Dear candidates! The CRPF ASI/HCM 2023 Prelims exam is falling on 22nd Feb 2023 and will continue till 28th Feb 2023. With only 8 days left for the Exam, we have brought you an 8-day super-fast revision plan recommended by subject experts and used by toppers to beat the previous exams. You must leave no stone unturned in revising the syllabus and making a perfect strategy to deal with the exam. As the CRPF ASI/HCM 2023 exam is going to test your knowledge and time-management skills, it is important to have a calculated section-wise strategy to clear the exam.
So, if you seriously want this government job, you should waste no time, and start practicing from the 8-day revision plan coupled with a Free Mock Test given below.
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Click Here to GET FREE CRPF ASI/HCM Mock Test & Analyze Yourself
CRPF ASI/HCM Exam Pattern 2023
Central Reserve Police Force Head Constable (Ministerial) will be selected on the basis of written examination, physical standard test, and medical examination. The questions in the exam will be at the high school level. CRPF HCM Written Exam will be of 100 marks with a total of 100 questions and the duration of the exam will be 2 (two) hours. CRPF Head Constable Syllabus 2023 includes General Knowledge and Reasoning Ability, Intellectual Ability and Mental Aptitude, Hindi or English, and Science and Simple Arithmetic subjects. There will be any negative marking of 1/4th in the written test. The minimum required cut-off marks for a general candidate is 35, and OBC, ST, and SC cut-off marks are 33.
Sr. No. | Name of the Subject | Number of Questions | Marks for each Question | Duration |
1 | Hindi or English language | 25 | 25 | 90 Minutes/100 marks |
2 | General Intelligence & Reasoning | 25 | 25 | |
3 | Numerical Aptitude | 25 | 25 | |
4 | General Awareness | 25 | 25 |
Note: General Awareness, General Intelligence & Reasoning, and Numerical Aptitude sections will be in bilingual format.
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CRPF ASI/HCM 2023-Last 8 Days Revision for 22nd February 2023
Here’s an 8-Day revision plan with Mock Tests that will surely help you cover all the scoring topics and make you well-prepared to take the upcoming CRPF ASI and Head Constable exam with confidence.
S. No. | General Intelligence & Reasoning Section | General Awareness Section | Numerical Ability Section | English Language Section |
Day 1 | Analogy Take a Free Mock Test | Static General Knowledge | Fundamental Arithmetical operations | Ability to understand correct English |
Day 2 | Classification Take Mock Test 1 | Indian States and Union Territories | Decimals and Fractions and Ratio and Time Percentages | English Grammar Take Mock Test 2 |
Day 3 | Practice Coding-decoding Take Mock Test 3 | Current Affairs | Relationship between Numbers Time and Distance | Synonyms & Antonyms |
Day 4 | Paper folding method Take Mock Test 4 | Sports, People in news | Discount | Idioms and Phrases |
Day 5 | Matrix Take Mock Test 5 | Books and Authors | Time and Work | Error Spotting |
Day 6 | Practice Venn Diagram Take Mock Test 6 | Important Schemes | Use of Table and Graphs | Basic comprehension and writing ability |
Day 7 | Practice Blood Take Mock Test 7 | History | Computation of Whole Numbers | Sentence Completion |
Day 8 | Relations Series Take Mock Test 8 | Geography | Mensuration | Revise Vocabulary |
Subject-wise Important Topics for CRPF ASI/Head Constable Exam 2023
The topics we are about to discuss will help you in understanding the emphasis you should give to different topics from the exam syllabus while preparing or revising the upcoming CRPF ASI/Head Constable Exam 2023. The section-wise important topics will also help you in deciding the order in which you should attempt the questions in the upcoming CRPF ASI/Head Constable Exam 2023 exam. It is also important to ensure you understand the concepts properly before practicing the topics given below to score maximum marks in the prelims exam.
CRPF Head Constable Syllabus for General Intelligence & Reasoning Section
- Classification
- Analogy
- Practice Coding-decoding
- Paper folding method
- Matrix
- Word Formation
- Practice Venn Diagram
- Direction & Distance
- Practice Blood Relations
- Series
- Practice Verbal Reasoning
- Practice Non-verbal reasoning
CRPF Head Constable Important Topics for General Awareness Section
- Static General Knowledge
- Indian States and Union Territories
- Current Affairs
- Sports
- Books and Authors
- Important Schemes
- People in news
- History
- Geography
- Economics
- Awards and Honors
- Science & Technology
CRPF Head Constable Syllabus Important Topics for Numerical Ability Section
- Fundamental Arithmetical operations
- Decimals and Fractions and Relationship between Numbers
- Time and Distance
- Discount
- Averages
- Interest
- Mensuration
- Time and Work
- Number Systems
- Profit and Loss
- Use of Table and Graphs
- Ratio and Time
- Percentages, Ratio & proportion
- Computation of Whole Numbers
CRPF Head Constable Important Topics for the English Language Section
- Ability to understand correct English
- Basic comprehension and writing ability
- Error Spotting
- Fill in the blanks
- Vocabulary
- Spellings
- English Grammar
- Idioms and Phrases
- Sentence Structure
- Synonyms & Antonyms
- Sentence Completion
- Phrases and Idiomatic use of Words, etc.
CRPF Head Constable Important Topics for the Hindi Language Section
- व्याकरण
- शब्दों का उपयोग
- तत्सम एवं तदभव
- वाक्यांशों के लिए शब्द निर्माण
- कारक
- लिंग
- त्रुटि से सम्बंधित अनेकार्थी शब्द
- सन्धि
- समास
- शब्दावली
- पर्यायवाची शब्द /समानार्थी शब्द
CRPF Head Constable Preparation Tips 2023
It is important to craft a good preparation strategy to cover the CRPF Head Constable Syllabus in its entirety. Some of the important CRPF HC preparation tips are given below:
- Go through the latest syllabus and exam pattern carefully and prepare accordingly.
- Get the best but few books for preparation.
- Make the best study schedule and follow it rigorously.
- Try to master all basic as well as difficult concepts of the entire syllabus.
- Make short notes for revision.
- Do regular practice to Improve your accuracy and speed.
- Take CRPF ASI/HCM Mock Tests to improve your time management skills and keep analyzing your performance.
- Give priority to each subject on the basis of the weightage of the questions.
- Take brief notes on current events.
- Practice Quant shortcuts and formulas.
- Try to practice simple topics first for Reasoning. Also, work on your vocabulary and Parts of Speech rules to improve your score in the English/Hindi section.
- After preparation, revise all the topics completely.
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Click Here to GET FREE CRPF HCM Mock Test & Analyze Yourself
Benefits of the Last Revision Mock Tests for CRPF ASI/HCM exam 2023 (22nd February 2023)

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