RRB PO/Clerk Mains English
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The Prelims for both IBPS RRB PO and IBPS RRB Clerk is now over and its time to get your hands onto the mains examination. Admist the COVID-19 pandemic the exams are taking place in a usual way, however with extra precautions in terms of social distancing etc. Now, its time to prepare for the Mains for RRB OS1 and RRB OA. As far as the tentative exam dates for the RRB PO Mains and RRB Clerk Mains is concerned the exams are expected to happen on 25th September & 3rd Oct, 2021 respectively.

Holi Sale

English section is one of the most important sections of all and as you must have witnessed that it was not there in the Prelims. Though, it was a sigh of relief for few then, but now there is no chance that you can escape this in RRB PO and Clerk Mains 2021 examination. Though, there is still a chance that you can miss onto the English section if you have selected Hindi language as your preference. This article is specifically for those candidates who have selected English language as their preference. Let’s take a sneak peak into the exam pattern and the preparation strategy.

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IBPS RRB PO Mains Exam Pattern

SectionNumber of QuestionsMarksTime Allotted
Reasoning Ability4050A cumulative time of 2 hours
Quantitative Aptitude4050
General Awareness4040
English/Hindi Language4040
Computer Knowledge4020

RRB PO mains free mock test

IBPS RRB Clerk Mains Exam Pattern

SectionNumber of QuestionsMarksTime Allotted
Reasoning Ability4050A cumulative time of 2 hours
Quantitative Aptitude4050
General Awareness4040
English/Hindi Language4040
Computer Knowledge4020

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As we can see the weightage of the English section in RRB PO mains and RRB Clerk mains examinations is equal to other sections so we can clearly say that this section is equivalent scoring to other sections. Thus, this section needs to be strategized properly.

Important English Topics for IBPS RRB Mains Exam

As far as RRB PO and RRB Clerk mains English section is concerned, here are some important topics which are usually asked in the examination and these are categorized under the following:

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Cloze Test
  • Miscellaneous Topics (Fill in the Blanks, Error Spotting, Phrase Replacement, Idioms/Phrases, Synonyms & Antonyms etc)

Out of the above mentioned ones RC is one of the most scoring ones and must be prepared well by practicing a lot. Let’s analyze the preparation strategy for the Reading Comprehension.

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Reading Comprehension

One must broaden his or her knowledge by reading from a good source on a regular basis like The Hindu etc. It not only helps enhance your vocabulary, but it gives you a fair idea as how to deal other kinds of questions and even increases your reading speed which is required to do well in the reading comprehension section. Practice packages which covers all types of questions.

Cloze Test

In order to solve questions in this section requires knowledge of reading comprehension along with the grammatical concepts. All basic grammatical concepts is to be known well in order to answer the questions correctly. The knowledge of grammar is required so that candidates can make use of the elimination method to weed out the wrong answers.

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As far as miscellaneous questions are concerned topics related to grammar must be revised regularly and thus, aspirants will be able to answer these questions properly. Lot of vocabulary based questions are asked including synonyms, antonyms, one-word substitution, spelling errors etc. These questions requires constant practice and one must start creating their own vocabulary list by noting down all difficult words from any source. This is one of the best ways to enhance your vocabulary in a short period of time.

As far as RRB PO mains and RRB Clerk mains examination is concerned one can expect questions from moderate to difficult level, thus the only way to deal and ace this particular section is by practicing a lot.

Tips to Prepare for English Section for RRB PO/Clerk Mains

Follow these tips mentioned below and do well in the English section:

  • Attempt sectional mock tests in order to analyze your performance.
  • Learn basic grammar rules, as this will be helpful in solving spotting error and sentence improvement questions.
  • Practice questions like sentence rearrangement, para jumbles, sentence correction, cloze test, sentence and paragraph completion etc.
  • Attempt English quizzes

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This brings us to the end of this article. Start preparing for IBPS RRB PO and RRB Clerk Mains without any delay further and stay ahead of other aspirants preparing for the same.

All the Best!

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