Percentage Quant Concept, Tricks & Calculation Shortcuts
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Percentages is quite an important concept and it is applicable in almost all the concepts of quantitative aptitude. For those who are preparing for the upcoming SBI Clerk and RBI Assistant exams it is important to understand the basics of this concept in order to solve these kinds of questions well in the exam. Here we are going to discuss the Percentage Quant Concept, Tricks & Calculation Shortcuts. 

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If ‘A’ is ‘m%’ more than ‘B’, then ‘B’ is {100m/(100 + m)}% less than ‘A’.

Similarly, if ‘A’ is ‘m%’ less than B’, then ‘B’ is {100m/(100 – m)}% more than ‘A’.

Percentage increase in a number = {Total increase/Initial value} × 100

Percentage decrease in a number = {Total decrease/Initial value} × 100

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Percentage Quant Concept, Tricks & Calculation Shortcuts  

Question 1: In an election in a city, two candidates were there. If candidate A got 60% of total votes cast, then he won by 440 votes. If 300 people (voters) had not cast their vote, then find the number of voters in the city. (All votes cast were valid)

A) 2400

B) 2800

C) 2200

D) 3000

E) 2500

Question 2: A man divided Rs. 7080 among his three children such that Ajatshatru received 20% more than Nirbhaya, and Suryanshu received 25% less than Nirbhaya. What is the share of Ajatshatru?

A) Rs. 1920

B) Rs. 2150

C) Rs. 2400

D) Rs. 2880

E) Rs. 3000

Question 3: Male population and female population of city X in 2017 are in the ratio of 8:5, respectively. In 2018, male population of city X is decreased by 25%, and female population of city X is increased by 40% with respect to previous year. Find the percentage increase/decrease in the population of city X in 2018 as compared to 2017.

A) No change

B) 12.5%

C) 33.33%

D) 20%

E) 8.33%

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Question 4: In an exam, the marks obtained by the Chetan was 18 less than the passing marks and the marks obtained by the Munna was 27 more than the passing marks. If Chetan and Munna got 30% and 45% marks, respectivelyin the exam, then what were the passing marks of the exam?

A) 132

B) 108

C) 120

D) 100

E) 92

Question 5: In an examination, 40% of the students passed in Maths and 60% passed in Hindi, while 25% students failed in both the subjects. If 150 students passed in both subjects, find the total number of students who appeared in the exam?

A) 450

B) 500

C) 600

D) 640

E) 750

Question 6: An election was held between three persons Hemant, Raghubar and Shibu. Total votes got by Shibu is 25% of total votes cast and Hemant got 35% of total valid votes. If total number of votes cast were 2400 out of which 10% votes were declared invalid then find number of valid votes cast in favour of Raghubar.

A) 788

B) 856

C) 712

D) 804

E) 832

Question 7: Three members A, B and C contested the election. 12% of the votes cast are invalid. Out of the valid votes, A secured 25% votes and B secured 40% votes and won by 77 votes with respect to C. Find the total number of votes (invalid + valid) cast.

A) 2000

B) 1850

C) 1750

D) 1800

E) None of these

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Question 8: ‘B’ is 25% more than ‘A’. If ‘A’ had been 48 more and ‘B’ had been 20 less, then the ratio of A to B would have been 4:1. Find the sum of ‘A’ and ‘B’.

A) 54

B) 68

C) 72

D) 86

E) None of these

Question 9: In a library 60% of the books are in English. The number of books in Hindi is 25% of the number of English books. The number of books in Urdu is 72% of the number of Hindi books and rest books are in Sanskrit. If number of Sanskrit books in library is 355, then find the number of Urdu books in library.

A) 270

B) 320

C) 360

D) 250

E) None of these

Question 10: Two students appeared in an exam and one secured 15 marks more than the other. If marks of student who got more marks is 52% of the sum of the marks of both of them, then find the marks obtained by them.

A) 175, 160

B) 185, 170

C) 195, 180

D) 135, 120

E) 205, 190

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प्रश्न 1: एक शहर में एक चुनाव में, दो उम्मीदवार थे। यदि उम्मीदवार A को कुल मतों का 60% मिला, तो वह 440 मतों से जीता। यदि 300 व्यक्तियों (मतदाताओं) ने अपना वोट नहीं डाला था, तो शहर में मतदाताओं की संख्या ज्ञात करें? (सभी वोट वैध थे)

A) 2400

B) 2800

C) 2200

D) 3000

E) 2500

प्रश्न 2: एक व्यक्ति ने Rs. 7080 अपने तीन बच्चों के बीच वितरित किये जिससे कि Ajatshatru को Nirbhaya से 20% अधिक और Suryanshu को Nirbhaya से 25% कम प्राप्त हुआ। Ajatshatru का हिस्सा ज्ञात करें ?

