The RBI Grade B exam is undoubtedly one of the most coveted exams in India. And its preparation also requires a lot of hard work and effort. The reason for this is that, due to the vast syllabus, you need not only a lot of hard work but also a variety of resources. These study materials and resources should cover all topics of economics, finance, current affairs, and management. Along with this, you must follow a structured approach every day consistently. Although there are many books available in both offline and online markets, not all are effective. To strengthen your foundation, you must choose the right books for your preparation. In this blog, we will take a look at the best books, the best mock tests, and online resources to skyrocket your RBI Grade B preparation from day 1.
Also, know why RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam: The Silent Eliminator of 99% Aspirants & What is the Finance and Management Syllabus for RBI Grade B Exam?
For RBI Grade B exam preparation, it is important that enough time is given to each section’s topics and all topics are covered. Since the syllabus of each subject is quite extensive, you will need various types of study materials and resources to cover all the topics. These resources also include books, which are very helpful in covering many sections of both Phase 1 and Phase 2 syllabuses. Given below are the best books that will help you prepare all the sections like General Awareness (GA), English, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning, along with Phase 2 subjects like Economics and Finance.
GA is an essential part of the Phase 1 exam. In it, the Static GK part offers 10 to 15 marks, whereas the Current Affairs part offers 65 to 70 marks. The weightage clearly shows how Current Affairs makes up the majority of the GA section in the exam. So, it makes it mandatory to stay updated to deal with all types of questions that form the GA syllabus.
Here are some of the best books and resources that will help you master this scoring part of the exam.
Quantitative Aptitude is an essential part of Phase 1 and has a weightage of 20%. It will test your mathematical and problem-solving skills. The books below can help you cover mathematical concepts, problem-solving techniques, and shortcut methods.
Reasoning Ability is part of the Phase 1 exam. It carries 20% of the weightage. It will evaluate logical and analytical thinking via verbal and non-verbal reasoning. Given below are the books that can help you cover different types of reasoning questions, including puzzles, logical sequences, and arrangements.
The English Language section in Phase 1 holds 30% of the weightage. It tests, apart from other things, your reading comprehension skills, your grammar knowledge, and your vocabulary power. Here are some result-oriented books that cover English grammar rules, vocabulary building, comprehension practices, and more.
Economics and Finance is an important part of the RBI Grade B Phase 2 exam and holds significant weightage. It examines the knowledge of economic concepts, banking systems, and financial markets. Here are the best books that can help you cover economics, financial systems, and the latest developments in Indian and global finance.
Management is an important Phase 2 subject. It assesses knowledge of organizational structures, human resources, and management principles. Check out the two best books that cover management theories, principles, and practices within organizations, and more.
Books help in building a strong foundation and provide clarity on many topics, but dear candidate, we definitely do not recommend that you just sit with books and prepare solely from them. This is because the RBI Grade B exam syllabus covers a wide range of topics, some of which are of a very dynamic nature. For instance, current affairs, economic trends, and new government schemes. Especially when it comes to current affairs and financial developments, books become outdated.
Books cannot completely cover these topics because they are not published every week. Furthermore, these books mainly cover theoretical knowledge and do not provide enough practice, which is extremely crucial during exam preparation. We can say here that even a genius student might not clear the exam without practice. On the other hand, with enough practice, even a less intelligent candidate can clear the exam.
Therefore, mock test practice, quizzes, solving previous years’ question papers – all these things are incredibly important. Through these, you will not only learn how to manage your time effectively but also get accustomed to the exam format. Without these, you won’t be able to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge required to deal with exam pressure and perform well.
If you are talking about preparing for a big exam like RBI Grade B, it is impossible not to mention Mock Tests. This is because mock tests practically replicate the actual exam environment. That means, whenever a candidate attempts a mock test, they are facing the real exam environment. And if a candidate performs well in mock tests, it is highly likely that they will perform similarly in the real exam. This has generally been observed. Since mock tests replicate the real RBI Grade B exam, if you want to know how, you can take a Free RBI Grade B Phase 1 Mock Test. Through this, you will quickly find out your weaknesses and the areas where you are strong.
Apart from books and mock tests, PracticeMock offers comprehensive online courses tailored specifically for both RBI Grade B Phase 1 and Phase 2 exams. These courses are designed as a roadmap for your preparation, ensuring that you cover all the topics in the syllabus with the right approach. The courses also come with personalized study plans, expert guidance, and a wealth of practice tests to help you succeed.
Now, you must have understood very well that books play a very important role in RBI Grade B preparation. But these are not the only resources you should rely on completely. Along with books, you must follow other resources as well, and incorporate regular mock tests and quizzes into your routine. Complement your study material with regular practice through mock tests and quizzes. This will help you evaluate your progress and prepare thoroughly for the exam. Additionally, if you opt for any effective online courses, your chances of success will increase even more. Such pocket-friendly courses are brought to you by PracticeMock. Because it is the right books and resources that lead to success, and all these things, according to the teachings of Hinduism, act as mother Saraswati who gives birth to every topper.
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