SSC MTS 2023 : Last Minute Tips to Score Full Marks
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The Staff Selection Commission has released a notification for the Requirement of MTS (Multi Tasking Staff) positions in various Central Government departments. SSC MTS is a Golden opportunity for 10th-pass candidates to work for the government in India. The SSC MTS exam is a national-level exam conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) to recruit candidates for various non-technical and non-gazetted posts in different departments, ministries and offices of the Government of India. The SSC MTS exam consists of three stages: a computer-based examination, a physical efficiency test (PET)/ physical standard test (PST) and a document verification round.


Only 2 days are left for the SSC MTS exam, all the candidates should revise all the topics of Tier 1 thoroughly, take mock tests and analyze your exam performance so that you can know about your exam preparation.

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SSC MTS 2023 Tier-1 Most Important Topics

Here are some of the most important and scoring topics:

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English Language Important Topics 

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Numerical Ability Important Topics  

SSC MTS 2023 Free Topic Tests

 General Intelligence & Reasoning Important Topics

Last Minute Tips for SSC MTS 

Revise Important Topics

You should revise all important topics that you have studied during your preparation. We can provide all the section-important topics so that you can score good marks in the SSC MTS exam. You can also make short notes or flashcards of the important formulas, facts, rules and concepts that you need to remember.

Revise Previous Year Question Paper

Before going for the exam, candidates must look at every topic, and Solve previous year’s papers, and try to learn the pattern of questions asked. Practice will increase your speed and accuracy without wasting time.

Time Management, Speed & Accuracy

Any Competitive exam demands speed and accuracy on your part. If you can solve easy questions quickly, you will get the required time to solve difficult and tricky questions. And, if time permits, you can leave the tricky questions for later. Try to solve those questions which you can solve easily and quickly. Do not attempt every question, but attempt each and every question which you feel you can solve quickly and accurately. Effective time management is one of the major keys to success in SSC MTS Exam.

Solve Mock Test for SSC MTS exam 

Candidates should revise all the topics of Tier 1 thoroughly, take mock tests and analyze your exam performance. Mock tests are an important part of your exam preparation because Mock Tests train your brain to attempt questions in set timing and make you exam ready.


These are some of the last-minute tips that can help you crack the SSC MTS exam. Remember to stay calm, confident and positive during the exam. Additionally, keep taking mock tests on a regular basis so that you can keep assessing your performance. Make a note of your weak areas and put extra efforts to improve upon them. 

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By Sweta Singh

I pen/write blogs to help aspirants prepare for SSC, Banking, and Engineering exams. These blogs turn out to be a one-stop destination for comprehensive information on some of the biggest competitive exams. My ultimate goal is to provide accurate and easy-to-understand information, covering topics like exam patterns, syllabus, study techniques, and more. Join me on this journey of knowledge!

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