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IBPS Clerk Exam held on 28 August only a few days are left. As we know this exam has a wide audience of aspirants which means there was a big competition in the exam On the other side in previous blogs we have already discussed the study plan which helps you maintain your consistency. Now, In this blog, we are going to discuss the preparation tips and strategies as well as the best Mock test which help you in analyzing your performance for the IBPS Clerk exam 2022. So, you will get an overview of the banking exam and this article will be helpful for you as well as make you score well in exams without any difficulties. Firstly have a look at the exam pattern below.


IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern 2022

SectionsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksTime Duration
English Language303020 minutes
Numerical Ability353520 minutes
Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes/ 1 hour

Strategy for English Language Section

  • Focus & consist on these topics: Fill in the blanks, Para jumbles, word usage, error spotting, and reading comprehension, etc
  • Mostly, 8-10 questions come from comprehension, while the other 20-22 questions from other topics.
  • Start reading regularly. Reading newspapers, editorials, books, etc improves your basics as well as builds up your grammar as well as vocabulary.
  • Take up daily work on verbs and their different forms, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, etc.
  • Adopt the best study plan + good content mock test

Strategy For Numerical Ability Section

  • Remember that speed your calculation with shortcuts and tricks, which don’t take much time. even don’t spend a long time on one question.
  • Spend time on multiplication tables and squares and cubes of the first 30 natural numbers. Focus on topics like Profit and Loss, Time and Speed, Time and Work, Simple and Compound Interest, Mensuration, etc.
  • There will be Data Interpretation (DI) questions like tables, pie charts, bar graphs, case lets, etc. More practice brings the higher chances of success.

Strategy For Reasoning Ability Section

  • Focus on Puzzles (Arrangement based sets of questions), Syllogism, Blood Relations, Coding-Decoding, Inequalities, etc.
  • It depends on your logic and understanding question.
  • Do not rush while reading the question, as simple things don’t make silly mistakes if you are not comfortable with question. its impact on your overall marks.

More Tips For IBPS Clerk 2022 exam

  • Revise important topics on a daily basis.
  • Follow best study plan which cover the all topics.
  • Spend time on useful preparation material.
  • Refer to best books and Previous years question papers for preparation.
  • Use quality mock tests, Practicemock provide exact level of real exam.
  • Always updated with new current affairs.

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