetical positions of the letters of their names is between 30-40, then they will exchange their seats with the persons sitting 2nd to the left of them.

b. If 1 appears on the dice, then the persons, whose sum of the alphabetical positions of the letters of their names is between 40-50, then they will exchange their seats with the persons sitting 3rd to the left of them.

c. If odd prime number appears on the dice, then the persons, whose sum of the alphabetical positions of the letters of their names is between 50-60, then they will exchange their seats with the persons sitting 3rd to the right of them.

d. If an even prime number appears on the dice, then the persons, whose sum of the alphabetical positions of the letters of their names is between 60-70, then they will exchange their seats with the persons sitting opposite to them.

Question 1: A dice is thrown twice, then the first number appearing on dice is 3 and the 2nd number appearing on the dice is 2, then, what is the position of Amit with respect to Sam?

a. Immediate right

b. 3rd to the left

c. Immediate left

d. 2nd to the left

e. None of these

Answer: d


After applying first condition, 3 is an odd prime number, so, Ruhi and Bhumi will exchange their seats with the persons sitting 3rd to the right of them.



After applying condition 2, Suhana-64 and Vivan-68 will exchange their seats with the persons sitting opposite to them.

The final arrangement is as follows:

Amit is sitting 2nd to the left of Sam.

Hence, option d.

Question 2: If the number appearing on the dice is 1, then what is the position of Bhumi with respect to Suhana?

a. 2nd to the right

b. 3rd to the right

c. 3rd to the left

d. 2nd to the left

e. None of these

Answer: b


After applying the given condition, so, Amit-43 and Pari-44 will exchange their seats with the persons sitting 2nd to the right of them.

The final arrangement is as follows:

Bhumi is sitting 3rd to the right of Suhana.

Hence, option b.

Data Interpretation

Directions: Answer the questions based on the information given below.

There was an election between two candidates for the post of Mayor in a city. The given figure represents the information regarding the election in a city.

Common Solution:

Number of valid votes = 3120/(0.70 – 0.30) = 3120/0.40 = 7800

Number of people who voted = 7800/0.75 = 10400

Total number of voters in the voter list = 10400/0.65 = 16000

So, X = 16000

Q1. If the ratio of the male population to female population who were in the voter list is 5:3, then find the total female population of the city who were in the voter list.

a) 8000

b) 4800

c) 7200

d) 6000

e) None of these

Ans: d


Required total female population of the city who were in the voter list = 3/8 × 16000 = 6000

Hence, option d.

Q2. If 80% of the total population of the city were in the voter list, then find the total population of the city.

a) 20000

b) 21000

c) 24000

d) 18000

e) 15000

Ans: a


Required total population of the city = 16000/0.8 = 20000

Hence, option a.

We hope that the above article would help you in getting a good idea of how to deal with new pattern questions. If you have any suggestion/comment for us, we are all ears. Just use the comment box below.

Nikunj Barnwal

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