A) Rs. 1920

B) Rs. 2150

C) Rs. 2400

D) Rs. 2880

E) Rs. 3000

प्रश्न 3: 2017 में शहर X की पुरुष जनसँख्या और महिला जनसँख्या का अनुपात क्रमशः 8:5 है|पिछले वर्ष की तुलना में 2018 में शहर X की पुरुष जनसँख्या 25% से कम होती है और महिला जनसँख्या 40% से बढ़ती है|2017 की तुलना में 2018 में शहर X की जनसँख्या में प्रतिशत वृद्धि/गिरावट ज्ञात करें|

A) No change

B) 12.5%

C) 33.33%

D) 20%

E) 8.33%

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प्रश्न 4: एक परीक्षा में, Chetan द्वारा प्राप्त अंक उत्तीर्ण अंकों से 18 कम थे और Munna द्वारा प्राप्त अंक उत्तीर्ण अंकों से 27 अधिक थे। यदि Chetan और Munna को परीक्षा में क्रमशः 30% और 45% अंक मिले हैं, तो परीक्षा के उत्तीर्ण अंक कितने थे ?

A) 132

B) 108

C) 120

D) 100

E) 92

प्रश्न 5: एक परीक्षा में, 40% छात्र Maths में पास करते हैं और 60% Hindi में पास करते है, जबकि 25% छात्र दोनों विषय में फेल होते है|यदि 150 छात्र दोनों विषय में पास करते है, तो परीक्षा में उपस्थित छात्रों की कुल संख्या कितनी है?

A) 450

B) 500

C) 600

D) 640

E) 750

प्रश्न 6: तीन व्यक्तियों Hemant, Raghubar और Shibu के बीच चुनाव हुआ। Shibu द्वारा प्राप्त वोट, कुल वोटों का 25% है और Hemant को कुल वैध वोटों का 35% वोट मिला है।यदि कुल वोटों की संख्या 2400 थी, जिसमें से 10% वोट अवैध घोषित किए गए, तो Raghubar के पक्ष में डाले गए वैध वोटों की संख्या ज्ञात करें?

A) 788

B) 856

C) 712

D) 804

E) 832

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प्रश्न 7: तीन सदस्यों A, B और C ने चुनाव लड़ा।डाले गए मतों में से 12% मत अवैध हैं।वैध मतों में से, A ने 25% मत प्राप्त किए और B ने 40% मत प्राप्त किए और C के संबंध में 77 मतों से जीत हासिल की।मतों की कुल संख्या (अवैध + वैध) ज्ञात करें?

A) 2000

B) 1850

C) 1750

D) 1800

E) इनमें से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 8: ‘B’, ‘A’ से 25% अधिक है। यदि ‘A’ 48 अधिक होता और ‘B’ 20 कम होता, तो A और B का अनुपात 4: 1 होता।‘A’ और ‘B’ का योग ज्ञात करें?

A) 54

B) 68

C) 72

D) 86

E) इनमें से कोई नहीं

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प्रश्न 9: एक पुस्तकालय में 60% पुस्तकें अंग्रेजी में हैं। हिंदी में पुस्तकों की संख्या अंग्रेजी पुस्तकों की संख्या का 25% है। उर्दू की पुस्तकों की संख्या हिंदी पुस्तकों की संख्या का 72% है और शेष पुस्तकें संस्कृत में हैं। यदि पुस्तकालय में संस्कृत पुस्तकों की संख्या 355 है, तो पुस्तकालय में उर्दू पुस्तकों की संख्या ज्ञात करें?

A) 270

B) 320

C) 360

D) 250

E) इनमें से कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 10: एक परीक्षा में दो छात्र उपस्थित हुए और एक ने दूसरे से 15 अंक अधिक हासिल किए। यदि अधिक अंक पाने वाले छात्र के अंक उन दोनों के अंकों के योग का 52% है, तो उनके द्वारा प्राप्त किए गए अंक ज्ञात करें?

