Ayushi Tyagi cleared RRB Scale I Officer with her dedication and hard work. She faced many setbacks during her exam preparation, but every time she came back with more enthusiasm. She appeared in many other exams as well and in this article she has explained her complete success journey in detail which is very impressive. She has explained each section in detail and how she managed to prepare for English, Quant, Reasoning and General Awareness sections. So, those who are trying hard and working towards in achieving their goal of clearing the upcoming examinations then it is a must read for them. Read her success story below:
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Hi, this is Ayushi Tyagi and I cleared RRB Scale I Officer this year. As far as my success journey is concerned, so far as my journey is good but it seems like life has stopped for me. I started preparing by joining a coaching institute for 3 months, after that i decided to prepare on my own. I’ve faced many setbacks during my preparation but every time i came back with more enthusiasm. because this is the only thing I prepared for and i want to achieve it and most importantly i enjoyed my success and analyzed my mistakes every time. Despite all the problems i enjoyed my journey.
I have given the below mentioned exams in the past:
English Section Preparation Strategy
I am fond of reading and today we all are aware of the banking exam pattern. My reading habit helped me in solving reading comprehension. by attempting mock i made myself familiar with the types of questions that can be asked. I mugged up basic grammar rules.
Quantitative Aptitude Section Preparation Strategy
Quantitative aptitude section is one of my weakest section i just practiced basic concepts and attempted mock test from practice mock and analyzed every question and many of the concepts from the explanation given in the mock analysis. i completely relied on PracticeMock for this section when the exam is near.
Reasoning Section Preparation Strategy
In reasoning section i cleared all types of concepts on which question can be asked in the examination. after doing that i attempted sectional test of PracticeMock and downloaded various PDFs from different sources .reasoning is one of my fav subject.so i enjoyed making puzzles and every topic interests me in this section.
General Awareness Section Preparation Strategy
While preparing for pre exam i started studying general awareness from affairs cloud and study iq and when the revision time comes PracticeMock released a 500 BEST QUESTION PDF . it helps in revising almost every thing.
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Bank exams require more strategy and planning. You’ve to see where your strength lies, and capitalize on that. Say, you’re extraordinary in Quant and Reasoning, but not quite in GA and English. In this case, try to maximize your marks in these two sections, and try to clear the cutoff, somehow, in the other two sections. I’ll share it in the order of my preparation level in each section, in decreasing order.
ENGLISH-:Start with the topics – Fill in the blanks and Cloze test. Para Jumbles are easy to score, so attempt these as well. Spotting Error is a bit time-consuming. Just in case, if you are not good at it, leave it for reviewing it towards the end of the section. For the Reading Comprehension part, read the passage carefully and then try to locate the answer to the questions stated below the passage. Vocabulary-based questions like synonyms and antonyms of the bold words can be done soon after the passage has been read. After that give a quick search for answers in the passage, if you get it there. Otherwise, move on to solve the next set of questions.
QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE-:In the Quantitative Aptitude section, the moment you look at the question it gives you an idea which topics you’re good at and can solve quickly and easily. Take the question that you can solve and without wasting time, quickly start solving it. Do not get wedded to a particular question. If you are unable to solve a question, it is advisable to leave it aside and move on to the next question. It is important to remember that solving one hard question will fetch you the same marks as an easy one. Forget the problems that you have dropped, there is no point stressing over it and wasting time on complex questions. One key point to note is that never make wild or random guesses for Quantitative questions.
SBI Clerk Prelims free mock test
REASONING-:This section is a time-consuming section and you need to devote 20 minutes for this section. As this section includes tricky and confusing questions, start solving the questions which are small and logical, like Blood Relations, Coding-Decoding, Directions, etc. Once you’ve finished solving the easy ones in which you’re confident to score well, you can start with questions on Sitting Arrangement, Syllogisms, Critical Path and other complex problems
GENERAL AWARENESS-:Reading the newspaper daily Staying updated with the Global news of about 6 months before the exam date Be aware of the latest Schemes launched by the Government Study through the monthly or weekly editions of the current affairs magazines OR ONLINE PLATFORMS ON YOUTUBE Special emphasis must be given to General Knowledge.
Yes, i have faced many hurdles ,as i belong to a small village in sharanpur(UP). there is no coaching institute in near 18 km vicinity and people are not that much aware of the value of education here and when i was facing failures back to back everyone was losing hope in me but my FATHER and my friends SONALI AND SIMRAN. these people are the real reasons i’m writing this today. i can’t thank them enough for always having my back. after my result having sorry in it the only thing they said was ayushi we know you can do it. and SIMRAN said that she is going to write a book of my struggle and for that she need content that’s why my selection is taking time. These three were my support and my will to achieve something helped me overcome every hurdle and will always be helping in my future endeavors.
I get to know about PracticeMock from a friend. we have heard that PRACTICE MAKES A MAN PERFECT like that PRACTICEMOCK MAKES AN ASPIRANT PERFECT.
1)First of all PracticeMock added perspective to my preparation. every time i went for a mock, i faced questions that i hadn’t even thought of before.
2)It helped me found my loops and problem areas and helped me in improving those with the excellent analysis report and explanations.
3) The questions in mocks were similar to actual exam. this year SBI gave only 10 days to prepare for mains exam so i completely relied on PM MOCK TEST and i felt like i was attempting the actual exam and i found the exam pattern same as i was attempting in mock.
1) Don’t appear SSC,BANK,RAILWAY at a same time you can’t catch two rabbits at a same time.
2)if you really wish for it,then stop taking others opinion in your mind and prepare completely emerging into it.
3) make your basics strong, don’t try to mug up short tricks.
4) self preparation is always more effective.
5)make your strategy wisely. choose what to appear and what to skip and that will be possible by giving mocks.
7) whenever you feel down ,think about your special category friends and realtives.
8) Always be eager to learn something. life is all about learning and improving yourself. NOTHING IS BETTER THAN EXPLORING YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL. NEVER SETTLE OR LET THE HUNGER OF IMPROVEMENT DIE.
So, here is what Ayushi Tyagi has to say regarding her success journey. If you are a banking aspirant, you must know the importance of mock tests and thus keep practicing the same. This brings us to the end of this article. For more such inspiring success stories visit here and if you have cleared any exam, write your success story here.
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