Can SSC CGL be Cracked in 3 Months?
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If you’re reading this article, you must have an interest in clearing the SSC CGL Exam. SSC CGL is a reputed exam clearing which can get you jobs like Assistant Audit Officer, Assistant Accounts Officer, Assistant Section Officer etc. A number of government job aspirants look forward to clearing this exam to get these lucrative posts and this undoubtedly increases the competition for you. Moreover, the number of vacancies are not revealed yet in this examination. So it’s imperative that you put your best foot forward while preparing for this exam.

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Considering the fact that SSC CGL 2020 Tier I will take place on May 29, 2021, there are only 74 days left in the exam. So obviously, there are less than 3 months left in the exam but it doesn’t mean that you can’t crack it in this duration. Even if you are going to face a competitive exam for the first time, with a proper strategy you can crack the SSC CGL exam in your first attempt itself. So what are you waiting for? Get started with your preparation to clear this exam. In this article, we will be providing you with the guidance to achieve this feat.

Know the SSC CGL Exam Pattern Well

  • This is a no-brainer. Unless you know the exam pattern well you can’t formulate a strategy to make the most out of it.
  • Be very thorough with what all sections are there in the Tier I exam which will take place on May 29, 2021. Also, be informed of the number of the questions in different sections and the time you get to answer them.
  • Unlike banking exams, SSC CGL Tier I exam has a negative marking of 0.50 mark.
  • The total time allowed is 60 minutes.

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SSC CGL 2020 Tier I Exam Pattern

Serial No.SectionsNo. of QuestionsTotal Marks
1General Intelligence and Reasoning2550
2General Awareness2550
3Quantitative Aptitude2550
4English Comprehension2550

Know the SSC CGL Tier I Syllabus Well

  • Knowing what topics are there in the Tier I syllabus is the next important thing in your preparatory journey.
  • More importantly, you need to know which are the easy & moderate topics for you in each of the sections. See! It’s not about answering each and every question asked in the exam. Rather it’s about securing as many marks as possible so as to clear the cut-off.
  • So why not do it by selecting the easy & moderate topics first and be proficient in them.
  • You can always learn the basics of difficult topics so that if you spot any easy question of a difficult topic (say probability), you can answer them.
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  • The knowledge of syllabus becomes important when the exam is near and you need to revise. You would always like to ensure that there isn’t any important topic which you might have missed.

We are providing you with the detailed syllabus below:

General Intelligence & ReasoningGeneral Awareness
Address matchingInternational Affairs
AnalogiesNational Affairs
Arithmetic number seriesFeatures of Indian Economy
Arithmetical reasoning and figural classificationWorld Geography
Classification of centre codes/roll numbersPhysical Geography
Coding & de-codingHistory of India
Coding and decodingWorld History
Critical thinkingIndian Polity & Constitution
Date & city matchingBiology
Decision makingChemistry
Decoding and classificationComputer
DiscriminationDiscoveries & Inventions
Drawing inferencesOther Information
Embedded figuresPhysics
Emotional intelligenceSpace, Defence in India
Figural analogyHonours & Awards
Figural classificationImportant Dates
Figural pattern – folding and completionMiscellaneous
Figural seriesNational & International Organizations
IndexingOther Information
Non-verbal seriesArt & Culture
Number seriesBooks & Authors
Numerical operations 
Problem solving 
Punched hole/pattern –folding & unfolding 
Relationship concepts 
Semantic classification 
Semantic series 
Similarities and differences 
Small & capital letters/numbers coding, decoding and classification 
Social intelligence 
Space orientation 
Space visualization 
Spatial orientation 
Statement conclusion 
Syllogistic reasoning, semantic analogy 
Symbolic operations 
Symbolic/number analogy 
Symbolic/number classification 
Venn diagrams 
Visual memory 
Word building

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Quantitative AptitudeEnglish Comprehension
AverageCloze Test
Boat & StreamCorrect Usage
Compound & Simple InterestError Spotting
LCM & HCFFillers – Single, Double
Mixture & AlligationIdioms and Phrases
PartnershipOdd One Out
PercentageOne Word Substitution
Pipes & CisternParajumbles
Problem on AgesParagraph Completion
Profit loss & DiscountReading Comprehension
Ratio ProportionSentence Improvement
Speed, time, and workSynonyms/ Antonyms
Time work & wagesVocabulary based questions
Miscellaneous Word/Phrase Replacement
Data Interpretation 
Standard Identities 
Complementary angles 
Heights and Distances 

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Get Started with Your Preparation

  • Now that you have a complete understanding of the exam pattern and the syllabus, it’s time to get started with your preparation.
  • Please bear in mind that you need to devote at least 6-7 hours on a daily basis towards SSC CGL preparation.
  • Pick a topic from each of the sections. Say, you have picked ‘Percentage’. Clear its basic concepts by solving at least 100 questions. This may sound more to you, but this is exactly the reason why we have asked you to devote 6-7 hours on a daily basis.
  • Check its shortcuts by watching online videos. For eg. if you have to increase an amount by 10%, you don’t need to calculate 10% and then add the amount to it. You can simply multiply it by 1.1.
  • Similarly, there are other shortcuts for different topics. Now your dilemma would be how to memorize so many shortcuts.
  • The trick is to practice so many questions using shortcuts that you almost memorize them. Remember: You really need to be good with shortcuts to clear SSC CGL exam. Without the appropriate shortucts and practice, it’s difficult to clear this exam.
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  • Always get into the basics of the shortcuts and understand why they are the way they are. If you understand a shortcut, and even if there’s a slight change in the format of the question, you can make the adjustment in the shortcut too and answer the question. If you use a shortcut without understanding it, you may end up with an incorrect answer.
  • Once you gained mastery on the shortcuts, start practicing sectional tests and mock tests. Once you are in an environment with a time-limit, you will be realizing the benefits of using shortcuts.
  • Consistent practice with sectional & mock tests will definitely improve your performamce.

This is all from us in this article. Remember: It’s only with practice that you can clear this exam within 3 months. Don’t fall shy of practicing mock tests and review their analysis. Keep taking feedback from the analysis and keep striving to improve on your performance.

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Wishing you good luck with your preparation!

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