A) 175, 160

B) 185, 170

C) 195, 180

D) 135, 120

E) 205, 190

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1) – E)2) – D)3) – A)4) – B)5) – C)6) – D)
7) – C)8) – C)9) – A)10) – C)  

Solution 1: E)

Let, total votes cast be ‘x’

So, 0.6x – 0.4x = 440

0.2x = 440

x = 2200

Total number of voters = 2200 + 300 = 2500  

Hence, option e.

Solution 2: D)

Let, amount received by Nirbhaya = Rs. x

So, amount received by Ajatshatru = Rs. 1.2x

So, amount received by Suryanshu = 0.75x

According to question,

x + 1.2x + 0.75x = 7080

2.95x = 7080

x = 7080/2.95

x = 2400

So, amount received by Ajatshatru = Rs. 1.2 × 2400 = Rs. 2880

Hence, option d.

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Solution 3: A)

Let the male population and female population of city X in 2017 be 8x and 5x, respectively.

Population of city X in 2017 = 8x + 5x = 13x

Male population of city X in 2018 = 0.75 × 8x = 6x

Female population of city X in 2018 = 1.40 × 5x = 7x

Population of city X in 2018 = 6x + 7x = 13x

So, there is no change in population of city X in 2018.

Hence, option a.

Solution 4: B)

Let total marks of the exam be ‘x’.

Marks obtained by Chetan = 30% of x = 3x/10

Marks obtained by Munna = 45% of x = 9x/20

Marks difference between Chetan and Munna will be 27 + 18 = 45

So, 9x/20 – 3x/10 = 45

(9x – 6x)/20 = 45

3x/20 = 45

3x = 900, x = 300

Required passing marks = 3x/10 + 18 = 90 + 18 = 108

Hence, option b.

Solution 5: C)

Let the total students be‘x’.

Students passed in Maths = x × 40% = 0.40x

Students passed in Hindi = x × 60% = 0.60x

Failed students = x × 25% = 0.25x

Passed students = x × 75% = 0.75x

The students who passed in both subjects = 0.4x + 0.6x – 0.75x = 0.25x

150 = 0.25x

x = 600

Hence, option c.

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Solution 6: D)

Total number of votes cast in favour of Shibu = 25% of 2400 = 600

Total number of valid votes = 2400 – 240 = 2160

Total number of votes cast in favour of Hemant = 35% of 2160 = 756

Total number of votes cast in favour of Raghubar = 2160 – (600 + 756) = 804

Hence, option d.

Solution 7: C)

Let the total number of votes (valid + invalid) cast be ‘x’.

So, number of valid votes = 0.88x

Votes secured by A = 0.88x × 0.25 = 0.22x

Votes secured by B = 0.4 × 0.88x = 0.352x

Votes secured by C = 0.35 × 0.88x = 0.308x

So, 0.352x – 0.308x = 77

0.044x = 77

x = 1750

So, total number of votes (invalid + valid) cast = 1750

Hence, option c.

Solution 8: C)

Let ‘A’ = x

Therefore, ‘B’ = 1.25x

According to the question,

(1.25x – 20)/(x + 48) = 1:4

Or, 5x – 80 = x + 48

Or, x = 32

Required sum = x + 1.25x = 2.25x = 72

Hence, option c.

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Solution 9: A)

Let total number of books in the library be 100x

Number of English books = 0.60 × 100x = 60x

Number of Hindi books = 0.25 × 60x = 15x

Number of Urdu books = 0.72 × 15x = 10.8x

So, 100x – 60x – 15x – 10.8x = 355

Or, 14.2x = 355

Or, x = 25

Total number of Urdu books in the library = 10.8 × 25 = 270

Hence, option a.

Solution 10: C)

Let total marks obtained by both of them is x and y respectively.

x – y = 15

And, x = 0.52 × (x + y)

x = 0.52 × (15 + y + y)

x = 0.52 × (15 + 2y)

x = 7.8 + 1.04y

15 + y = 7.8 + 1.04y

0.04y = 7.2

y = 180

x = 180 + 15 = 195

Hence, option c.

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Here we have to an end of this blog which makes every aspirant familiar with the Percentage Quant Concept, Tricks & Calculation Shortcuts. Attempt SBI Clerk prelims free mock test to know your weak areas and prepare well for the upcoming exam.

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